Cat's in the Cradle

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"Thank you." I whispered to Mel as she walked into my house. She drove me home once I was finished saying what I needed to say.

"You're welcome." She sighed. 

"Would you like something to drink?" I asked her as I poured myself some whisky.

"No thanks." Mel entered my living room and sat on my couch. " I don't think you really need anymore to drink either." She joked as I sat beside her. 

I laughed a bit and took a drink. "Now that's where you're wrong."

"Maybe so." She nodded. 

Silence followed as I further saturated my mind. 

The doorbell ringing brought me into some form of consciousness. I stumbled to my feet with the help of Mel. Dizzily I walked to the door. I don't know who I expected, but I know I didn't expect Phyllis. 

"Phyl!" I slurred. 

"Mike, you forgot to come pick Christian up." My ex-wife fussed at me. 

"I'm sorry. I was uh," I started to tell her about my trip to the grave, but for some reason I felt like I need to lie.

Phyllis looked over my shoulder, into my house.

"You were too busy snogging your whore." Phyllis said angrily. I mentally slapped my palm to my forehead. 

"Phyl no! It's not like that!" I said.

"Take your son so I can leave!" She yelled and pushed Christian to me. I took his back pack from her and she stormed away. 

"Come on son." I said to Chris as he stood staring up at me.

We joined Mel in the living room after putting his duffle bag in his room. 

"Are you okay?" I asked  Mel. I knew she'd heard Phyllis' insult. 

She looked very offended and slightly nervous. 

"Yeah, I'll survive." She smiled slightly. 

Christian skipped into the room and plopped onto the couch beside me. 

"Daddy, who is that girl?" He asked. 

I took him into my arms and explained to him who Mel was, and why she was here.

"Mommy said she is a wh--" I put my hand over his mouth before he could finish. 

"Mommy was wrong." I scolded him. "And if you ever say that word again, I'll spank you." 

Christian gave me his puppy dog eyes that reminded me of his mother's. 

"Okay daddy." He said cowardly. 

"Now go apologize." I slid my son off of my knee and pushed him towards Mel.

 "That's not necessary." Mel chuckled nervously. 

"Please, let him." I begged. 

"Okay." Mel whispered. 

"I'm sorry I called you a war." Christian said sadly. 

Mel and I laughed at his mispronunciation. Little children had the funniest way of saying words. 

"That's okay Christian." Mel reached out and hugged my son. 

With Christian around, Mel and I agreed not to discuss Micky and the events following his death. I don't remember how we got to this point, but an hour after Christian arriving Mel, Chris, and I were playing a board game. 

What are we playing? I asked myself. I searched for the name of the game. Sorry. 

What irony! I couldn't speak about my thoughts but I felt terrible. Sorry reminded me of how I felt. How could I play a game when I just wanted to lay down and cry. 

"Mike?" Mel asked.

"Mike!" She said forcing me to look at her. 

"Hmm?" I asked, noticing that I couldn't see her clearly. I had tears in my eyes. 

"Why don't you go upstairs and take a nap?" She smiled sweetly. "I'll watch Christian."

I nodded groggily, then stood up and walked to my bed room. I undressed and curled up under my covers. There I was alone and free to express my true feelings. However I still tried to keep my sobbing quiet. 

Slowly I drifted off to sleep. Hours later I woke up when somebody entered the room. 

"Mike, are you awake?" Mel whispered from behind me. 

"Yeah." I moaned.

"I put Christian to bed, do you want me to leave?" She asked.

I hesitated a moment. Then I turned in my bed to face her. I shook my head, no.

"Stay." I whispered to her.

Mel walked up to me and got into my king size bed beside me. She hugged me close to her and we cuddled in the bed until the two of us fell asleep. 

I've never felt so loved. Never! Before she left in the morning she kissed me sweetly and eased out from my covers. I begged her not to leave, but she had to go to work. I drug myself from my bed because of my son. I had to pull my self up for him. 

I decided to take my son out for the day. If I staid home, I would be forced to think about my feelings. However if I was doing something maybe I could forget for a while. I've never had so much fun with my son. Never!

My sweet little boy...

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