Chapter5 Different

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////// Landon POV /////

{ still that night }

Man, she can really cook I say to myself ! Watching closely while she closes the door behind her trying to get the last looks of her in for the night. She is intelligent crazy at best yet I can't help but feel she is hidden so much more. Her beauty is glowing. I try so hard not to stare I can't help it. It turns me on when I see her in the kitchen smiling and cooking us talking bout random things. Still fucking confused on the setting her car on fire. Shit Landon pull it together you have a girlfriend that you love, no your in love with, no you love her, you love Erica. Damn, I wonder how she is doing or what she is doing. I know she would hate it here that's why I never bring her. When Mystic stop just to watch the sunset little things like that capture so much more in life than than rushing through to get bigger or more important things. I walk up to my bedroom I hear the shower turn off in Mystic's room. Remembering when I saw her open her coat only wearing her bra and panties dripping wet damn I never got so turned by a female that quick. Now to know she is completely naked FUCK! Still in a daze of why she was walking down the dark road in the middle of no where with no clothes on? Who are you and what is going in in your life. I go take my shower jump in bed laying down til I go into a deep slumber......

{ next day }

I wake up to a amazing breakfast filled aroma house. I go to the bathroom handle my business only wearing basketball shorts. I want to see if she will eye rape me. Not that I mind cause I do that to her all day long. SHIT Landon pull it together your with Erica. I leave out the room walk down stairs to see Mystic in the kitchen cooking for us. I guess I wasn't quiet as I though. Her beautiful self turn to me with a warm big smile Good morning Landon ! Good morning Mystic. How did you sleep? She turns looking at me great she says. I haven't slept this good in years to be honest with you. Thank you for allowing me to stay she says. Not a problem. Landon ! Hum I say looking at her cook. Do you ever bring females up her? I look at her very stunned by her question. Could it be that she is jealous and wants me? I mean really what female don't want me. I was brought out of my thought when I heard her say you don't have or need to answer, I was out of line to ask you. I'm sorry it will not happen again.I walk over next to her. No I simply say. No of them ever seem to want to come up here. Your off the grid away from everything. I know that's why I'm enjoying it so much. It's beautiful and peaceful she says. Yes it is I say. What's for breakfast? Everything is just bout done. Tell me something, how was you going to cook bacon if you can't cook at all she ask? The microwave I say. She looks at me and laughs. You need to get you some cooking lessons. How bout the rest of the time here I'll help you make us dinner. She looks at me sounds like a plan she says. Looking in her brown eyes I can still see raw pain and heartache and shattered hearts inside of her. I just want to take it away but I don't know how. What was your best thing to do as a kid here she ask? Actually It's fishing. My granddaddy taught me. How bout after breakfast I'll clean up, we get changed and spend the day at the lake she ask. Really I asked? Sure, why not she say smiling. Then let's eat up.


At the lake we have fishing poles, we dug up our own baits. I'm surprised she actually did that. I mean she was digging in the dirt getting dirty yet she still held such beauty. It's rare to find a woman like her. Her boyfriend must be going crazy without her. That's it they had a fight and she took off. Lucky bastard to have her in his bed every night. Oh shit I'm back in reality when I here Mystic yelling with pure excitement in her voice I caught one, I caught one. I help her take it off the hook and look at her grinning from ear to ear. You know we cooking these fish tonight right? She counters I don't mind at all. She put's the next bait on the hook casting out the rod. I noticed action going on with my rod I go reel it in only to get a little baby fish. Mystic looks at me laughing so hard. It's not funny I say. To you it's not but for me it's hilarious. After a while, we were still fishing I ask. Why do you enjoy the simple things in life? She looks at me and say why not? Those things hold the most value. C'mon she says where are we going I ask. Swimming! I watch her jump in the water I stand up and watch while she submerge out the water. Damn just when I think I have her figured out she goes and surprises me again. I strip down to only my boxers. She turns away. Holy hell what female turns away from this body and all this sexiness? I jump in! We play in the warm water. I haven't did this in years I say to her. She just gives me this look without a word.

We get back to the house clean the fish now I'm bout to help cook them. Granny please watch over me don't let me burn y'alls house down.

I said cut the lemons not chop them up she says. She puts her hands over mine showing me how to do it. She is a beast in the kitchen. Learning from her yet I can't get no real answers from her. I'ma try again over dinner. Once we are finally done She fixed our plates we ate in comfortable silence.

Mystic, she looks at me taken another bite of her food. Where is your boyfriend at? She dropped her fork I swear I saw her entire world surrounding her come tumbling down slowly in that very moment. She looked at me with tears of pain in her eyes. Before I knew she took off running out the back door. I ran behind her calling her name no response. FUCK where could she have went to. I go get my keys drive around I don't see her any where. I go back to the house I call out for her no response. I have fucked up.......



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