Chapter4 Hiding & Deals

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Dis chapter is decated to @sammykkkk the first one to read the first 3 chapters of my book an vote. Thank u so much.

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{ still that night }

/////// Sasha POV ///////

I can't believe its late I'm still getting sick over what I witnessed with my own eyes my flesh and blood, my younger sister and my boyfriend fucking in my bed then to say its been going on for 8 month. I'm so tired yet my body is full rage. Laying her looking out the window while the rain continues to fall. I know I'm wrong for not being honest with Landon, but the less he knows bout me the better. Especially when it comes to my family. He is so sweet but cocky as fuck. his eyes, those blue eye I know I will always get lost in them, and his abs pure dripping with sin perfection. I relax my body and drift off to sleep.

{ next day }

Its the middle of the afternoon sun is out bright. I walk down stairs slowly to see Landon sitting on the couch reading.

Hey I say in a low whisper hoping my voice isn't still to crack and filled with hurt. Hey he says with a warm smile. I didn't won't to bother you while you was sleeping, I knew you was tired he says. Thank you I say giving a half way smile. I go and sit in a chair close by him looking every where but at him. I'm not sure what you like to eat but your more than welcome to it. I can't cook at all he say laughing at his self. Really you can't? WOW ! I say. What does that mean " Mystic"? How old are you again? He, puts his book down on the table in front of him turns back to me saying 23 years old. And you can't cook at your age? Well tell me can you cook he countered to me wearing a wicked smile? Yes I can. I've always had to take care of myself and support myself. He looks at me like i'm crazy. I need your help before the day is over. What is he asked. I need for you to set my car on fire and burn my cell phone and credit cards up in their also. He burst out laughing hard looking at me til he saw my stone face. Your not joking are you? No I'm not. You won't get into trouble nothing will happen I just don't won't to be found and I fear they will find me. I watch as he stands up running his hands through his hair. Tell me why? I need for you to put your trust in me like I put my trust in you to know you wouldn't harm me. Trust me nothing will happen to you, no one knows I'm here with you and we are off the grid right. If they find my car they will find us here and I just need some space and to be away from all the noise and deal with this pain. He kneels down in front of me, lift my chin gently with his hand. What happen? Can we talk bout that later please. Sure we can he says. I'll go with you if it will make you feel better I say. I'll make a deal with you Landon. Okay I'm all ear sweetheart. I'll cook the entire time we are here I won't bother or anything I just need this to be done please. He stares at me quietly.

20 minutes has past I get up walking past him. I go back up to my room change into what I had on when Landon picked me up on side of the road and these heels. I walk back down steps and go to the door. Just as I'm walking out I hear Landon speak.

Where do you think your going? If your not going to do it then I'll go do it myself, Landon. I walk out the door he grabs my wrist and turns me into him and out eyes meet penetrating each other I broke the stare down. Let me get my keys he says in a low tone.


We make it back to the house I walk up to my room and take a shower. I come back down stairs. Landon is laying down on the couch. I'm bout to start dinner with what I can find. It's fully stocked he says I came up a few days ago and brought enough stuff I think Landon says. I look and see meats, fresh fruits, fresh vegetable, and other things. If you don't know how to cook what was you going to do with all this raw meat? Grill he says. I get some chicken out and check out the seasonings and what all else I can use and to my surprise I see one of my favorite things. Honey.

How bout honey glazed chicken and baked potato. He looked at me smiling sounds good. While I was in the kitchen focused on preparing the food I didn't hear Landon move from the living room to the kitchen watching me. Tell me Mystic where did you learn to cook? Let me guess your mother he says. That comment made my skin crawl. I put on a mask of a smile turn to him and say no she didn't. I don't have any family I say looking at him then turn back around. What bout you Mr. Landon. What is your family like. Well, this was my great grandparents house, I never knew them, it then got passed to my grandparents and as a kid I was up here on spring break, summer's. Looking back I hated it at first the old I got me more I loved it. After both my grandparents passed they left this house to me. I try to come up here couple times a year stay for a week or longer. I turn to look at him. Sounds like an amazing childhood. What bout your parents I ask. My mom lost a lot of blood after having my younger brother early and she died 2 days later he says. I turn to him, I'm so sorry for your loss. It took a long time and a hard time to get over that but my younger sister and I got passed it. Don't get me wrong I miss her I wish she was still here but I know she still watching me. I smile at him. I put the chicken in the oven. walk over to a stool next to him. What about your dad. He is alive he just in a rehab clinic. He couldn't take the losses and it broke him. We moved but his depression only got worse. I go see him all the time. Hes healthy and does leave the center sometimes but he says being their helps him, my sister and I take care of him. Where is your sister at? Her fast ass in college. UGH!!!!! . I laugh at Landon. What's funny? Your reaction I say while still laughing. Its true guys be all over her and all her female " fake " only want to be friends with her to get to me. Why you I say looking confused. I'm Landon Reigns! Is that suppose to mean something. Are you a football player? Fuck no he says. I didn't know. Ms. Mystic tell me bout yourself you know bout me? I'm 26 years old and we just set my car on fire and now I'm cooking dinner for us. I walk over to the back of the house looking out the glass sliding doors watching the sunset such an amazing view I have to look at this every day I'm here. Mystic I hear Landon call my name after a while. I turn to him. Yes ! Is something out their? Just this beautiful sunset.

After dinner I clean up the kitchen. I'm going to take a shower then off to bed I say. I put you another one of my tee shirts on the bed for you along with some towels. Thank you I say. Good night Landon. Good night Mystic. Oh before I forget dinner was delicious thank you Landon says. Can I look forward to you cooking breakfast? Yes you can. Night. I turn and walk to my room and close the door behind me......



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