Chapter9 Playing With Fire

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{ same time and place }

//////// Landon POV ///////

I don't know what you are talking bout Landon, she says. Your lying Mystic, your mouth is speaking lies but your eyes is telling the truth. Let's just go. Stop running. We cant she says. You have a girlfriend Landon. She pulls away from me dropping her head. I walk to her. You don't think I know this. Hell I don't even feel this when I'm with her. Feel what Landon. It's nothing between us but air. Your lying again. If your going to lie make it truthful. The truth has many faces It's only you want to see the one you want to see. And your running from the truth that is between us Mystic. Let's go she grabs her shoes.


We are in the woods even the wind couldn't break this tension between us. We come to this creek. I can get over it but I also have to carry Mystic. Here let me put you on my back I say to Mystic. She gives me a fake half smile. I grab her thighs that are wrapped round my waist. Hold on to my neck. She holds on to me. I slowly walk trying not to loose my balance with her on my back. Once we make it across the river I continue to carry her. Just touching her having her close to me feel right. I know I'm with Erica but damn it's something bout her that burning my soul. She is full of everything I'm not and not like any female I've ever been with. I mean besides her being black. Her skin smooth soft glowing. Those eyes that I stare into makes me forget my own name. She she my own personal heaven.

LANDON she screams again. Damn I'm sorry Mystic what was you saying. You can put me down. I can walk for a while. I put her down quickly I grab her wrist. Mystic let's clear the air right now. Yes, we both know I have a girlfriend, but I can't change what's happen between us. Their is no us. It can't be Landon. Do you love her? Yes I do. Then it's simple. With us after the next few days we want even see each other again. Looking in her eyes I see disappointment and sadness. I take her hand and smile your right. We just got caught up and stop it before something bad happen. Yes we did. We fine. she says giving me a warm smile. We start talking bout other things. Are you every going to tell me what it is you do Landon? She has such a questionable mind? I will tell YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SPLASH


Mystic I call for her. She rises out he water FUCK she looks good. FOCUS LANDON I mentally kick myself.

Are you alright? Yes I am. What happen Landon? My guess rain from the past few days ground still soft. She throws water at me. Let's have fun here before we go back she says. I watch her swim round a little bit. I join in. We talk a little bit more then decide to leave. I have to carry her all the way back but I don't mind. Having her hot wet body pressed up against mine my hands gripping her firm thighs. I take a deep breath.


I go change and get dinner started for us. I watch her walk up stairs. I swear she playing with my mind she walking slow knowing I'm looking and that eye on the low. Them long legs her eyes holding lingering lust. I walk up the stairs behind her. She is in her room much as i desire to go in I don't I go to my room take a shower and change. I come back down she is in the kitchen getting dinner prepared I st and watch T.V. The tension has calm down some but I know she feels this what ever it is. Every moment I see her I just want to slice into her heart to find her and and make her whole. I can still see she is is torn over things.....

/////// Sasha POV ///////

As dinner cook I go sit beside Landon. We are talking and laughing. We see a old black and movie come one. I haven't movies like these in years I say. Let's watch it then he say's. I go set the timer on the stove to automatically cut off when the meat gets done. I go back to the couch get a blanket and cover up. We are so into the movie. I slowly fall into a slumber.

I wake up over in the middle of the night. Landon arm is holding me tight I lay back on his chest. He kisses my forehead so gently. Good night Mystic. good night I whisper back while he pulls me closer to him.



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