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The next day.

Sam went to work and Jessica had the day off.
She heard a knock on the door, and went to answer it.

"Sarah!" She gasps.
"JESSICA!" Sarah hugs her tight.
"What are you doing here?!"
"I was just... Jess?" Sarah's smile fades when she sees the bruises and cuts on Jessica's face.
"Did Sam do this to you?"
"Do what? Oh no.." Jessica's eyes widen when she remembers that the marks were visible.
"No I--I was in an accident."
"Jessica, he hit you?"
"Sarah, he didn't mean to do it. He was drunk!"
"Oh like that makes it any better! Jessica, you need to leave! You can come back to Minnesota with me."
"No Sarah!"
"I am perfectly fine where I am. I don't want to go back home."
"But Jessica, Sam abused you."
"It was an accident."
"Oh my God, he's brain washed you!"
"No he hasn't! Sarah, I'm in love with him, I'm not gonna leave him. He needs me, and I need him."
"No you don't! Jesus Christ, Jessica! What will your parents think?"
"Nothing, cause they're Not going to find out!" Jessica gives her a hard look.
"Jessica, just think about how crazy this is. This man beat you up. If he did it once, what makes you thin he won't do it again."
"Because he told me he wouldn't and I believe him."
"I'm not your problem, Sarah.."
"But you're my best friend.. I care about you."
"If you care about me, then just leave us alone."
"No matter what you say, it's not gonna change my feelings towards Sam.. I'm sorry."
Sarah just stood there staring at her with watery eyes.
"Well I can't just watch my best friend get hurt like this."
"I'm not hurt."
"LOOK A YOUR FACE, JESSICA!" Sarah yells, finally letting tear roll down her cheeks.
"Please don't let him hurt you. He's not worth it, Jess."
"Sarah, I think you need to leave."
"You're kicking me out?"
"I'm sorry."


One month later.

Jessica hasn't talked to Sarah, or really anyone that doesn't approve of Sam, in a while.
She was happy, and she didn't want negativity in her life.

Jessica was filming, and she had been sick all day long, she just didn't feel like herself.
"Jessica, are you okay?" Dustin asked her.
"I just don't feel well."
"Maybe you should go home. Get some rest."
"Yeah.. I guess I should. I'll see you tomorrow."

Jessica got home and Sam was still at work.
Her stomach was cramping, so she assumed her period was finally coming, since she was already two weeks late.

"Ah.. oh my gosh, I feel so horrible!" Jessica grabs her head and stomach.
She gets up to go to the bathroom.
She opened the medicine cabinet and grabs the bottle of aspirin.

"Fuck!" Jessica says struggling with the cap.
The bottle opens, and the pills go everywhere.
"God dammit!"
She gets on the ground to pick them up, and gets a sick feeling in her stomach.
She hurries to the toilet, and throws up.
"Oh my gosh, I hate this!" She cries.

Jessica lays down on the cold bathroom floor, and rubs her stomach.
"Eh, oh my God.." She moans.

"Jess, I'm home!  Jess?!" Sam calls out for her.
"I'm up here." She says weakly.
Sam goes upstairs and sees the bathroom light on.
"Hey-- Oh my God, are you okay?!" He panics when he sees her on the cold floor.
"I'm fine.. I'm sorry your dinner isn't ready, I was just too sick to be around food."
"No don't worry about it!  Jessica, are you sure you're okay?" Sam gets down and scoops her up into his arms.
"Yeah, I think I'm just getting a stomach bug."
"Well let's get you into some comfortable clothes, and into bed."
"Thank you, Sam."

It was moments like this when Jessica knew she had made the right decision staying with Sam.
She missed Sarah like crazy, and but she didn't want her to constantly nag her about their relationship.

Sam helped her change, and put her to bed.
"Can I get you anything, sweetie?"
"No, I'm okay.. Thank you."
"No problem." He rubs his thumb on her forehead.
"Get some rest." Sam kisses her, then leaves her to be alone while he makes himself some dinner.

Throughout the night, Jessica got sick, and in the morning she couldn't even eat breakfast.
"Jessie, you have to eat something, you'll pass out."
"Sam, I don't want anything!  I can't eat when I'm constantly throwing up." Jessica says in a ball at the table, with her head buried in her knees.
"I'm just worried about you.  Why don't you let me take you to the doctor?"
"Not today, I have to work."
"You can't go to work like this!"
"Well I have no choice, Sam."
"Well let me drive you, then."
"No, I'm fine... Really!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Sam."
"Okay.. But call me if you don't get better.  I'm worried about you, Jess."
"Thanks.  I better get going."
"Alright.  Love you."
"I love you too.."
Sam kisses her, and she heads out.


"I don't know what it is, I have never been this sick!" Jessica lays in her trailer with one hand on her stomach and the other over her eyes.
Dustin and her became really good friends while filming, so he went in to check on her.
"How long have you been feeling this way?"
"Just since yesterday, I guess."
"You haven't gone to the doctor?"
"What other symptoms do you have, besides nausea?"
"I have a migraine, I feel drained.. I don't know, I just don't feel like myself at all."
"Jessica, you're very young, and have never been through this before, but my wife has gone through it a couple times, so I think I might know what you have."
"What?" She asks still covering her eyes.
"A baby."
"What?" She kinda laughs as she sits up.
"I think you're pregnant."
"Pregnant?!  Hah!  I can't be pregnant.  I mean, I... I--I uh... Oh shit.. Maybe I am pregnant." A look of panic comes across her face.
"Don't panic, Jessica."
"No but, what if I am!  Oh my God, my parents are going to kill me!"
"It'll be okay, Jess."
"Oh God.. I--I need to take a test!" She looks around.
"What am I looking for?  I don't have one!  Dustin, please!  Can you please go buy me one?" Jessica grabs his arm and looks desperately into his eyes.
"... Sure."
"Oh thank you so much!" She hugs him tight.

When Dustin comes back, he hands it to her and says, "I'll give you some privacy."
He turns back and she says, "I mean.. I can't be alone right now.. Will you stay with me, please?"
"Sure, Jess."
He sits down and Jessica goes into the bathroom.

When she comes out, he looks up at her and asks, "So what does it say?"
"I don't know, it takes a couple minutes."
"Oh.. *Sighs* well... uh.. why don't you sit?  You don't look so good."
"Yeah, I'm terrified right now."
"Jessica, don't be.  Having a child is the most amazing thing in the world." He smiles.
Jessica gives him a small, but nervous smile.
"I know it can be scary, but.. It's a little baby.. A baby that you get to love for the rest of your life.  It's the most incredible feeling in this world, Jessica."
Jessica's eyes water, and she smiles.

A couple minutes pass, and she walks into the bathroom to grab it.
She walks back out and looks at it.
"It's positive."
Dustin smiles and stands up to hug her.
"Oh Jess, congratulations!  I know you're scared, but sweetie, it really is great.  You're gonna be a mom!" He smiles.
"Yeah." She smiles and a tear runs down her cheek.
He wipes it and kisses her cheek.
"You and Sam are gonna be great parents."
"Yeah, Sam... Oh God, Sam!" Her eyes widen.
"Oh I don't wanna tell him!"
"Jessica, it'll be fine!,
"I just don't know how he'll react."
"He'll be happy!  I know he will."
"I don't know, Dustin..." Jessica looks down with sad eyes.

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