Chapter25 And it never fails

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And it never fails

{ Next day }

////// Devin POV ///////

I walk into Lan house to see no one was home. I'm damn well staying til his stupid ass gets here. Taken that bitch to Sasha's Drs. appointment. I mean what the fuc... I'm snapped out of my though's when I here the door knob turning. I watched as the bitch walk through the door with a shit load of shopping bag. Excuse me why are you in my house Erica says to me. This is my brother's house you are vistor who I wish would fucking leave. Landon isn't here so you can go. I'll stay but you can leave and go play in traffic an when a car is coming don't move just stay. Think of it as a free make over. GET OUT NOW she yelled. I just walked over to the couch and sat down looking at her watching me. Fine whatever I'm going upstairs. Erica while you their you can jump out the window I say while laughing watching her stomp up the stair like a child. I noticed she left all her bag and pocketbook. Thinking to myself let's see who paid for this shopping spree of this gold -digger. I went in her pocketbook and got her wallet and open it to see my brother's credit card. Well, since my brother brought all this an I am his sister and he fucking so so I'll help him out a little bit. I start a fire in the fire place and got to keep it going so I'm burn her clothes. It ain't going to hurt me at all. I watch with a wonderful smile placed upon my face as her clothes burn. What is that smell Erica yells while running down the stairs. Well I was chilly and started a fire. I hope you don't mind Erica. No I don't she said. I'm going back upstairs to take my clothes and sh..... Where are my things at Erica asked. Well I had to keep the fire going some how so I burned all the stuff you just brought, I mean what my brother brought. You fucking bitch Erica say to me. Is something wrong Erica I say while having a wicked smile on my face. She starts trying to walk up on me. I said please do come and hit me. I winked and shown her my devilish face. She quickly stopped. I'll just go back and buy me some more clothes and shoes. I guess you though you did something my setting my shit on fire. I'll show you. I watched as Erica walk out the door. I wish I could see her face when she realizes my brother's credit card ain't in her pocketbook. Priceless !

//////// Sasha POV ////////

I still can't believe Landon brought that bitch to your Drs. appointment Ivy said. Ivy, we have been over this enough. I know and I told him not to bring her to any more or he won't be coming to any. Good I'm glad you put him in his place. i'm upset that y'all didn't work. Sas if him an Eri..... Don' even finish that sentence Landon and I are not getting back together. Look, Sas I know he made you happy. Hell I haven't seen you that happy in a long time. Landon and I did have something real and special or at least I though. How do you know that Erica did drug him or something. Ivy don't you think your reaching. Besides if that was the cas..... I stopped mid sentence to answer my phone:


Sasha it's me Devin,

How are you and how... I was cut off by her

Sasha I swear I'm being followed and I'm scared.

Where are you at:

I was on my way back to school.

Come to my office quick as you can. Ivy and I will be down their waiting on you. Don't worry bout going back to the dorm tonight. Your staying with me and in the morning we will see what's going on.

I 'll be their soon as I can.

Alright bye...

Come on Ivy Devin on here way here. Sasha do you think it's your dad? It wouldn't surprise me. Only thing is why would he want to harm Devin. You are pregnant with her brother's baby. I stop to think as we push the down button for the elevator. Ivy I don't think my father knows I'm pregnant, but then again it is Henry Scott we talking bout. We walked outside as Devin was pulling in and she was right she was being followed. Come on Devin and I'll be ready to go soon sweetie. Are you o.k. though. Yeah just a little freaked out. It's alright now.

/////// Henry POV ///////

Yes mam I'm here to see Mr. Lincoln Reigns. Yes sir he is in his room. Are you knew here Sir? Yes I am. Mr. Reigns and I are old friends I just came to surprise him. Oh alright that's very nice of you. His room number is 294. Alright thank you beautiful I smile and wink at her. I take off walk to his room. I knock on the door. COME IN she said. I walked in to see him looking back at me. Unlike other people who get imtimidate when they see me he didn't flinch or anything. How may I help you he says to me. I'm Sasha Scott's father. I'm sorry but I don't know a Sasha Scott. Yes you do she is pregnant with your son's child. Oh, you mean Sasha Crowder. Her last name is Scott like mine that's the name she was given. Why are you here Mr. Scott? I just came to tell you that this my grandchild and I am Sasha father. She don't need you. Mr. Scott I know all bout you, Sasha has told me. I also know that you will not be apart of this baby's life. As for being a father I'm a better father to her than you ever have been in her whole life. You might won't to watch what you say to me Mr. Reigns. I would hate if something happen to one of your kids. He boldly walks over to me leans an says if you touch my family and that includes Sasha and her baby which is my grand baby I will personally kill you myself. Try me. I watched him. He didn't back down. My phone rung.


Sir the girl went to your daughter.

Keep an eye out on both of them.

Yes sir.....

Well I have to run for now, but I will be back soon Mr. Reigns and I want be so pleasant with you. I'll be here and you might want to watch who you make empty threats to Mr. Scott. They are not empty. When it comes to me they are. I turn and walk out the room. I wonder where that young lady is from earlier. I got time to get some head from here.

////// Landon POV ///////

Speeding over to Sasha to check on my sister. Somebody following her. What is going on I'm thinking to myself as my phone rings.


Hey son how are you, you are alright arn't you.

yes pops, why did something happen?

Sasha's father just left here.

What did he want?

Basically Sasha and her baby.

Now, son from what Sasha has told me she wants nothing to do him and don;t won't y'alls child around him either. Son you have to protect them.

Yes pops I know and I'ma have to protect you and Dev also.

What does Devin have to do with anything.

She was on her way back to school and she noticed someone following her.

Where is your sister now?

At Sasha's house. I'm on my way over now to check on her. I'll call you back in just a little bit pops cause I'm here now.

Alright bye...


Sasha opens the door. I look at her her belly seeing my unborn child inside of her makes me forget thing. What she says bringing me back to reality. I'm here to check on my sister. She's in the kitchen I'm going to take a shower. Dev are you alright? Yes Landon and I told you, you didn't have to come. By the way I have something to tell you. What is it? I was at your house earlier then Erica came. Long story short I set all the stuff on fire. Matter of fact I did it in your fireplace. I watched as Dev takes another bite of her pizza like she didn't do anything wrong. Dev tell me you apologize to her. HELL NO why would I do that when she ruined my niece or nephews family. Don't blame her Dev. Oh I'm not its your fault to also. She knew what she was doing and you just fucking let her. Now that baby has to grow up wit parents who are co-parenting living in different house all cause of a gold-ding whore who spread her quick. Dev don't... Don't what Landon tell you the truth. Dev shut up I'm going to take a shower. Lan let me ask you something. Alright Devin ask. When you child comes up to you and ask, daddy why are you and mommy not together? What are you going to tell her or him. Devin walked past me and I watched her walk up the stairs as Sasha was coming down. She just look at me when hurt still in her eyes rubbing her belly our child she caring. I walked up to her and stare at her in her eyes. I cant help myself I kisses her, Wrapping my hands round her waist as she puts he arms my neck. I continue to kiss her with all the love and passion I can then some more. She pushes me off her breaking our kiss. Landon we can't. We can't what Sasha. She looks at me an kisses me pulling me closer to her.

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