My Fighter [5]

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My Fighter

Chapter Five

It is official, Colton is the most oblivious person I know. Usually he's not, especially when it comes to something like this. But recently, he hasn't been home much. He threw himself into his training, trying to get back into shape and his leg working like it was before. I don't blame him, he wants nothing more than to go back to playing football. He wants to support me and this family he wants to have. He was up bright and early this morning getting ready for his physical therapy appointment, then he would spend a few more hours in the gym working on his core and his arms.

It gave me time to do things around the house and spend time in front of the toilet. I'm currently making breakfast, when the doorbell rings. My best friends don't bother waiting for me to make it to the door before they let themselves in, courtesy of the key they each made for themselves. Dakota and Mar take no time at making themselves at home.

Dakota hands me a brown paper bag and says, "I didn't know which ones worked the best so I grabbed a couple of different kinds. Go take them now."

As soon as I let my friends know that I think I might be pregnant, they came straight over with tests for me to take. Dakota has only been home for a few weeks. Her and Nick took a long honeymoon, but her husband needed to get back to football so she's spending time down here. Mar makes herself comfortable on the couch, flipping through the television shows, and Dakota gives me a push towards the closest bathroom.

"If it's a girl can we name her after me?" Mar calls to me from the living room.

"I thought you hated your name." I said.

"Not my first name, my middle one." She says to me. "It's Gianna."

I pop my head around the corner. "Your middle name is Gianna?"

"I actually have two middle names, Margaret Gianna Rae." She props her feet up onto the coffee table in front of her. "My parents couldn't decide which name they liked best so they settled for all of them."

"I like Gianna." She gives me a wide smile as I go into the bathroom.

It's been a few weeks since we got back from our trip to Europe and at first I thought I was just getting sick from something overseas. My stomach was just really upset all the time, and maybe I was sick at one point, but now I'm two days late for my period and I can't seem to stop throwing up when I wake up in the morning. Thankfully, that's usually after Colton leaves for his appointments. I don't want to get his hopes up until I know for a fact that I am pregnant.

These three minutes seem to be the longest few minutes in my entire life. I stare at the sticks, all lying out on the counter in-between the two sinks. I stand up, my hands gripping the edge of the counter, and I look down at my stomach in the mirror. I just have a feeling that I'm pregnant, that all of these tests are going to turn out positive. And I can't help the smile that takes over my face.

My hopes are already up and if these tests say that I'm not pregnant, my heart is going to break. My hands are on my stomach now, wanting there to be a little boy or girl forming in there. I want to be a mom and I want for Colton and I to start a family. Our one year is only a week away and it would make the best anniversary present if I was pregnant.

My phone rings as the timer goes off. I almost don't want to look, for fear that I won't be pregnant.

There are three sharp knocks in the door and then Mar lets herself in, with Dakota right behind her. "We heard the alarm."

"So are you pregnant?"

Keeping this secret for these last seven days has been the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. Colton, finally noticing the morning sickness, has still been oblivious to the real reason why I'm throwing up. There's only so long I can pass it off as being sick before he starts to realize, or assume the worst. But now it's finally our one year anniversary and everything has to go perfect.

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