My Fighter [1]

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My Fighter

Chapter One

Our California house is better than ours back in Florida. It makes me not want to leave but I know we have to. I miss my dad and I wish he would have come with us. Our house is two stories and has a very large pool outside. It's bright and sunny outside and we're just across the street from a beach where Colton and I have spent the majority of our days. We went down into Los Angeles a little one of the first days we were here. We bought some souvenirs, little things and pieces of clothing that we could fit into our bags when we make the long flight home.

Colton and I had even made the trek up a mountain and saw the Hollywood sign. We took some pictures with celebrities' stars and acted like total tourists, which we technically were. We spent this time in California like it was a second honeymoon and I enjoyed every minute of it.

"I don't want to go home." I said. Colton's sitting on the couch, some pre-season game was on the television and he has a beer in his hand. His leg is propped up on the table and he has a bowl of chips on his lap. He's scarfing them down, shoving handfuls into his mouth at a time and doesn't even notice when I sit down next to him. "Colton?" He still doesn't hear me. "Do you want to make a baby?"

"Of course I do." He's already taking the bowl off of his lap and leaning towards me. His arms snake around my waist and bring me so I'm sitting on his lap, my legs straddling his waist. His lips find my neck and I push him away from me.

"Of course that all you heard, I was trying to talk to you."

"What were you saying?" He asks.

"It doesn't matter now, but you might want to go take a cold shower." I tell him, unwrapping my legs and pushing myself up and off of him. I take a seat in the chair across from the couch and fold my legs beneath me.

"You sure you don't want to help me with my problem?"

"You can't listen to me so I'm not helping you out. Should have thought about that when you decided that the stupid football game was more important than me. Have fun in the shower." Colton reluctantly gets up from the couch and a minute later I can hear the shower turn on. I flip the channel to something else and wrap my hair up into a bun on the top of my head.

When Colton's finished with his shower he sits as far from me as he can get and doesn't even look at me. I stare at him, trying and failing to get his attention away from the television and towards me. "Colton?" He doesn't even blink. "Are you mad at me?"

"No, I just don't want to be next to you if you're going to start a problem that you can't finish. I don't want to have to take another cold shower. So I'm going to stay over here until you decide you want to fix the problem you started."

"You already took care of the problem."

"That still doesn't me I don't want my wife. One of the perks of being married, especially the first year of marriage, is that you can go at it like bunnies and no one can judge you."

"Come on Colt, you're acting like a kid." Not to mention that fact that we were already going at it like bunnies. If I hadn't have been on the pill since we started dating I would surely be pregnant by now, something he would surely love but something I am not yet ready for. Soon, I would be ready soon.

Colton continues to ignore me and I can't help but become annoyed that he's mad at me because I didn't want to have sex right now. Fine, two can play at that game. Then it becomes a challenge, which neither of us wants to admit to losing. We're both too stubborn and competitive to talk to the other first. So we don't talk. Colton and I continue to watch TV, both of us casting looks at the other but neither of us speaking a word. Soon there is nothing on and we continue with this, my eyes narrowing at his.

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