Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*Author's P.O.V*

"Oh thank god you're here Niall. Dorothy won't let anyone do anything with her. You're good with all of the cats and they seem to love you so you can handle them this week." Veronica, their boss, states when the blonde walks in the building.

"They sure do and I love them just as much. I know how to really take care of them. You might as well call me the cat whisper." Niall says with a playful wink, making her laugh and roll her eyes.

"Don't remind me that you're straight bud because we aren't going to happen so tame that dick and mouth of yours." She says then walks away to do her job.

"I wouldn't dream of being in a relationship with my boss! You are like a friend to me! I value our friendship over anything else!" Niall yells after her, making his other coworkers laugh at their goofiness.

Harry hears the conversation with the image from earlier coming back in his mind. He cringes as he goes to get one of the golden retrievers for a bath. He shakes his head and the image is gone. He brings the dog into the huge tub then starts the water. He gets on his knees to have a better way to wash her. He grabs the sponge then puts it under the water. Just as he starts to wash the dog, he feels a nudge to his back. The nudge makes him drop the sponge and jerk forward just the slightest. He turns his head to see the blonde smiling at him while holding a cat. He rolls his eyes playfully as he goes back to washing Frankie.

The two males spend the rest of the time messing with each other. Harry would misplace the cats when the blonde wasn't looking or he would misplace the items needed for the cats. Niall, on the other hand, would bump into him causing him to drop or spill things. They would always do this so neither one of them are bothered by it that much. They currently are sitting in the grass outside of the shop with a few cats and dogs playing around them. They are on their lunch break and this is how they spend it with each other. They eat their Subway sandwiches while watching the people who walk by interact with the animals.

"I want to take you up on that offer of fighting when I drop you off at home. You've been feeling too cocky since that smash game." Niall says after finishing his sandwich.

"I mean we can do it right now. There is plenty of open space. I kicked your ass in Smash and I can do it in real life too." Harry suggests, waving his hand at the fence yard.

"Oh someone has a lot of balls right now. Unfortunately, fighting is bad for business and I don't want to accidentally hurt one of the animals. Don't worry your ass whooping will come later though. I'll make you regret challenging me." Niall replies, shoving his friend lightly.

The light shove causes the curly hair male to drop the last bit of his sandwich. He looks down at the food with shock eyes. It doesn't take long before he throws his body on top of Niall, which catches him by surprise. There isn't much the blonde can do since his arms are pin under the taller male's thighs. The teens that walk by laugh at the fact that he is getting his face lightly smack. He tries to move his head out of the way but each time he turns his head he gets slap. There is only one thing he can think of that will help him out of this. He takes control after thrusting upward, causing his friend to fly over him. He quickly moves to wrapping his legs around Harry's neck lightly. The dogs around them jump in excitement while the cats just watch unfaze.

Harry pretends to be unable to breath as his hands come up and try to pull the legs from around his neck. The trick doesn't work on his friend and that makes him give up. The only other thing that he can think of in this moment is biting him on the leg but he doesn't want to do that. A new idea pops up in his mind causing a evil smile to come up on his face. His hand comes up to pinch the blonde's inner thigh. A yelp leaves Niall's mouth while his legs let go of the victim. His hand comes down to his thigh to rub it soothingly. He recovers quickly as Harry tries to stand up to get the better advantage. He grabs his friend's ankles then tug him to the ground. The moment he hits ground he gets on top of him then pin his arms by his side, sticking out his tongue.

Harry can't help but to freak out inside of his head. He wants to get out of this position as fast as possible. With that in his mind, he wiggles around with the hopes of getting free. This position is very sexual even though they didn't try for it to be this way. Niall, on the other hand, doesn't find nothing weird about this at all. That may be due to the fact that he doesn't like his friend. He had also been in weirder positions with his other friends. This is nothing new to him. He gets off his friend after a few minutes then help him up. The strength that he use to help him sends him into his chest. Harry stumbles back from him as they both dust themselves off then clean up their mess. After, they stand by the door of the shelter, fist bumping each other for the quick match they had.

"You forget I'm stronger and faster than you and that my dad was in the military." Niall says, patting his friend's cheek.

"Yeah yeah. You clearly cheated. If the animals could speak, they would be agreeing with me." Harry states, waving him off while motioning the dogs to go back inside the shop.

"How did I possibly cheat you sore loser?" Niall questions, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I had a full stomach. No one is at their best when their body is fill with food." Harry replies with his index finger pointing to his belly.

"Excuses excuses. Just admit that you lost to the greatest. I won't tell anyone if it makes you feel better." Niall says as they make their way into the shelter.

"Go fuck yourself Niall." Harry states, playfully sticking up his middle finger before they get back to work.

The moment they go their separate ways Harry is freaking out again. He  doesn't know why but it's like things are getting worse between him and Niall. Mainly things are getting worse within himself but it is because of the blonde. His body and mind are freaking out more when his friend does the tiniest thing that would be considered cute or sexual. At first, he use to be able to just relax around him but now he is constantly tense and stress. He needs someone to talk too about this or try to find away to calm himself down and go back to his normal way. Either one is going to be hard because the minutes fly by and the next thing he knows is Niall comes behind to grab his shoulders. The action causes him to jump but it goes unnotice by his friend.

"Time to head home." Niall says, dragging his friend out the door.



Thoughts??? Predictions???


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