Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

*Author's P.O.V*

Katherine couldn't say anything after that. She didn't want to say anything because she didn't know what he was going to do next. The moment he let her go she ran as fast as she could out of that apartment. The two had left for work right after. They both knew that they needed silence for a while. They were grateful that Veronica didn't give them hell for being fifteen minutes later. Niall couldn't really focus at work. He was one hundred percent positive that he wasn't going to hit her. Hitting a woman would never even cross his mind. He just didn't know what came over him. After work, the two of them head to his apartment and are sitting on the living room floor with nail material surrounding them.

"What color would you like?" Harry questions as he shuffles the seven colours around.

"Black like my soul." Niall answers, which gets a snort out of his friend that hits his leg with his foot.

"Quit being so dramatic. Your soul is far from black. That 5'4, brown eyed, black haired, and slim body female definitely has a black soul though." Harry jokes even though he is quite serious.

"I'm sorry that you had to witness that earlier. I didn't want things to happen like that but so many suppressed emotions just came out." Niall says while he gives Harry his hand to paint his nails.

"I probably would have done the same thing so it's alright. She kind of deserved it anyway. I'm sure she learned her lesson." Harry replies, removing the red paint from his nails.

"I think doing that only confirmed that we did have sex and she's going to spread that like the fucking pledge." Niall responds as he hands him the black nail polish.

"Let her. She has no proof so everyone is just going to think she's lying. I mean you didn't even come out to everyone so they probably think she lied about that too." Harry explains with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I know that I shouldn't but I feel so bad for her. The way she looked at me was as if I was a completely different person. I hate to admit this too but I kind of miss her and she's trying so hard to be in my life again and I keep pushing her away." Niall confesses, looking toward the ground in shame.

"You have every right to push her away. You don't owe her shit. No empathy, sympathy, or loyalty. She made you this way and she's only getting a taste of what she put you through. You're not going to be manipulated by her ever again." Harry informs, failing to hide his jealousy.

There is no way he's going to let Katherine win. She doesn't deserve to be with him ever again. It is his turn now. He knows that he can treat him better than anyone ever will since he seems to be the only one that understands him. He wants to pull him close then kiss him and make him see what he sees because they could be living happily ever after right now. The cap of the nail polish is open aggressively by him before he gets to work. The smell bothers him for a few seconds but he gets over it. He takes his time to make sure that each nail is done to perfection. Though he takes his time, he's still able to finish quickly so that leaves them still on the floor waiting the nails to dry.

"I just don't see it. I've let someone sexually assault me twice and was going to let him get away with it. I bashed your sexuality even though I'm somewhat apart of it. I've committed so many fuck up crimes all because I was stupidly in love. I want my ex back for crying out loud. What exactly draws you towards me?" Niall says and Harry can't keep his silence anymore.

"Because you still tried to put a smile on everyone's face. You still tried to push through life. Those negative things are only a small portion of your life out of all the amazing shit you do. You're so fucking intelligent and carry yourself with so much determination and selfcare. I'll do all I can to keep you by my side because you're such a light." Harry confesses, smiling brightly.

"So what she said was true after all." Niall mumbles but he's not the only one that hears it.

"What did she say exactly?" Harry asks and right after he wishes that he didn't.

"That you started dressing like a girl to get my attention and make me fall in love with you." Niall answers and the sun turns a fire orange with bits of red.

"Did you not just hear what I said to you? I just poured my fucking heart out to you and you just believe something that manipulative thing put into your head. All my choices in life were for me. The clothes? For me. Falling for you? For me." Harry responds then gets up from the floor, accidentally knocking over the nail polish."Honestly fuck you for that."

"I knew we shouldn't have had sex. Sex changes everything." Niall states before standing to his feet as well.

"Well you should thought of that before you started fucking me like a damn wild animal in heat." Harry hisses out, stunning him greatly.

He shakes his head then grabs his jacket. The front door looks very inviting. The walk to it is fast as he has every move before. The knob is taken into his hands as his mind accepts that Katherine won. To him, she had planted her seeds early and now they are just sprouting and towering over him. That kind of breaks his heart. He hopes to god that the blue eyed male feels his shattering heart. He opens the door but it is slam shut quickly. That doesn't stop him from trying again though. The same thing happens again. He turns around in a huff then glares into lost blue eyes. That doesn't matter to him now. What matters is the frustration and anger that is radiating from himself.

"I would like to go home then eat and nap away this anger so get out of my way." Harry states as he give him a fake smile.

"I can't have you leave here upset with me. I need you here to help me figure this shit out." Niall explains, resting his hands on top of his shoulders gently."Please."

"You need to let me go and go call your precious Katherine since you want to fix your relationship with her. I'll get over my crush so don't think I'm going to go on a rampage and spill all your secrets. I'm not like her." Harry reassures while pushing his hands roughly.

"And I know that it's wrong that I can't move on but there's something about you. What is it?" Niall responds, trying to search his eyes for the answers but his mouth gives him one instead.

"You're the moon and I'm the sun." Harry replies, his eyes softening along with his anger that is replaced with sadness.



Thoughts??? Predictions??? Y'all peep the Good Guy and This Town lyric?😏


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