chapter 3

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Jessicas pov
I just sat there listening to the noise thinking about how I managed to meet six new people in one morning when I can barely make a new friend every decade. Then all of a sudden, I think Ponyboy was his name said my name while waving his hand in my face.
I looked over to him and said "yea?" I spoke sounding like an idiot great going Jessica!!
"I asked you if you wanted to come hang with me and Johnny in mine and Sodapops room?" he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Ummm......sure," I said not really sure on what to say to that, so I just got up and followed them into his and Sodapops room, which was only slightly quieter than the living room and still very messy, but what can you expect I mean they are guys so it just makes since. There was books and papers sitting on a desk in the corner and sorta thrown throughout the room, with the closet wide open that was all messed up, and a dresser with all the drawers hanging open, with a queen bed with the sheets all messed up in the middle the room. The room wasn't very big but it was cozy.
"Sorry the room is not very clean but you know how it is" ponyboy said scratching the back of neck while johnny just walked over and sat on the bed.
"Its fine, my room isn't the cleanest either," I told them slightly blushing at the end cause for a girl I certainly am messy.
"So have you lived in town often and we just havent seen you or are you new here?" johnny inquired.
"I have been living here my entire life never left outside of the Tulsa borders," I sighed sadly. It's not that I don't like Tulsa I mean besides all the rumbles and greasers getting jumped it's actually an amazing place.
"Same here," ponyboy and johnny said at the same time making me giggle,and them smile.
"You have a cute giggle," Johnny told me while blushing redder than a tomato. That kid is lucky he has darker skin so it's not as noticeable. As for me though, I'm not as tan as him, so I'm not as lucky, you could see every inch of red from my cheeks to my ears.
"Thank you," I told him while looking down.
That is how we spent the rest of the afternoon until Darry came and got us for dinner.
"Wow! This tastes amazing," I exclaimed while eating the spaghetti,"You are a really good cook Darry!"
"Thanks," he told me.
"Your welcome," I said through a mouthful of food. After my compliment all you could here was the clicking of silverware against our bowls as we ate. I'm guessing everybody loved the food to since they all finished it in like 30 seconds flat,well then again they are guys.
After dinner we all went into the living room and watched some mickey mouse while I learned somethings about each of the guys and they learned some stuff about me.
I told them stuff like about my past and other simple stuff like my favorite color, also my love for drawing and music.
I also learned about them that, sodapop-works at the DX gas station with Steve and can get drunk off life, Ponyboy loves books and movies, Darry roofs houses for a job which takes up most of his time, Two-bit loves mickey mouse, beer, and his black handled switch blade, Dally has a police record longer than a mile, loves sex, and beer, Steve isn't the nicest only to Sodapop cause they are both best buds, and as for johnny well I already knew mostly everything about him.
That's how we spent the rest of the night until we fell asleep at about 1:00 a.m., with me and johnny sharing the couch cause I didn't want him sleeping on the floor for me and he didn't want me to sleep on the floor for him either, while Steve(who wasn't to happy about it) and Two-bit slept on the floor, with dally in the arm chair.

A/N: ok so i wanted to give a shout out to my friends @hannahgracesmith for her story good luck Allison and my friend @jalukose for her story once again, both stories are amazing so please go read them. And please don't be afraid to comment things about my story any ideas and things like that PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE FOR MY STORY AND DO SHOUT OUTS AND SUCH FOR ME IF Y'ALL DON'T MIND PLEASE THAT WOULD BE AWESOME IF WE CAN GET MORE PEOPLE TO READ THIS STORY. And one more thing i am planning to write my own story that i come up with after this one so when this story finishes which will not happen for a long while:) i will let y'all know if I'm gonna do it and all the details about it then. Thank you for your support and taking the time to read my story y'all are awesome!!!!

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