My Fighter [18.5]

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My Fighter [18.5]
Colton's POV

The worst possible thing that could have happened, happened. They said they would come get me when she woke up but they eventually had to put her to sleep when she almost had a panic attack. All she wanted was to see her babies, the babies that aren't allowed to leave the NICU.

I don't know what's wrong with my boys. The nurses keep using big words I can't make out. Don't they realize they need to dumb down their language for first time fathers just trying to keep it together when their wife is asleep and just gave birth to two premature boys.

I take a deep breath. I'm allowed to look at them through the glass but what I see doesn't make me feel better. Ellie's dad's hand clasps my shoulders as we watch my baby boys.

They each have the name Davis printed on their carrier, the one on the left with a number one and the one on the right with a number two. Exactly like it's supposed to be. The nurse asked me if they had names but all I could do was shake my head. Ellie hasn't seen them yet, hasn't been able to hold them, hasn't been able to chose the names right for them.

They're both hooked up to machines and I watch as their tiny chests move up and down. They had both been just above two pounds. Way too small. They seem fragile and the doctors won't tell me anything.

I haven't even seen my sons eyes yet. Would they be Ellie's bright blue or my green ones? Maybe a mixture?

"They're going to pull through son," he said to me. "They're going to be okay. We're all going to be okay."

I manage a small smile although it feels more like a grimace. "I hope so."

"Sir," a blonde nurse came up to me. "Mrs. Davis is awake. She's asking for you."

That's all it takes for me to leave her father behind and rush towards my wife. I almost cry when I see her teary eyes staring at me when I walk through. Her chin is moving, the tell tale sign she's holding back her tears. "Ellie," is all I can say before she erupts into sobs.

"My babies, are they okay?" She cries into my chest. "I want to see my babies."

"And you will." I said.

"Right now?"

There's a small knock on the door and Doctor Roberts walks into the room. She gives us both a smile and sits down onto a rolling chair on the opposite side of Ellie. She takes my wife's heartbeat and blood pressure and then looks at the stitches on her stomach. "They should heal nicely. Unfortunately we cannot allow you to get up and walk just yet. It'll be a few days at least before you're ready to get up and walk and it will be uncomfortable to do so for the first 24-48 hours, at least."

"Can I see my babies?" She asked, her voice small and hopeful.

"I would like to explain what happened first and then we can get you a wheelchair." She said. "Premature babies happen often, more than you would think. We would have been able to have you give birth the natural way, like you wanted, but the umbilical cord got wrapped around your first son's neck. He was in the wrong position and the wrong time and they were just ready to get out of there. Sometimes they are.

"However, they are having trouble breathing on their own. There is some fluid in your first son's lungs. He has what is called transient tachypnea and we have placed him in the NICU for closer attention. The second one seems to be doing better, he can breathe on his own, but I suggested we keep him by his brother. The fluid should go down on its own once we get him breathing better. For right now, they're going to stay in the NICU for further examinations. Do you have any questions for me?"

My Fighter | Book II ✔️Where stories live. Discover now