Chapter 28 Strike 3: Your Going Down

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Strike 3: Your Going Down

////// Sasha POV /////////

{ next day }

Arriving at the Hospital I walk up the front desk. Yes, may I please have Ivy Sanchez room please? Yes, but she is not in a regular room. Looking at the lady with confusion all over my face. What do you mean? She is being held in our suicide watch and is being carefully monitored. I don't understand. Suicide, I asked? Yes, mam Ms. Sanchez attempted to kill herself more than once yesterday. I want to see her now, I demanded. Landon takes my hand rubbing it softly. Yes mam she is in room 847 go down the hall turn to the left and that is the suicide part.

Landon and I approached the door. My hand on the handle and I can't seem to turn it. Sasha are you alright he ask. I turn to face him. Landon I'm scared to see her like this. Baby I know but she needs you. I turn back around and open the door. I slowly walk in and see Ivy restrained to a bed. Her face pale. I walk over to her. I softly rub her hand. Ivy it's me i'm here wake up please. Landon brings me a chair so I can sit next to Ivy. I watch her as tears being to sting my face as the roll down my face. hours have past and she is still out of it. I have prayed so much these past two hours.

A few more hours have past and tears spill from my eyes again. Landon I can't live without her. She is my best friend, my only family I have. Sas I hear a soft groggle voice say my name and turn to see Ivy wit her eyes barely open. Ivy I say in a soft whisper. She tries to move her arms realizing she can't she looks at me with confusion wrote all over her face. Ivy they have you restrained to the bed your under suicide watch. WHAT she screams. she starts jerking her arms to get free. Landon goes to hold her arms down as she begins to cry. I hug her tight.

Sas I swear I didn't try to kill myself. Ivy tell me what happen? I told you I meet this guy and we was suppose to go out last night. Well earlier that day I went out and I swear I thought I saw Danielle but I looked for her again but I didn't find her so I though I was paranoid. I hurried and left. I went back to the hotel room I noticed small things weren't were I left them but brushed it off. After a while I went to get in the shower i was excited bout the date and this new man.
I got out ready to do my hair and make up when i saw razors. Sas I swear they wasn't mine I don't know whee they came from and stupid me I touched them and put them back. Next thing i know their men barging in my room and i screamed and one of the men slapped me across the face then another man grabbed a towel and stuffed it in my mouth and put tape round my mouth. then they started cutting me, but they had on gloves. one of the men grabbed me an slammed my face into the dresser really hard. I was so dizzy. last thing I remember was being on a boat an they tied my hands behind my back and tossed me over. Ivy i need to get u back home now. Sas their is one more thing you need to know. What is it Ivy ? Danielle was on the boat. I clearly saw her just before I went over. Soon as Ivy said that my blood boiled. Landon must have noticed but he just came and wrapped his arms round me and begin silently crying.

Dr. Springs I want Ivy Sanchez moved now. I want her back to our state. I'm sorry Ms. But that can not be done. Its Ms. Crowder and it will be. I am the district attorney I need her moved now. She is under suicidal watch its against hospital policy. IF you don't I will. Ms. Crowder we are unable to do this. FINE! I turned and walked back to Ivy's room.

I walked in the room to see Landon reading a magazine and Ivy asleep. Landon looked up at me when he heard the door close. Landon help me get Ivy moved. We need to leave now. They won't release her so we taking her on our own. Sasha are you sure? Yes I am. We have to for her safety actually all of ours. Alright, Sasha let's move her. I walked up to Ivy to wake her up. Ivy wake up we taken you out of her. I'll put you in another hospital when we get back home. I look down at my best friend, my only family her body so frail and weak. I leaned down Ivy wake up. she didn't move. Iv... I was cut off by Landon. Sasha let's just unhook every thing and I will carry her out. Thank you Landon. I got all her things together and called the hospital back home and made sure they had a private room ready for her. Once we got her unhooked from all the machines well all but one and when we did alarms blared loud in the room. Landon and I looked and each i grab everything and he picked Ivy up bridal style and we rushed out the hospital. I got into the rental car and took off.

( 2 days later )

////// Danielle POV //////

Baby, you know I can't wait for our wedding I'm going to be the most beautiful bride. Sweetheart I have no doubt that you will. Danni Are we still set to have the wedding on the same day. I put a devilish wicked grin on my face. Of course baby. On the day Sasha is due to have that bastard mixed up baby. Ugh I mean she is disgracing this family have that rat mixed up child. What is th... Before I could continue I was cut of by Sasha. What was you saying bout my child ? Uhm well, Sash you misunderstood me. I said I can't wait to see my beautiful niece or nephew. I said with a fake warm smile. Your a lying bitch I heard everything you said. I stood up and got in her face. Sasha you better watch you you are taking to I wi.... SLAP ! I placed my hand over my face where my sister just slapped me at. I lifted my head back up and looked at her. that was for my child. Fuck you an.... SLAP ! That's from Ivy you stupid trifling bitch. I saw Marcus get up walking toward her. She wasted no time and kicked him in his balls. She picked up a drink and poured it all over me. I watched her walk to the door. Tell YOUR FATHER HE'S NEXT. She walked out like she ain't do a fucking thing. I want to see the restaurant manager. I watch as little girl went to the back. Out walked a older man. Yes, may I help you. I was just assaulted in here. Why are you calling me. Call the police. I'm pressing charges on her and you if you don't do anything. I'm not doing anything. Sir! I heard someone behind him call for him. It was their fault the lady was being attacked and she defended herself. He turned back to me I wont the both of y'all out and never return again. He turned and walked away. I got my stuff. I saw that little bitch. I corner against the wall. You made a mistake. say all your good-byes, you just wrote your death sentence. I promise no one will be able to save. With that Marcus and I walked out.

( later that night )

///////// Landon POV ////////

Landon, what happen why did you have to leave so quick? Man, what's up Tyler asked me. I took a dink of my Apple ciroc. Well, Ty some things happened with Sasha's family and we need to get away from them. Is everything good now. Yeah man everything is good. Lan what am I having having a god daughter or god son. I watch as his smile grew bigger. I said honestly I don't know. I also love how you name yourself godfather of my child. I hoping for a god daughter. That way I can take her out make women see me with her have dates for the next year he said while laughing. You are not using my child to pick up women I said in a serious tone but laughing also. Landon on a serious note you ready for fatherhood. I can say.... I was cut off by Erica. He better be. Erica what are you doing here Tyler asked her? Landon why haven't you answered any of my calls? Your number haven't came up. What are you talking about Erica. I lost my other phone in the water doing a photo shoot and I got another phone with another number. that was you calling me from and unknown number. Yes! Now why didn't you answer my calls. You didn't get my message Erica. What message it don't matter i am back now and we are going to be a family. Tyler spit his drink out and said what the fuck are you talking about? Erica took my hand and placed it on her belly and smiled. I jerked my hand back. What are you up to i said in a ice cold way. I'm pregnant. OH SHIT Tyler says. I could only say one thing.

Sasha !

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