Chapter14 Chasing Lies

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Chasing Lies

//////// Sasha POV ///////

{ 4 days later }

Yes, Ivy I remember bout the fucking dinner with my so called family tonight. Damn Sah you don't have to get so crazy. I'm sorry Ivy it's not you. I don't won't to go and you of all people know what my family is like and who they are. Sah your doing your job and in time it's going to pay off in just a little while Ivy says to me. Thanks girl that's what i needed to hear to help me get through the rest of this day. Yes that and either a blunt or some good dick, personally I think no wait I take that back you need both. I look dead at Ivy. Go take a break and use your vibrator Ivy. Oh my have you heard me use it here before? That shit said it was a whisper and no one could hear it. I stop and look at Ivy and shake my head. Ivy you need a man. No, I need strong drinks and good dick. A man is to much trouble for me. Hello Ivy you just said I need a man ! NO NO I said a blunt and some good dick. Kick his ass next day. Actually no get some that morning then kick is ass out. I see why you single Ivy. Sah, yes Ivy do you ever regret meeting Mark. I mean after everything then you vanished it seems like you come back happy yet, your still broken not just broken but heartbroken. I stop what I'm doing and I think to myself. Then I smile. Ivy, I don't regret anything. I disgusted of what happen yes, my sister to me is nothing. You are the only family I have to me the rest are dead. Blood kills you quicker than your own enemies. When I saw them pain moved and then moved out. In a low tone I whisper to myself only now I'm burden with another pain that won't leave. Then why are you full of heartbreak and heartache Ivy ask me?.......

/////// Landon POV ///////

Damn her, I wanted to tell her that I'm single now. I wanted her I miss her. Ty walk in my front door. Bro don't you believe in knocking why you home ain't cha? Let's say I wasn't then I would of took my ass somewhere else he says laughing. Hey what happen with the tasty chocolate martini who was at the games that you spent the week with? I whisper low, she left. SPEAK UP LAN I CAN'T HEAR YOU! She left. Are you sure it was her? How bout we just for fun go get a cat scan. Why the fuck would I do that? Lan look maybe its all this Erica shit and its got your mind in a daze Shut the hell up. What you doing here any way. Kaylee wants to have dinner with us tonight. I don't won't to go no where. Dude, she hasn't seen you since you been back. Between her working and us staring a new season ans tours bout to kick off. This is the least we can do especially you cause you was gone for a week. Yeah that is true. Alright let me get a shower and change. Well hurry the hell up. Shit i'm hungry Ty say. I look at him laughing......


/////// Sasha POV ////////

I walk into the restaurant and I know where to find them at. I walk up only to be greeted by the devil himself and his just as wicked wife. Hello my sunshine, my father says to me. I look with ice in my eyes satan. Sasha is that any way to talk to me. You will respect me. I am the head of this family and like it or not you are apart of us. I laugh out loud since when? Each time you brought me off as a child and dear mother you are no better. My evil slut sister well guess you are who you came from. My mother throws death darts at me which is fine cause I throw them and more back at her. SASHA, stop all this foolishness we need to build this family back up and show the public eye that we are strong and united. I burst out laughing. Hold up did you say we are united. Since when? Tell me dear 'ol father when did I leave home? Do you even remember or do you even care. Your setting their with your child on the side of you and she smirking and hold onto Mark like I want him back. Trust I don't. He's be inside of you along with any other piece of dick you can grab. Oh, and we can't forget that saint Mark also fuck my cousin a few times. Like I said I'm not from this whorish family. Shut your mouth talking that filth my mother speaks with venom. Really y'all act like I don't remember my childhood. Let's get through this and start fresh my father says with a evil smirk. Satan I would kill myself before I became any kind of family with y'all. Look, Sah I'm sorry but me and Mark fell in love, Danielle says. I mean the first few times it was just sex then it ju..... I cut her off. Bitch look I don't give a fuck. I'm sorry Sasha, I never meant to hurt you. I deeply am sorry for the hurt I placed in her heart Mark says. You should hear it from me. I asked your sister to marry me and she said yes. I swallowed hard almost broke down. Mark thank you for you very lovely APOLLIE. I have no family each of you are dead to me. When I left years ago I cut everything including my last name. I'M DONE. Hey you BITCH YOU REMEMBER YOU CARRY MY BLOOD IN YOU ITS FLOWING THROUGH YOUR VEINS. I smile. Well, Henry Scott, I was waiting for the real you to finally show up. I turn and left. On the verge of tears walking out I hear in the distance a name but only one person calls me that. I turn to a table and see Landon with two of his friends.

//////// Landon POV /////

I was looking round at this restaurant its really nice. I hear a door in the back slam shut. It made me curious I turn to see Mystic coming out. Her beautiful eyes with hurt with in them. Mystic Mystic I called after her as she walked passed the table I was sitting at. She quickly wiped her eyes turning to me with blood shot eyes and a confused look on her face saying my name, Landon.

Hey what are you doing here she says. Me and my friends are having dinner. By the way where are my manners. I watch her closely. She is scanning the room for what I'm unsure about. This is my friend Tyler he extends his hand to her with his eyes popping out of his head. I sent daggers his way he winked at her and said my your very lovely how bout you and I go out sometime? He winked at her again He looks and me and smiles. Then back at Mystic. No thank you She says but we can be friends she said with a warm smile. Damn I miss her smile. I said and this is Kaylee. She extended her hand. I have heard a lot bout you from Lan to the point I though you was fake or a blow up doll. Kaylee ! What she ask in a non chalant tone. She smile at Kaylee, no am real. She looks at me and smile. Landon I have to go. At least let me walk you out. NO! she says quickly. She kisses me whispers in my ear, I really miss you, kisses my cheek then turns and leave in a rush. Kaylee looks at me. Landon go after her. I see her in the parking lot getting into her car I write her plate number down. I have to tell her......



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