Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

*Author's P.O.V*

The moment they arrive to the hospital Harry is asked a shit load of questions about what had happen to his best friend. He feels bad because he couldn't tell them much besides the fact that he was fine one minute then wasn't the next. He gives the doctor permission to run any test that he thinks he should in order to find out the cause until Niall wakes up. The tests doesn't take long before Niall is resting in a room. Liam, Zayn, and Louis are waiting outside the room while Harry is inside just as he wakes up and the doctor walks into the room, flipping through her clipboard.

"How are you feeling Mr.Horan?" She asks, giving him a smile while he sits up to get more comfortable.

"I feel slightly lightheaded and dehydrated but I'm fine other than that." He replies as he folds his hands on his lap.

"Did you faint while you were sexually active or after?" The doctor questions, causing him to gulp.

"He was with us all day. He hasn't done anything sexual." Harry answers with a confused look on his face.

"My chart says otherwise. We found multiple hickies on his collarbone that were fresh and he had a little bit of semen on his zipper." The doctor explains then sympathetically looks at Niall."Were you sexually assaulted Mr.Horan?"

"No. I'm not gay." Niall mumbles, refusing to make eye contact with either one of them.

"Getting sexually assaulted doesn't make you gay and being gay isn't a bad thing." Harry responds, feeling highly offended.

"All I'm saying is I didn't get sexual assaulted and I'm definitely not gay because I didn't choose that lifestyle." Niall explains with a shrug of his shoulders.

The moon is distancing itself from the confusion and pain it is feeling. The sun can see that so clearly, which only causes it to become extremely hot in anger. All it wants to do is understand and help but the moon just wants the sun to keep shining and leave it in the dark where it belongs. Harry storms out the room with his fists clench tightly, which makes the guys look at him a bit confused. There's no way that the guy in there is his best friend. That was an alien in disguise trying to hurt his feelings. He isn't going to let it win. He just needs some fresh air.

His Niall would never even think about bashing his sexuality in anyway when he had defended it so many times. He knows he'll realize that he mess up and apologize. With that, he starts to pace outside of the room as he rethink about the assault question. There's no way that he was assaulted since he knows how to kick someone's ass. He's pretty sure too that someone would have called the police if that happen. He starts to wonder if he was assaulted by a man or a woman. He stands in front of his friends, ready to discuss this with them.

"How is he doing?" Liam questions, looking up from his phone when he feels him in front of him.

"Niall may or may not have been sexually assaulted." Harry answers, causing them to shoot up from their seats.

"What the actual fuck? When? By who?" Louis asks about to head in the room with the two other boys but Harry stops them.

"The doctor found evidence of semen on him and hickies but we all know he hasn't been sexually active since that Red Lobster girl." Harry replies as Katherine gets out of the elevator.

"Maybe he found some random girl near the bathroom and they did some things." Zayn suggests but Harry shakes his head quickly.

"He would have mentioned that. He was acting closed off and that things like that can't happen to him. He was basically acting like a victim of sexual assault." Harry responds and they frown at that.

"Is he alright? I came as soon as I could." Katherine says as she walks over to the group of males."I checked his location since I have his number so don't ask what I'm doing here."

"I'm sure Niall would like to keep what happened to him private." Harry states about to turn away from her but what she says next stops him.

"Just tell me if Damon was around before he was taken to the hospital." She replies, trying not to get upset with him.

"Yes but he wasn't around for too long." Harry answers and she gasps then slowly starts stumbling backwards."What does that mean?"

"I should have told you guys. He should have told you guys. I can't believe that that sick bastard would do that again. Damon sexual assaulted Niall a few years back and I was just informed about it therefore I went out of my way to ruin Damon's life. He must have done it again for whatever fuck up reason." She explains and everyone stares at her with wide eyes.

This cannot be true. The happy go lucky blonde that he knows couldn't have been hiding something as dark as that. That would make sense though on why his hatred for Damon was so strong. A sickening feeling bubbles in his gut at the fact that Niall and him had talk and touch him multiple times. He rushes back into the room before anyone could say a word to him. He motions for the doctor to leave and she does. He locks the door once she's gone. He then makes his way over to his best friend and stands next to the bed. Niall looks at him and tries to figure what he is about to say.

"Why didn't you tell me or any of the guys?" Harry asks mentally begging his tears not to fall.

"There is nothing to tell Harry." Niall states, reaching for his phone but it is taken away from him.

"You got sexually assaulted twice and the second time we weren't even that far away. That shit really fucks with people's head. No one would judge you for going through that if that's what you are afraid of. You deserve justice." Harry reassures as he rest his hand on top of his.

"So I figure Katherine is here and told you guys." Niall says while rolling his eyes.

"I know it's tough to talk about it but you need to. You and I both know that holding it in will never heal you no matter how much you think it will. Nothing good ever comes out of holding things in." Harry explains, watching him pick at the paint on his nails.

"You want to know why I don't talk about it? Because I liked it!" Niall yells before putting his face in his hands.

"So you and Damon were in a relationship? You're gay? I'm confused now." Harry says and that causes his friend to get very defensive.

"No we weren't. I'm not gay for the millionth time." Niall responds, pulling his hands away from his face.

"Why do you keep acting like being gay is such a bad thing?" Harry asks and is shock at the answer he gets.

"Because it is!" Niall shouts at him before the room goes completely quiet.



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