Dark Paradise

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The next morning was the funeral. I called the number given to me by Mel and asked if she wanted to go.

"Yeah sure. I'll be ready when you come." She informed me.

I took a shower and pulled on another suit. After combing my hair down I fastened on a tie to my collar and trotted down stairs. I didn't have time to eat, so I grabbed a granola bar and hit the road.

I parked outside of Mel's house and walked up to her door. Right after knocking on her door Mel answered it. She was wearing the same black dress and veil from the day before. Today I noticed how well it contrasted with her white blonde hair and pale skin.

She was beautiful!

I stuttered as I took her hand and escorted her to my car.

"You look stunning!" I gasped.

"Thank you." Mel spoke softly as she closed the passenger side door of my new Cadillac.

As Mel and I entered the church we walked up front to see Micky one last time. After we were finished we took our seats in a pew beside Peter. I don't remember much about the funeral service. I kept my eyes locked on Micky the whole time. I didn't even realize when the Preacher ended and prayed. Mel nudged me and motioned for me to close my eyes. I kept them closed for a moment but then opened them again. I couldn't focus on a prayer. I was hurting too badly.

After the prayer ended six guards walked up front, closed Micky's casket and carried it outside. The pastor invited us all to come out to the grave yard where Micky was to be buried.

Mel took my arm and we walked outside with the rest of the funeral company. The guards put my friend in the earth and we watched in silent gloom as six feet of dirt was dumped over him. It seemed to take an eternity. I couldn't even be distracted by crying. I just stood there with a stern look on my face and a hard look in my eyes.

Once he was six foot under and everyone was gone. Samantha, Peter, Davy, Charlotte, everyone! Mel nudged me and brought my eyes to meet hers.

"Mike. It's time to go." She said to me.

I nodded and wiped the tears I didn't notice I was shedding. We walked slowly back to the Cadillac and I drove her home in silence.

"If you need someone to talk to, call me." Mel said to me as she got out of my car.

Everything seemed so hazy. I wanted to remember the service and what I was thinking, but I couldn't. I don't even remember thinking at all. I just remember being present.

I went home and got out of my suit and into some comfortable clothing. The phone rang and I answered it monotonously.

"Hello?" A girl said over the line.

"Mel?" I asked.

"Yes, Mike?"

"Yes. How did you get my number?" I asked.

"It's in the phone book." Mel was blushing, I could tell.

"Oh ok. Did you have a reason for calling?" I asked.

"Yeah. I called to see if you were okay. You didn't seem okay today at the funeral." Mel said in concern.

"Who would?" I scoffed.

"No one." She answered intelligently. "You know it might be better if you told Micky ow you feel."

"Told him!?" I said. "He's dead!"

"That may be so, but that doesn't mean he can't hear you. If you talk to him, he could hear you." Mel seemed to smile.

I sighed in dismay. "You're right." I squeezed my eyes closed and rubbed my forehead.

"I know I am. Tell me what happens after you talk to him." Mel told me and said goodbye.

I told her goodbye and hung up the receiver. She had a point. I needed to tell Micky everything I wish I could have told him before he died.

Just a filler. ;)

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