Chapter 18

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   As we continued our slow walk down the streets catching up with each other and relishing in old memories from when we were younger, the boys finally caught up to us as we reached the street that the Curtis house was located on. 

At this point, we all began to notice how Sodapop almost instantly on arrival migrated over to Grace, stealing her into an intimate conversation that they were so involved in it was as if they forgot about the people around them. That's when Emily grabbed the rest of us dragging us as fast as she could to the house trying to give the two, times to talk. Not that they even seemed to notice we were gone as they were so lost in their conversation, and even though it wasn't the best idea to leave them all alone to walk even a small portion of the way to the house cause the jumpings have been getting more frequent lately. 

Everyone just ignored the idea and decided that being a wingman was more important right now for the two rather than the little bit of danger. However, I did make us wait until they were right in front of the house before we all walked in, just in case because the rest of them may not care about the danger but I do. I always care about it, I never want to see the people I care for have to deal with the pain that comes with it or the PTSD that it causes and I, unfortunately, know all too good thanks to the parents of the year Anne and Bobby Clark.

ugh just the thought of them makes my body shiver in fear and my face to grimace in the memories of the pain. Which luckily managed to go unnoticed to the rest of the people in the house as we walked in. 

"Hay steveo and Jessica who the hell are the rest of these people in our living room?" questioned ponyboy with a confused expression as he walked out the kitchen taking a bite of chocolate cake from his plate, Ponyboys favorite after school snack. 

"Yea what's with all these good looking broads in here, it's not my birthday is it?" spoke Two-bit while he chuckled to himself. He is the only one finding the humor in that sentence besides Dallas. The girls, on the other hand, were less than pleased with their less than impressive first impression of Two-bit. Typically the girls are the type to not take that kind of comments to heart, however, when they are made crudely by someone they don't know its a different story.

"Nah man seems like its April fools day by the way you think that you could get with any of us broads," said Miracle with venom dripping in her words and exaggerated air quotation on the word broads. As she stared at him angrily and him with a smirk on his face. 

This whole time the only thing I could think was, not a great start Two-Bit.

Authors Note:

Hey lovelies, I'm so sorry I didn't post for a while. I have had so much to deal with in my personal life and with my mental health over the last few years that I haven't even had time to think about anything other than school, work, and getting better. But also as most know when you're in a dark place it can be hard to find yourself in a writing headspace. However I've gotten loads better and with so much time because of COVID-19, I figured now is as good a time as any to try and start posting on this story again. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and my story can provide an escape for even just one of you. I love all of you dearly and am here to help any way I can. Sending lots of love your way. xoxoxo.

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