Chapter18 Gala Pt.2

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{ night of gala }

/////// Sasha POV ///////

I love my dress but at the same time I hate it. I was one to never get extremely formal. I did my hair myself. I don't have no one to impress and with my family their I don't plan on staying long. I snapped out of my though's when I hear Landon calling for me. I'm coming I yell to him. I grab the last of everything take one more look then head out the room. Walking down the stairs Landon back is towards me. I stand their waiting for him to notice me. When he finally does his mouth drops open. I continue to walk down the steps. Beautiful does not even begin to say how flawless and amazing you look right now. I smile thank you Sir. You look handsome. I kiss him on the cheek. Of course I do sweetheart I'm Landon Reigns. You just ruined the whole moment I say with a smile on my face. He slides his arms round me kissing my neck. I may be handsome and every woman in the woman room may want me tonight but all I need is you in my arms. I love you. How could you not I'm Sasha Crowder I say laughing.


We walk in and I notice Ivy coming towards me. Sas you look so amazing. I tend to say she is breath taken. She is steadily stealing my breath. Ivy meet Landon, Landon meet my best friend Ivy. How are you she extends her hand. If you two lovely ladies will excuse me I'm going to go get us some drinks. I watch as he walks off. Ivy how much longer to I have to stay in this hell whole of a party. Sah you just got here give it at least 1 hour. I grown out in misery. I look up to see the people who I wish would just cur themselves away from me. Danielle and Mark looking Kermet and Miss Piggy. That's not true the Muppet's are far better looking. Ivy they heading over get them away from me. Sorry Sah no exit close by.

Hey sis Danielle says wit a fake smile for the camera's and guest. I just remain plain and tuned her out. SASHA I know you see and hear me for christ sakes i'm in front of you. All I see is to fake snakes and my only sister Ivy. Ivy do you see or hear any body. I drops her head giggling. Poor Sasha still mad cause she in the single zone and her with out a man and I'm here with her ex and looking better than her. Her and Mark begin laugh. Hello love who are these people Landon ask giving me my glass of Champagne. Landon this is my slut of a man stealing whore sister only by blood alone Danielle. The snake standing beside her is my ex Mark. Oh so your Mark, Landon says. Yes I am. Don't tell me Sasha can't get over me me she still wants me. I watch him and Danielle laugh making a complete fool of themselves. Actually no Mark she doesn't. I just wanted to say thank you. You treated her like shit and the level of disrespect you put her through it was easy for me to come and be the man she always wanted not needed. For you Danielle you look nice but you don't dare hold a candle to the light in my life. I couldn't help but smile. The look on Landon's face read truth and honesty most of all loyalty not only to me but to us. Mark said how much is she paying you? Mark is it? Yes it is. Take out your cell phone. Mark looks confused as fuck but does it. Google this name Landon Reigns he says with a devilsh grin before grabbing my hand and we walk off. I see now baby. You see what Landon. Why you was afraid that day at the cabin. I miss it their I say. I miss us being their. Me hearing you moan my name while you was masturbating one night turned me on Landon says in my ear. I blush hard. Don't worry sweetheart I did the same thing after I heard you. We was rudely interrupted by satan himself.

Sasha you look nice this evening. Drop the act nobody is buying that shit especially me. Don't you take that attitude with me I am still your father. Shall I be a whore like your princess Danielle. I mean her legs stay open more than a 24 hour open store. You will not speak of your sister in that way my mother chimes in. Why not she takes after you I say then I walk off. Landon those were my parents. I hate it here I'm so ready to go. We can leave Landon says. Just let me go to the restroom and we can leave I say. I kiss Landon then walk to the restroom.

/////// Landon POV //////

Watching Sasha walk away after seeing her and her parents I know she needs to fully relax. I feel hands around my waist and kisses being placed on my neck. Hey baby I saw you I had to come and get you. I spin quickly round only to be meet by her. Before I knew it I was looking dead in her eyes. She eagerly rushed into me and kissed me ever so passionate... I pull away. What are you doing? Coming for you I'm only going to tell you this once stay away from me. Why should I. We have a lot to talk about. She kisses me again. More intense than before. I push her off of me. I mean it stay away from me Erica I've moved on I'm happy. I look up only to be meet with eyes of cold and pain from Sasha........



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