Two days

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As months pass, Jessica become more and more well known.
She wasn't used to all the attention and just wanted to get away from it all.

Jessica was sitting on the counter and Alejandro was standing in front of her with her legs wrapped around his body and her arms around his neck.

"Mi Corazon, I think you and I need to take a trip.. Somewhere we can be alone without any distractions."
"Mmm!  I think that sounds amazing." She smiles.
"Yeah?  We could go to an island... Just you and I.. The hot sun, and no clothes."
"Cochino!" Jessica laughs.
"Oh says the girl that walks around naked all the time!  You cook naked, you clean naked.. Hell, you're always naked.. Cochina!"
"Are you complaining?"
"Fuck no!"
Jessica laughs before they both lean in and share a passionate kiss.


Two weeks later...

Alejandro and Jessica were laying butt naked together, on a hammock just talking about life.

"Mi Amor, I am so proud of you.  You are so talented and so so beautiful.  But you know what's even more amazing?"
"What's that?" She smiles.
"You have a good heart, and that means more than anything in the world."
"Awe, you're so sweet!"
"You know, Jessica.. I love you with all my heart, and one day I want to make you my wife."
"Really?!" She looks up and smiles at him.
"Absolutely!  I can't imagine life without you."
"Awe!  I love you!  I love you so much!" She grabs him tight and lays her head on his chest.
"I love you more, mi amor."


A month later...

"Don't leave me!" Jessica whines.
"I'll be back in two days, count them with me.. One.. Two!" He counts with Jessica.
"When I come back, I'm gonna spoil you rotten with presents!"
"I don't need presents.. I just need you."
"I need you too.. Now, I must go.  I will see you in two days."
"Okay." She pouts.
He grabs her bottom lip between his thumb and the side of his pointer finger, and says, "Awe don't be sad!  I will be back." He smiles.
"I'll miss you.."
"I will mis you too.  I will miss these eyes.. These cheekbones, this hair.." As he names them, he gently runs his fingers over it.
"I will miss these lips... These beautiful beautiful lips."
Alejandro slowly moves in a they share a slow kiss.

"Now.. I really have to go." He chuckles.
"I love you more than the whole world, mi Corazon."
"I love you more than life itself, Alejandro." She gives him a tight hug and never wants to let go.


Two days later...

Jessica was so excited that Alejandro was on his way home, that she went out and bought a new dress, she cooked him his favorite and even made desert.
She looks at herself in the mirror and says, "Oh yeah!  I look good!  I'd fuck me!" She chuckles then says, "I spent so much money on this dress and Alejandro's just gonna rip it off of me as soon as he steps foot in this house.  God, I love that man!" She smiles big.

Alejandro was late, so she tries calling I'm but gets no answer.

Finally the phone rings and she gets excited, "Finally!  I was starting to worry!  Where are you, sexy?"
"Jessica?" A woman says.
"Marie?" She asks.
It was Alejandro's sister.
"Marie, are you okay?"
"No... No, I'm not okay."
"What's wrong?!" She panics.
"It's Alejandro."
"What happened?  Is he okay?!" She stands up as her heart races.
"..He was in an accident."
Jessica starts heavy breathing and struggles to say, "Is.. Is he okay?"
"Jessica.. He.. He passed."
"What?!  NO!  NO!  NO!" She bawls.
"This isn't true!  This isn't true!  He's coming home!  He told me he would see me in two days and it's been two days, he's coming back!"
"Jessica, I'm sorry."
"NO!" She says as her heart breaks.
"Jessica, do you want me to come over?  I don't think you should be alone tonight."
"No, I'm fine.. I just don't understand.  How?  What happened?"
"Well he--"
"No!  I-I don't want to know.. Oh my God, what am I gonna do?  I love him!  Oh my God, I love him!" She falls to the ground and sobs.
his sister cries with her and asks, "Are you sure sure okay?  I can come over."
"No, I'm fine.. Thank you."
Jessica couldn't see her, it would be too hard.

She called her mom and bawled.
"Jessica, what's wrong?!  I can't even understand what you're saying!"
"It's Alejandro!"
"What about him?"
"He died!"
"He was in an accident.  Mom, what am I gonna do?"
"Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry!"
Jessica sobs and her mom says, "I'm coming over, you can't be by yourself right now."

When Dorothy got there Jessica hugged her tight and cried harder than she ever has before.
"Mom, why did this have to happen?  We were in love!  We were gonna get married!"
"Baby, I so sorry!  He's in a better place now."
"I don't care!  I want him here with me!"
"Oh sweetie!" She rubs her back.
"Mom, please take me home.  I can't be here in this house, I can't!"
"Don't worry, I'll take you home."

When she got home she called and told Sarah.
Sarah came right over and stayed with her.

From the moment she found out, to the moment she went to sleep, she never stopped crying.
Sarah layer beside her and placed her hand on her arm.
Jessica's breathing was still messed up from crying for so long and hard, that Sarah stayed up to keep an eye on her.

That night all Jessica dreamed about was Alejandro.
The man that made everything better, was suddenly gone.. Erased from her life. 
She didn't know how she would ever go on with life.

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