My Fighter [20]

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[Please read the authors note at the bottom.]
My Fighter [20]

Today's the day.

Finally after weeks of torture, of having to come into the hospital day after day just to see my babies, I'm finally going to be able to bring them home.

The worst part of the waiting was coming home each night and knowing that my babies couldn't be there with us. I hated the thought of leaving them there each night. I hated the thought that some nurse was consoling my babies while they cried at night. Some nurse was changing them and feeding them and taking care of them. It didn't sit right with me.

I couldn't sleep last night. Colt and I laid down early with the thought that the sooner we got to sleep the sooner the morning would come. Benadryl helped Colton fall asleep but I tossed and turned all night. My hands kept making their way to my now much smaller stomach and I'd be reminded that my babies aren't in their nursery.

But when the sun finally broke through I was up and out of bed, rummaging through the nursery and trying to find everything I need. I grabbed the Thing 1 and Thing 2 onesies I was going to change them into and diapers and socks and hats. It's now into February which always happens to be the coldest months in Florida. I'm not taking any chances. I have coats to put them in and blankets to cover them up when we get to the car. Both of their car seats are already in the car. I have their stroller in the back of the car, although we probably won't use it.

I might not be able to put them down once I get them in my arms.

The surgery went well with Brooklyn. A minor setback happened a few days after surgery when he got sick. Thankfully it was just a cold and nothing more. Both Brooklyn and Addi have gained weight, they're just about at normal weight. Brooklyn is breathing just fine although it's almost a hundred percent guarantee he will acquire asthma in the first few years of his life.

I've made my way back into the bedroom. I rummage through my dresser, looking for something to wear. It's cold out, so I grab a long sleeve shirt and a pair of pants.

"Ellie baby, come back to bed."

I shake my head, "I can't."

"Visiting hours don't start for another two hours. At least come try and sleep for an hour and I'll take you out for McDonalds before we get our sons."

"Set an alarm?"

"Of course."

Colton reaches for his phone and sets an alarm for exactly an hour from now. I climb into bed and he kisses me. "Or we could spend the hour another way."

I roll my eyes, "You said sleep, so that's what I'm going to do."

He groans but wraps his arms around me. "Should have taken some of that Benadryl last night. It knocked me out."

"I got a little bit of sleep."

"Yeah right," he said. "Last night was your last chance for a full night sleep. These kids aren't going to allow that to happen anytime soon."

"So then shut up and let me get my hour of sleep."

My husband kisses my forehead as I close my eyes. I stare into the darkness, slipping away for the majority of the hour, but I'm awake minutes before the alarm is set to go off. I make myself stay still in Colton's arms, who has gone back to sleep. I don't want to wake him yet. I'll let the alarm do that.

I don't have to wait long. The alarm is blaring right in Colton's ear. He groans, turning on his side to shut it off. "Five more minutes."

I push on his arm, shaking him to get him up. "You promised me McDonalds."

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