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Hey guys! So I put this story up for sell a few weeks ago. And as soon as I did all of my creative juices got to flowing again and this happened.

I hope you guys will enjoy this story but I must warn you from the beginning that it is going to be extremely depressing! Clinical depression, suicide, and death overall will be the common subjects for this book. If you feel that you may be triggered by this book, please stop here.

But if you wish to travel the emotional journey of Micky Dolenz's suicidal mind then by all means keep reading.

Another thing. The type of depression Micky battled with is the same one that I too battel with. So I sometimes will be speaking from experience. Micky just has a higher level of depression than I.

So yeah, enjoy!

{The first four or five chapters are crappy, so please bare with me.}

Also I can't decide on a name. Either Occiditur or Bane?

[Occiditur] Is Latin for he/she/it was killed

[Bane] A cause of death or ruin

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