Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

*Author's P.O.V*

The boys are having a blast that night. They played Just Dance with Zayn and Niall beating everyone. The guys made sure that whatever the blonde wanted to do they would do it. They drunk a good amount of booze but none of them are drunk. Niall made a vow to himself to never get drunk again ever since that incident so he won't be taken advantage of like that again. He also made a vow to watch his friends like a hawk when they are drunk. He doesn't want them to go through the same thing as him because that will only add on to the daggers that are already in his heart. If he could, he would take all of their daggers and place them into his hurt. He wants to be the anchor for them since he had to be the anchor for people his entire life.

He is currently in the kitchen, setting a cheese pizza in the oven since everyone is hunger again. His mind is still trying to escape his body so he doesn't have to keep being tortured by the past. He just wants to experience true joy but ever since Katherine and Damon came that seems to be impossible. The guys are having a intense tournament of Mario cart. Harry had came in fifth, Liam in fourth, and Niall in third. Zayn and Louis are still battling it out for first while the guys watch. They all kind of forgot the plan to keep the blonde happy and safe due to them having so much fun. They notice him but not as much as they should. Liam does notice him when he comes back and sits down on the couch.

"I find it really unfair that you have embarrassing moments of us but we have zero for you." Liam explains just as Zayn screams victory.

"You have nothing embarrassing to hold over me because I know how not to have any of those moments." Niall states with a shrug.

"That's what you think." Harry sings, catching the blonde's attention quickly.

"Oh shit what is it?" Louis questions, looking between the two with wide eyes.

"I caught his face inbetween that girl's legs from Red Lobster." Harry answers, receiving gasps from the boys.

"You're just bluffing. You would have been said something if you saw." Niall challenges while crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh I wish I was. I can report every little detail if you want me to." Harry responds, smirking at him.

"No no. There's no need for that. Let's get back to hanging out." Niall replies with a blush.

In that moment, he wishes that the floor can swallow him so he can get away from the boys laughter. He sinks into his seat while sipping his beer, hoping that can drown him from their noise. He should have known Harry had heard or saw them. That day he thought the curly hair male was just being his normal awkward self. He should have known because the girl wasn't that quiet either. Harry, on the other hand, is extremely happy because for once he is finally able to cause his friend to blush. This is definitely payback for all the times that he was the one left blushing with everyone laughing at him. He knows that this might be the only time that this will happen but he doesn't care.

"Eww get off ugly." Niall jokes as Zayn comes over to him to kiss his cheek and ruffle his hair.

"I can make you think twice about that." Zayn responds playfully while his arms wrap around the blonde's shoulders.

"You don't have to do this." Niall says, trying to force his body to sober up and push him away.

"You know you want this. It's okay to like guys." Damon responds, gripping the blonde's crotch.

"Get off please." Niall whispers out, flinching when he feels his tongue on his neck.

"Relax. After this you'll think twice about saying that." Damon replies, unzipping his pants.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Zayn states, feeling absolutely horrible.

The guys didn't know what to do. One minute the blonde had a smile on his face but it quickly fell to a frown when Zayn said that sentence. They didn't know why that sentence and that action would cause him to freeze up like that. They've never seen him like that. He was quietly panting while his hands were tight fists. His eyes were straight ahead and look as if he was in pain. They could have sworn that he was having a panic attack or PTSD episode. They didn't want to assume that he had gotten abused sexually so they let that thought leave their mind the moment it appeared. Currently, Niall comes out of his flashback and looks at them with a smile on his face.

"Oh no you're fine. I was just thinking about something." Niall just as the timer in the kitchen goes off.

He gets up from the couch then goes to the kitchen. His phone digs and he pulls it out of his pocket. He sees that he has a text, most likely from Katherine, telling him to come outside. He puts his phone away then starts to take the pizza out the oven. He grabs paper plates then cut three slices for all of them. He calls them to come get their plates while he makes his way to the front door. Their hunger distracts them from the fact that the blonde is no longer in the apartment. He is outside right now, waiting for Katherine to show her face. However, she doesn't appear. Damon appears with a grin on his face. He laughs to himself when he notices the blonde's hands form into fists instantly.

"I should have known. Katherine would have just knocked on the door or called me." Niall says then turns around to head back inside.

"Not so fast there blondie. Katherine knows about our little adventure thanks to you." Damon states, grabbing his arm and turning him back around.

"Unless you don't want to leave here with another swollen eye, I suggest you leave and let me go." Niall replies as he glares at him."I am very much sober and combat trained so you don't intimidate me anymore."

"No matter what you say I know you enjoyed it because you still talk and look at me." Damon teases, pinching his cheek.

"You've got ten seconds and I fucking mean it." Niall hisses out only to tense up when his crotch is grab.

"You might want to calm down because I can do so much more to you right now and nobody will know." Damon threats while tightening his grip.

Niall mentally starts to freak out and tries to pull away from him. The things he felt back then enter his body and he feels like throwing up. This is not going to happen again. He refuses. With that in mind, he headbutts Damon, whose nose starts to bleed again on impact. He then kicks him to the ground before he rushes back into the building. He runs all the way upstairs until he's in front of his friend's door. He enters inside then shuts the door quietly. He locks it then takes some time to catch his breath. He doesn't want them to become suspicious about him. He doesn't want them to ever find out about this or what happen in the past. After a few minutes, he enters the living room and clears his throat to get their attention.

"I'm going to call in early. I still gotta work in the morning." Niall informs then heads off to Harry's room as the boys tell him goodnight.



I love being a shitty author. Thoughts??? Predictions???


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