She's my sister

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It's 2:00 a.m. And Sarah is still out.

"Jessie, you okay?" Sam asks her.
"Yeah, I'm just worried about Sarah. She seemed like something was bothering her and I didn't even stop and talk to her. I shouldn't have let her go."
"Baby, I'm sure she's fine! Don't worry about it!"
"Well what if something happened? She never stays out this late without telling me where she's going."
"Jessica calm down! She's fine!" Sam raises his voice.
Jessica stays silent and looks at him with big eyes.
They hear the front door close and the sound of Sarah drop her keys on the table.
"You see, I told you she's fine." He tells her.

Jessica gets up and runs to the door and says, "Sarah! Where have you been?! I've been worried sick!"
"I'm fine, Jessica. You don't have to worry about me, I'm a big girl! Besides, you have better things to do.. You have to keep an eye on your boyfriend."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing. Goodnight." Sarah says walking away.
"No Sarah, come back. What do you mean by that? You've been weird all day and if you have something to tell me then just say it."
"Alright Jess... Why did you take him back?"
"Why did you give him another chance? He broke your heart and now you're back with him. I just don't understand it!"
"Well maybe you don't because you've never been in love, but Sarah how can I not give him another chance? He's my everything! Without him I'm nothing! I've been so lonely, Sarah and with him, I don't feel that way anymore."
"Isn't that why you begged me to come out here with you? So you wouldn't be lonely! Jesus, Jessica! You can't be with someone just because of that! If he doesn't treat you right then you'll never be happy."
"Begged you?!  Seriously?!  And for your information, he DOES treat me right and we are VERY happy!"
"Yeah, for now!" Sarah scoffs.
"You know what Sarah, I'm done! You need to just mind your own business, because now you're just being a jealous bitch!"
"A jealous bitch?!  Hah! Oh please!"


The next few days Jessica and Sarah ignored each other while at the apartment.
Sarah hasn't said anything to Sam, but there's definitely tension between them.

Sarah finally broke the silence and said, "Jessica... I'm sorry. I know I was wrong to get into your business but you're like my sister and I don't want to ever see you get hurt like that again."
"I know Sarah. I'm sorry for getting mad at you for.. Protecting me, but if I forgave Sam, you need to too."
"Yeah I know."
"Come here!" Jessica smiles and lifts her arms to hug her.
"I've misses you, Jess!"
"I've missed you too" She says lifting her legs so Sarah's carrying her.
"Oh God Jess! You need to lay off the cookies!" Sarah says with a strain in her voice.
"Ah! Sarah!" She laughs.

Sam walks in and says, "You two talking again?"
"Yeah!" Jessica smiles.
"She's my sister, I could never stay mad at her forever.  BUT!  If you ever hurt her again.. I will hunt you down and chop your balls off!" She gets in his face and pokes her finger on his chest as she looks up at him.
"Sarah, I promise you.. I will never hurt Jessica again.  I love her."
"I do too.  Now let's hug it out and put this past us." She holds her arms out.
He laughs and hugs her.
"Aw!  My best friend and my boyfriend!  I wanna hug too!" She smiles.
They lift one arm to let her in and she runs over to them.
"I love you guys!" Jessica says.
"We love you too!" They both say.

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