Chapter 14

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Jessicas pov

Well this morning was fun.....well more like afternoon, judging by how late we all woke up, so anyways. I'm guessing y'all are wondering what the hell I'm going on about, well I will tell you. So this morning wasn't like any other morning I've ever had, cause normally a girl wakes up to the sunshine in her face, under her warm fluffy covers, all nice and comfy. Well I woke up to me upside down on the couch with the coffee table, they have in the middle of their living room, upside down and Dally underneath it. Some how still fast asleep, with Johnny, Pony, and Soda all lying on top of me and each other still asleep. And Darry had rolled off of his chair, I guess at some point last night, and was on the floor now, and Two-Bit and Steve were practically spooning with each other on the floor. So yeah, I guess you could say I wasn't exactly super happy this morning waking up with three humongous guys, all lying on top of me.

After I finally managed to maneuver my self out from underneath all three boys, without waking them, I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. As I was finishing getting ready, I remembered I left my bracelets, that I always wear that my brother, and some of my friends, that I met when they came to Tulsa a little while ago on a vacation got me, even though friends I can only ever call them every few months and have only ever seen them in person on that vacation which only lasted 2 months. Although we were still pretty close, anyways they gave me them for my 14th birthday, and I never ever go a day without them, in which the only time I take them off is when I am washing my hands or showering and stuff, so they cant get water damage or lose them in my sleep. And the same goes for my kind of signature ring that I wear, that my best friend of all time who I love, who I also met when, she came with that group of friends for the few months they stayed in Tulsa on vacation, gave me for my 14th birthday a few years back, that I got at the same time as my bracelets. To which the same applies as my bracelets, I always wear it no matter what except for showers and sleeping and such. Although as I was getting the jewellery out of my bag, I saw a photo in there of me and my group when they were here, that I guess Johnny accidentally grabbed, when he was getting my stuff for me a few nights ago. Although I'm glad he did, cause after everything that happened I haven't gotten to see them in a while, and this photo reminded me of just how much I missed them. So I decided I was going to call them all and fix plans for them to come to Tulsa, we were always able to convince each other to do stuff, no matter how dangerous or stupid it was, and catch up and maybe they can even meet the gang!?!?

A/N: hay every one sorry i havent updated in forever life has just been a bitch and all with school and stuff but im on spring break now so i will try and update a few more times over the break.....and i wanna say thank you to everyone who has stayed loyal to my book and has waited so long for me to update because i had a few versions of this chapter but i didnt like and i didnt think they fit the story well so i had to re write a few times but i think i finally got the right one and also thank you for putting my stories in your reading lists that means so much to me so thanks a ton....also thank you to all my new readers who have just started reading for taking your time to read this and i hope you like it. So pretty pretty please let me know what you think of thus chapter this book previous chapters everything and also please vote and add to more reading lists it means a lot thanks so much i love yall!!!!<3

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