Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

*Author's P.O.V*

"You just got owned son." Harry says after their twentieth game, getting out his seat and throwing his middle fingers up at his friend."Suck on that."

"First off, I'm older than you so don't call me son. Second off, you only won because I let you to make you feel better. I could have easily beat you without dying once. Third off, no." Niall explains playfully rolling his eyes with a smack of his lips.

"You want to fight to settle the score?" Harry suggests, opening his arms wide with a smirk on his face.

"That offer is very tempting man. Unfortunately, I have to pass it up because it's very late and I have a dalmatian that needs me. We'll fight later though. I promise." Niall says, pointing at his watch as he stands up.

He gives his friend a hug then gives him a quick nut tap. He runs out the apartment with evil laughter and loud cheering. He probably piss off or confused his friend's neighbors but he doesn't care. Harry covers his crotch while he leans forward. His eyes are closed as he tries to figure what he has done to have that happen to him. He turns off his console and television before he goes to his front door with a limp. He locks the door while deciding to call it a day. He goes to his bathroom to piss then heads to his bedroom. The outfit he has on is taken off then thrown into the dirty hamper. The bed makes a slight noise the moment his body gets on it. The lights are turnt off with Harry getting under the duvets. He falls asleep three minutes later.

The phone alarm rings loudly waking him up the next morning. The alarm is quickly turnt off when he sits up in his bed with a yawn. When he checks his battery percentage, he groans seeing that it's on fifteen percent since he forgot to put it on the charger before bed. He gets out of bed then makes his way to the bathroom. He uses the toilet then brushes his teeth. The morning light shines brightly in the kitchen when he steps into it. He goes to the fridge then pulls out a leftover breakfast wrap. He puts the food in the microwave then leaves to get change. Ten minutes later he comes down to the kitchen again to get his food. He makes sure everything is lock and turnt off then leaves his apartment. He puts on his headphones then places his phone in his pocket.

The bus pulls up right on time, which makes him incredibly grateful. The ride to the blonde's house isn't that far away, that's what Harry believes, even though it is thirteen blocks away. The ride takes fifteen minutes in total. Harry turns his brightness down, clear out apps, and doesn't use his phone so he doesn't use all his battery percentage. He only uses it if he wants to change a song. He gets off the bus then makes his way inside. He takes the stairs up to the third floor figuring that he needs the exercise. He takes out his spare key then uses it to unlock the front door once he's there. All of the guys have keys to each others' place in case of an emergency or anything else.

He walks into the apartment and closes the door behind him. He is instantly greet by Danny, who jumps up to put his front paws on his stomach and try to lick his face. He laughs and let him lick his neck and cheek a few times. His hand comes out of his pocket to scratch behind the cheerful dog's ear, making his tail wag quickly. He motions for Danny to sit after a while and he does the action quickly. As much as he wants to spend more time with him, he doesn't want to be late for work. The living room and kitchen are search to see if Danny's bag is in there but its not. He comes to the conclusion that the bag must be in the blonde's room. He makes his way to his friend's room with his headphones still playing in his ears. He opens the bedroom door then regrets that action once his eyes land on the bed.

Niall is naked from the waist up while he still has his jeans on. That's not what surprises the green eye male. What surprises him is the fact that his friend has his head inbetween the female from Red Lobster legs as she lay completely naked. She moans out loudly while cupping her breasts. The moment that happens Harry closes the door. He backs away from it with his brain trying to process what his eyes saw. He stumbles into the living room then sits on the couch. Now he starts to wish that he just would have waited after work to come and pick up Danny. His mind doesn't want to get the image out no matter how hard he shakes or hits his head. The redness in his face doesn't go away either. It only intensifies as the seconds goes on.

Five minutes later the bedroom door opens slowly. Harry's body freezes as he tries to play it cool. He pulls Danny to him then tries to distract himself by rubbing him. The female comes down the hall then stops when she sees the other male in the living room. Niall isn't too far behind her as he is checking Danny's bag one last time. He isn't paying attention to where he is going so he is surprise when he bumps into the short female. He looks around then lifts a eyebrow when he sees his friend on his couch. The female bids him goodbye before she is out the door as if nothing happen. The moment the front door closes Harry relaxes just the slightest bit. He doesn't turn to face his friend at all. When Niall comes to stand in front of him, he still doesn't look at his face.

"Not that it's an issue or anything but when did you get here?" Niall asks while fixing his work hat that's on his head.

"I just walked in right before you and whoever that was walked out the room. I figured that I would stop by now since I had time to kill." Harry says, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh thank god. If you would have came any sooner, you would have probably saw or heard some intimate things going on and I would have been completely embarrassed." Niall laughs out, causing his friend to lose the color in his face.

"Yeah. I would have been traumatized for life. Good thing Danny distracted me." Harry says with a fake laugh that his friend believes.

"Well, let's get in my car and hit the road." Niall states, pointing at the front door with a bright smile on his face.

Harry nods then takes Danny's bag from his friend. They all leave the apartment with the blue eye male locking the door. They get in the car then head off to Harry's apartment. He doesn't move or say anything when his friend volunteers to take Danny inside of the apartment building instead. He just gives him a slight nod. He waits in the car until his friend comes back. The drive to the animal shelter is quiet beside from the fact that Niall sings along to the songs from the radio. The moment he parks his car Harry gets out of it as quickly as possible. He doesn't wait for his friend. He wants to create so much distance from him for now. The image and noise will have to leave his head before he can feel even slightly comfortable around him. With that in mind, he clocks in then goes straight to work.



Thoughts??? Predictions???


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