Duermas Amor Mio

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The funeral.

Jessica wore a black dress with black tights and heels.
Evan though she didn't feel like getting herself together, she wanted to make herself beautiful one last time for Alejandro.

The whole two days were extremely hard for her as she said goodbye to the man she loved.

When it was time for the last viewing Jessica became inconsolable.
She sobbed and screamed his name in a tone of pure pain.

She bent down and kissed him one last time, before she laid on his chest, just like she did when they laid together in the hammock just one month before.

"Alejandro.. My love... I will forever be yours. You helped me through an extremely difficult time in my life and I am so grateful. I'll never forget you.. You are my number one love forever. We will be together again one day... Mi Corizon.." She says as tears start pouring down her face.
It made her heart break when she thought of never being able to hear him call her that ever again.
"Until we meet again, Mi Amor.." She gently caresses his cheek.
"Duermas Amor Mio" She whispers before she walks away.


For months Jessica wouldn't eat.  She didn't have an appetite, energy, she had no ambition to do anything.
"Jessie, I know you're upset but you have to eat. You're just skin and bones."
"I'm fine, will you just leave me alone?!" She yells at her mother.
"Jessica, I'm only doing this for your own good! I'm worried about you and I want you to get better! This isn't healthy. Where's my little girl? The fun Jessie that I know? The one I could count on to always put a smile on my face."
"I can't mom. That girl died with Alejandro." She says fighting back tears.
"I'm sorry sweetie, I'm sorry." She holds her.
Jessica sobs into her chest as Dorothy holds her.
"Jessica, you need someone to talk to. Someone other than me."
"I don't want to talk to anyone."
"But sweetie, you have to."
"Mom, it's gonna take me a while.  We were together for almost six months, I can't just forget about him over night."
"I know that baby, but you're suffering, and I hate seeing you this way.  Please let me take you to a therapist."
"Why?  So he can tell me that I'm crazy?"
"You're not crazy!  He's just going to help you!"
"I don't need help! I need Alejandro!" She sobs uncontrollably.


It's days away from Jessica's 21st birthday, a time that she should be getting ready to live it up, but there's still this constant sadness in her life.

"Jessica, you're about to be twenty one and we're going out." Sarah tells her.
"Sarah, you're not even legal yet. I'm not going out without you."
"Um, have you just met me?!" She pulls out her fake id.
"What?! You didn't think my age was gonna stand in my way of my best friends birthday, did you?"
Jessica chuckles and nods her head, "Oh Sarah! What would I do without you?"
"You'd be nowhere, darling!"
"Haha! I love you, Sarah!"
"I love you more, boo." She smiles.

On her birthday, Jessica drank her troubles away.
"Sarah, I've never felt so alive.."
"Well you've never looked so dead! Jessica, you need to stop!"
"Oh please! I'm fine!"
"Alright, but don't do anything stupid."
"With all these people watching my every move? Hah! I would never!"

The next day Jessica immediately regretted the night before.
"Oh my fuck! I feel like actual death! Sarah, how could you let me drink so much?!"
"Well, I told you! Or do you not remember?"
"Shut up!" She mumbles, then puts her pillow over her head.
"Yeah, yeah.. Get up! Let's go eat!"
"Sarah stop! I'm never eating again! And why the fuck are you so cheery?"
"Because I controlled myself." She smiles.
"Go to hell, Sarah Paulson." She gives her the finger.

Later that day at dinner Jessica says, "You know.. It's been a year since Sam and I broke up, which means it's almost been a year since I met Alejandro."
"Yeah, I know.. I'm sorry, Jess."
Jessica turns her head to the side and stays quiet.
"You okay?"
"Yeah.. Yeah, I'm fine. It's just.. I wonder how our life would have been... Would we have made it? Would we have kids? How many kids? It's hard not to think about it, y'know?"
"I know. I don't know what to tell you Jess, since I've never been through something this tragic, but I'm here for you, always.. You now that."
Jessica nods and says, "I do.. Thank you."
"Anytime, boo." She smiles.
Jessica smiles and sighs before she says, "Let's get out of here." She throws a hundred dollar bill on the table and stands up.


A few months have past and she's finally decided to get back to work to try and get things back to normal.
She hasn't heard from Sam, but she's heard that he's doing well and has been working on some really big projects.

After King Kong was over, she really didn't want to have anything to do with making a movie for a while. Then with everything that happened with Alejandro, she really didn't want to work.
But she figured it was time to get back.

Once she worked on a few movies, she realized how much of a stress reliever it was.

She worked a bit with Bob Fosse, and her last big movie had Jack Nicholson featured in it.
Her agent wanted her to audition for this new movie coming out about the life of Frances Farmer.
Jessica read the script and immediately fell in love.

"This part has to be mine! Mom, if I don't get it I'll be crushed." Jessica tells her mother.
"Oh sweetie, I'm sure you'll do great! Just do your best and they'll love you."
"Thanks mom. I just really feel like I could do her justice. After everything I've been through, I know I can deliver probably the best performance of my career."
"Oh baby, I'm praying for you! I know you can do this, just give it your all and you'll be great!"
"Thanks mom!" She hugs her mom.


It didn't take long for them to realize this part was made for Jessica. She read a few lines and the part was hers.
For the first time in over a year, she was finally happy. She was in a really good place. Young, single, had her dream job and a huge group of friends and family supporting her back home.

Jessica went out to LA for a meeting with the director. At the end of their meeting he wanted to introduce her to someone.

"Jessica, excuse me just a second, I want you to meet someone."
"Oh, alright.." She smiled, then sat there patiently waiting for him.

When he came back he said, "Jessica, this is Sam. Sam, this is Jessica."
Jessica's eyes widened and her jaw slightly dropped.
"Hello Jessica." Sam smiled.
"S-Sam? W-what are you doing here?"
"Oh! You two have met before?"
Jessica looks at the director and says, "Uh, yeah... Yeah, we've each other for a little while."
"Oh, well great! You two should have great chemistry on screen."
"On screen?" Jessica looks confused.
"Yeah, Sam will be playing the part of Harry York."
"Surprise!" Sam smiles.

Jessica's heart started racing, she wanted nothing to do with Sam. Her life was finally brightening up, after being in such a dark place for so long.


"Duermas Amor Mio" means "Sleep My Love", just FYI!
Fun Fact!  I did a really sad dance once and that was the name of it.😂

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