Chapter17 Silence... Bar... Truth

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{ that night still }

///// Landon POV /////

Silence fell the smile that once was on her angelic face begin to slowly fade with the depth of the silence. After bout 10 minutes I asked what did you say. She looked at me saying it again. I love you Landon. I stood her up I rush to put on my clothes I tell her I have to go and I leave her. I know I just hurt her but I also can't respond to her saying she loves me. I go home to sleep alone.

Laying here in my bed, I can't help but miss Sasha's warm silky smooth skin against mine. She is my heartbeat but am I sure I love her. I know I can't be without her but I don't won't to lie to her either. Look at the hell I just walked out of actually the war zone from hell we both walked out on. Is it to soon? Could it be that she does love me. I just need to rest. I drift in to a deep sleep...

{ next day }

/////// Sasha POV /////

I woke up eyes sore red and puff from crying of how Landon left me last night. I still can't believe him. I was honest told him how I feel. Now I'm left to pick up the pieces of my broken heart. I go handle all things and get ready for work.


Ivy where are the files for the Simpson case? I'm bring them to you now. Her you go Sah. Sasha what's wrong with you? Landon Reigns is what's wrong with me. What did he do Sas.? I told him I loved him and he didn't say any thing then left me. Well fuck him to Sas. I was going out tonight come with me. Lets make it a girls night out. Ivy i'm really not up for it. Tell Sas has Landon even called or text to explain or say good morning just even a hey? No I say low tone. What was that Sas.? No Ivy he hasn't. We both know he's up now. He wants to be like this then hell yeah lets go have some fun. You right Ivy we will leave early change clothes and go out. Alright that's the Sas I know. I'll meet you here after work then we will go to your house.

////// Landon POV /////

Lan you left her their with out so much a word Ty says to me? Yes Ty I did. Have you talked to her? No! What am I going to say Ty, Thank you for loving me Sasha I'm not sure if I feel the same but thank you. It would make me mad if a girl did they shit to me. You left her alone and have yet to try to reach out. I think we need some space. Come again, Ty says to me. Lan she is not Erica. I know Ty. Look you need to relax and think. How bout we go out tonight and have fun get drunk take your mind off your problems then tomorrow you and Sasha talk. Alright man. I'll text Stone see if he want's to meet us their.


{ that night }

////// Sasha POV /////

Ivy and I just walk through the door. I had a long day at work this stuff with Landon I just need to unwind take my mind off things.

Sasha, Ivy says snapping me back to reality. What is it Ivy I say while we walk towards the bar. If you won't to leave and go some where else we can? Why would we do that. I follow her eyes only to meet and become locked with the blue eyes that capture me all the time. Landon I whisper to myself. No Ivy it's fine we will not go any where. I don't mean shit to him if I did he would show it. I walked passed Landon with him and his friends. I felt his eyes burning into me. I dropped contact with him.

After a little bit at the bar, two handsome gentlemen approach Ivy and I. Hey, I'm Thomas he says to me smiling with his hand extended to me. I'm Austin the other man says to Ivy. You ladies are very lovely and we didn't think y'all should be sitting here alone. I smile and said please join us. Thomas is firefighter with a body that screams steroids. Ivy seems happy talking to Austin.

//////// Landon POV //////

Lan look who just walked in Stone says to me. I look up and see Sasha walking in with her friend. Her friend most of told her I was here cause the moment our eyes meet they begin screaming at each other. I never meant to hurt her but I also cant lie to her either. The hell she just walked by me like she don't even know me.

Lan are you here with us Ty says? I look at him yeah I am. Holy fuck who is that guy talking to my baby. Hell, have you seen her legs, shit I would holla at her to Stone says. I mentally just ripped his eyes out of his head. We didn't break up Stone. We just haven't talked. Does she know that Ty says while him and Stone laugh. Look Lan play with her. It's pissing you off to see her with someone else. Of course it is Stone. Find you a sexy female buy her some drinks talk to her it don't matter if she dumb as a rock act like she is the only female in the room and give her your full attention. You right Stone. I scan the room I see a blonde on the other side of the bar. I toss my drink back and walk over to her.

Hello beautiful how are you doing? Fine she says greeting me with a smile. Is this seat taken? No it's not she says. I'm Landon and you are. Holly. She looks at me weird. HOLY FUCK you are Landon Reigns, your the Landon Reigns. She says rather loudly getting every ones attention including Sasha. Her eyes and my eyes meet again across the bar hers flashed fire mine held rage. I put my all into Holly. I brought her some drinks. She asked if I could sign her breast and take a picture with her. I said sure cause I know I'm not getting that drunk to go home with her and I also gave her my autograph on paper. She is a groupie / stalker type female. We talk for bout 45 minutes. Shes rubbing all over me and trying to turn me on and what's sad it's not working at all.

I look over at Sasha I'm getting more pissed he is touching her playing in her hair and shit. She my woman the only one I want to spend my life with. She is my ebony queen. She is my love. MY LOVE... I do love Sasha. I was I so afraid to admit it before. Holly, please excues me while I go to restroom. She is so drunk she won't know I'm gone. I paid the tab and walked back to Ty and Stone. Hey I'm bout to go talk to Sasha. I need to tell her. Tell her what Stone ask with his eye brows raised? That I don't wont her, hell I can want any female but her I need.

/////// Sasha POV //////

HOLY FUCK YOUR LANDON REIGNS.. I hear some blonde say to Landon. I watch him with her Thomas is only talking bout his self and his body. I'm sick of it but i need to get drunk. Landon done moved on and with her so I'll move on to. I'm tipsy not drunk but Thomas is and getting on my nervous touching on me. I look over and see Landon with her and it hurts. I hope he is listening to my heartbreaking cause of him. Ivy I'm going to get some air I'll be back in a few. I walk over towards the door I hear my name being called. I walk by ignoring it. I get outside the breeze wakes me up more and puts more life into me.

Sasha I know you heard me calling your name. I remain silent. So this is payback from last night I hear Landon ask? I still say nothing. I look at him throwing death glares at him. C'mon baby talk to me at least look at me. I turn around more making my back face him. Fine he says. I feel a presence come behind me and sit down. His arm snake round my waist. I quickly remove them. I'm sorry Sasha he says whispering in my ear then kissing me. I wipe his kiss off me. Damn Sasha what the fucking do you want from me. I'm sorry. I turn to him. For what Landon leaving me with answers, not saying shit to me all day, or for being all over that bitch in there? Sasha I don't even know her. The fucking hell who was that bastard in there touching and rubbing all over you. Some guy named Thomas. Oh so you fucking Thomas now? Fuck you Landon. I turn to leaving walking to my car. Baby I'm sorry. I get in my car and Landon quickly jumps in griping my keys. You better go Landon your bed and the blonde waiting calling you. I don't need her. I could want her for the night but she want be the one I need or love. Shut up Landon and give me my keys so I can go. No Sasha. Damn you. I get out my car Landon reaches me spins me to face him. Sweetheart it took me this time to know I love you. I been falling for you but don't won't us to rush and shit fucks up. She don't mean anything. not only that babygirl she is not you. I wrap my arm round him I missed you. I love you Sasha he says.



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