What the fuck, why not?

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A few months later when Jessica was out shopping with her mom she got a call from her agent.

"Jessica, there's an audition for a remake of King Kong that I think you'd be perfect for."
"What?  Like me be in a movie?"
"Yeah why not?!  Jessica you're tall, thin, beautiful and have amazing talent.  I know you can do this!  The audition is this Friday in LA."
"What the fuck, why not?  I'll be there!" She says with the biggest smile on her face.

When she hangs the phone up her mom asks, "What was that?  Prank call?"
"No mom!  That was my agent and they want me to audition for a movie in Los Angeles!"
"Oh my gosh Jessie, this is amazing!" She hugs her.
"I know!  I've gotta call Sam!"
Her mom sighs and rolls her eyes.

He answers the phone and she says,

"Sam! We're going to Hollywood!"


"I have an audition for the movie King Kong and you're going with me!"

Her mom hits her arm and gives her a look.
"What?" Jessica whispers and moves the phone out of her face.
"You're not taking him!"
"Whatever!" She scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"That's great baby! I'm so happy for you!"

"Awe thanks, honey!  Will you come with me?!"

"Of course I'll go with you."

After they hang up Dorothy says, "Jessica you're not taking him! You need to concentrate on your career and having him there with you isn't gonna help."
"No mom! Having him there will help me more than anything! You see, Sam has a way of... Calming me down.." She stares at the ground and giggles.
"Oh God!" Dorothy says irritated.


Thursday night they were having a little get together with a few friends and family to wish Jessica good luck.

The phone rings and it's Sam.

"Jessie baby.. I'm sorry but I won't be able to go with you to California."
"What? Why not?" She gets upset.
"I have a last minute emergency and I can't make it."
"Is everything alright?"
"Yeah everything's fine. Just don't worry about me and you go and do your best! Knock em' dead! I know you will!"
"Wait, are you coming tonight?"
"I can't."
"So I won't see you till I get back?"
"Yeah.. I know it's horrible but it's only for a short time."
"But I'll miss you.." Her voice gets shaky.
"Don't cry, baby. It'll be fast. Please don't cry."
"Alright.. Well I'll call you later."
"Alright, Jessica."

She wipes her tears as her mom walks in.
"Is everything alright, Jessie?"
"Huh? Oh yeah.. Everything's fine." She says as she begins to cry more.
"Jessica, what's wrong?!"
"He can't go!"
"Who can't go?"
"Sam! He can't come with me!"
"Awe I'm sorry baby! Did he give you a reason?"
"He said he had a last minute emergency."
"A last minute emergency? Hmm, okay!"
"I don't wanna go alone mom! California is such a scary place to be alone at for the fist time"
"You're not gonna be alone because I'm going with you!"
"No, you don't have too!"
"Are you kidding me?! I was heart broken that I wasn't gonna be there at all! We're gonna have so much fun together! And my baby's gonna kill that audition!"
"That's right, momma!" She smiles and blinks her tears away.

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