It's too soon

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Chapter 29


It’s too soon 

{Same night, same place}

Landon P.O.V.

“Erica this is not my child and you know it.” “Landon the more you say it doesn’t make it not. We are having a baby.” “No, Erica I am having a baby with Sasha not you.” “Why are you claiming that whore’s child.” “She is a whore? Yet she has never cheated on Landon.” Tyler said. “Ty, stay out of this. It’s none of your business.” Erica spat. “Erica it’s Tyler not Ty. Get that straight right now.” “Nobody really gives a damn Tyyyyy lerrrrrrrrr.” Erica says. “It doesn’t fucking matter. I have one child coming into this world and that is with the women I love. “I say. I toss my drink back. “Understand this I will be getting a DNA test done and you will not know when or where.” I say then I turn and walk out the door. Heading to Sasha’s house.

Danielle P.O.V. 

Doing some work in my office I hear my phone ring.


“I told Landon that I was pregnant. He said he wants a DNA test.”  A wicked smile slowly came upon my face.

“Erica thank you. He doesn’t even have to know that you are not pregnant. I just want to make that bitch sister of mine so miserable.”

“I don’t mind. If you need me for more damage in case this does not work out, all you have to do is let me know. Just like you, I hate your sister. Her misery is my joy.”

“We are on the same page. Thank you Erica.” What do you say drinks tomorrow night?”

“Of course we should. See you then.”

Hanging up the phone my dad walked in the door.

“Hey daddy. I have some great news for you.” What is that Dani.” “I found a new way to hurt Sasha even more. Are you proud of me daddy?” “Always princess. You never to amazing me. I don’t want to know how you did it. Just want you to keep it all going. I have to go, taking your mom out to dinner.” “OK. Have a good time.” “Bye princess.” “Bye daddy.”

Landon P.O.V.

Pulling up at Sasha’s house memories of us came flashing in my head. Finding her on side of the road to the moment we found out she was pregnant breaking down her walls. “Fuck” I step out my truck. Feeling the cool air hit me. I know deep in me Erica is not pregnant but I need to tell Sasha before someone else does. I really don’t won’t to do this. I knocked on Sasha’s door waiting for her to answer. She opens the door her belly getting bigger each day.  She looks so beautiful.

“Hey baby. I didn’t mean to wake you up.” “It’s fine. Baby was keeping me up.” What’s wrong?” I asked with deep concern. She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. “Baby and I are fine. Just kicking up a storm that’s all.” I smile. “Sah sweetheart please come sit down I need to talk to you.” “What’s wrong Landon?” “I saw Erica tonight. I was at the bar with Tyler and she came. She claims she lost her phone or some bullshit, but that’s not why she wanted to tell me.” Sasha I need you know something before I tell you. From the moment we meet you changed my entire life. I have never been happier, ever. Knowing that a part of you and me is growing in you, what our love has done created something so amazing I can’t even begin to explain it. I love you so much. Please don’t ever doubt that.” Landon what’s wrong. I love you to.” I look at her with tears in her eyes holding so much fear and I’m looking in her heart knowing I’m about to break it.  I took a deep breath. “Erica says she pregnant an it’s with my child.”

Hours has passed and I’m looking at Sasha knowing she is hurting. I’m hurting. I finally hear Sasha speak in a low tone. “Leave and never come back.” “Sasha baby please.” “I SAID LEAVE, LEAVE NOW LANDON.” I got up and walked to door. “I love you Sasha I will never stop.” I walked out got in my truck and drove home. Once I got home an emotion that I cannot ever recall feeling hit me like a ton of bricks. Tears begin to spill from my eyes. Feeling the heartbreak from the women I love breaks my heart.

{Next day}

** Sasha P.O.V.

I finally got up praying last night didn’t happen but no matter what I know it did. I took a warm shower feeling weak but I keep going. After getting dressed I go to the kitchen and fix me something to eat but I don’t have an appetite to eat. I just cleaned up and left going to courthouse.

“Your honor you have to know that Mr. Hilton and Mr. Ross are known druggggggg Ahhhhhhh.” “Ms. Crowder are you alright.” Yes, yourrrrrrr ahhhhhhhhhh.” Grabbing my stomach. “Someone call 911 right now.” I lady shout. “Sah I’m here.” I look up to see Ivy looking at me. “AHHHHHHHHHH” “Sasha look at me.” Ivy says. “Take some deep breathes.” I called Landon he’s meeting us at the hospital. “Ivy what did happen?” Feeling my clothes wet. “Sasha I think your water just broke.” 

{at the hospital}

“Ms. Crowder you are 7 cm dilated. You are getting very close to give birth.” “My baby be premature it to early. Can’t you stop it?” “You are too far along. “I hear the door fly open and see Landin looking like a train had done hit him. “What’s wrong her?” He asked in a very demanding tone. “Sir, I’m going to need you to step outside.” “He’s the father of the baby.” I said. “Really” I heard the other nurse say with a hint of rude and full of attitude in her voice. “Bitch you got something to say? Ivy spoke quick with a death look in her eyes. “No, mam” As she quickly left out the room. “Sir, she is in labor.” The nurse said. “LABOR” Landon shouted. Landon rushed over to me. ” Sasha are you alright?” “Yes Landon I am. I’m just worried about the baby.” I looked deep in his blue eyes and saw hurt and heartbreak in his eyes. “Sas you don’t worry about that I…” I cut him off. “It’s our baby Landon how cou…” He cut me off. “You said it right, our baby. I know it’s hard but try to relax and let me worry, but let me take that on. Our baby needs you and so do I.” I smiled “Ok. Landon”

The door flew open to show the devil himself and his demons with flowers and balloons. “What the fuck are yall doing here?” I asked my father, sister, and, mother. “My grandchild is about to be born. Where else do you think I would be?” My father said to me. “My child has one grandfather and no grandmother and two aunts’. Now get out! My child will never know the devil.” “You heard her now get out.” Landon says. Just as the door opens again to see Devin and Mr. Reigns standing there. They walk in and the tension in the room grew thick in 2.5 seconds. I felt a contraction coming on. Landon came over to me and help me through it. They are getting more intense by the minute. Once it passed I heard the devil. “I’m not leaving.” The door burst open again. I see security there. “I understand there is some trouble in here. “Yes sir it is.” I said quickly. “I need these three people out of here now and off the grounds.” I say just as the Dr. come into the room. “I need to check her” Security took my parents and sister and told them not to come back while I was here. “Everybody please leave except for the father of course.” The dr said. “Devin and Ivy can yall please take that stuff they brought and throw it away somewhere.” “Sure” Devin said. “Good Sasha looks like you are ready to go.” I look up at Landon. “I’m scared” I whisper. “I’m right here” He said as he kissed my forehead. “Sasha I need for you to give me a hard push.” Pushing hard after hours. I collapse back on the bed. “Sasha one bigger push and your baby will be here.” I can’t. I’m too tired.” “Sas our baby needs you.” Landon kissed my cheek. I sat back up in position and pushed with all I had and finally my baby was here. “Father do you want to cut the cord?” The Dr. asked Landon. He cut the cord with the biggest smile on his face. I watched as his face expression changed. ” Landon What’s wrong with our baby?” I asked with tears flowing down my face. “Take the baby to the NICU now” The Dr shouted. “Landon” Landon walked up to me. He kissed me. Looked deep in my eyes. “Thank you Sasha, you gave us a beautiful baby boy.” Landon got on the bed with me and we cried together.



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