My Fighter [15]

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My Fighter [15]

I remember shopping for my own wedding dress. My mom came with. She wouldn't let my father come even though he wanted to. She wanted the men in my life to be surprised. She wouldn't even let me take a picture of myself while I was wearing the gown. There was no way anyone was seeing what I looked like besides the girls who came with me.

We had a small group. It was only my mom, Dakota, Mar, Colton's mom, and myself. I was emotional the entire day. My mom couldn't stop smiling. She had confiscated all of our phones that morning and locked them away in the glove compartment so we couldn't use them. She wanted this to be all about me. I have tears welling in my eyes just thinking about it.

I tried on so many different dresses. I tried on ones that strapless, full sleeve, sweetheart, and thin straps. I tried on ball gowns and mermaids and ones that clung to everything I had to offer. My mom never had an expensive wedding dress. Instead she had something better. Her mother hand made her wedding dress. It's old now and weathered, slightly yellow, but my mom kept it. It's still in storage with all of her other things.

But my mom's dress was lacy and that's what I wanted for mine. That was all I really knew going in to all the wedding dress shops. I wanted something with lace and it had to match my mother's veil. It had slight tears in it, but the seamstress said she could fix it right up.

The wedding dresses all started to mix together. I had no idea what I wanted and I was only getting frustrated. Until my mom took me aside and said, "We might not find the perfect wedding dress in one day baby girl. But we will find it and when you do, you'll know. Trust me, if you don't know then I will. I haven't cried at a single dress you've put on, so I know it's not the one."

My mom always knew what to say to get me to calm down. She was my best friend and I miss her with each passing day, more and more.

I was just about ready to give up for the day. The lady working there and helping me brought out one last batch of dresses. I immediately got rid of the ballgowns, after a few of those I knew they weren't going to be right for me. But then I saw it and I knew that I had to try it on. It was very pretty on the hanger but so were a lot of other ones that looked mediocre on my body.

The woman helped me step into the dress and it fit perfectly like it was made for me. She didn't have to use a single clamp to help it stay on tight.

"Perfect fit." The worker said. "This would be a first for me."

I smile and look at myself in the mirror. I was already crying before my eyes could take in the entire gown. I stepped to the side and then to the other. It's beautiful. I let the sales woman put in my mother's veil and I couldn't stop the tears that were leaving my eyes. I knew my mom was going to love this and if she didn't, it isn't my dress. That was something I knew coming in. My mom had to love my dress.

The woman helped me walk out to my friends and family. I remembering trying to keep my cries in so they would be surprised. As soon as I stepped out of the dressing room and in front of my mother, we both burst into tears. I looked at myself in the mirror and knew that this is what I was going to get married in. It fit perfectly, it looked beautiful on, and most importantly I felt like a bride.

My dress has little straps that connect behind my neck. There's a hole cut to show off my back and doesn't dip too low. It's a simple lace, elegant. It's my wedding dress.

 It's my wedding dress

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