My Fighter [6]

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My Fighter

Chapter Six

Colton's being fussy. I laid down last night at nine o'clock, which was apparently too early for him. I also made him turn off the television so I could go to sleep. He was muttering under his breath as he left to go watch his movie downstairs. And even though I had laid down early I was too nervous to sleep. I tossed and turned for hours until Colton came back up, only to be even more fussy. My husband turned his back to me and fell asleep within minutes.

Despite my lack of sleep I was up earlier than I needed to be. I went through my clothes, tearing apart my closet. I knew I would regret that as soon as I came home later today. I settled on a light blue blouse, a black blazer, and a pair of black pants. I would have to wear all of my favorite clothes before I get too big for them.

Colton woke just as I was making breakfast. I didn't bother with the bacon, my stomach was already in knots and I didn't need the smell making it any worse. I almost used a quarter of the mouthwash to take away the morning sickness which I was getting really sick and tired of.

Even though he was still pouting, I kissed his lips and piled a mound of eggs onto his plate. He was wearing a simple pair of athletic shorts and an old white shirt that he'd cut the sleeves off and over time the slit has kept getting bigger and bigger. Now there's only about an inch at the bottom holding it together, on both sides. He smiles up at me with a mouthful of eggs and soundly kisses my cheek.

"I'll come by and see you today if you want."

"I don't want." I said. "I want to make a good first impression. That doesn't mean you interrupt my class whenever you want."

"Well it's going to happen whether you would like it to or not, so you might as well say yes and not get mad at me about it. I want to see you working. We spent a lot of time making this classroom the way you want it."

And we had. Teachers were given their classroom number and keys two weeks ago. We spent more money than I would care to admit on the room but everything we did buy can be recycled for years to come. I had informed my boss about the pregnancy and although it wasn't great timing, she would worry about a sub closer to the time of maternity leave. For now, I would teach these third graders and be happy while doing it.

I eat as much as I can before grabbing my lunch from off the counter and kiss my husband's lips. He grips my hips, pulling me into him so I can give him a real kiss. "Much better." He slaps my ass as I walk away and I cast a glare over my shoulder. I unlock my car and slide into the driver's seat. Colton wasn't going to let me drive for much longer. For reason's completely unjustified. I can see the thought of me getting in an accident might scare him, but that can happen whether I'm driving or not.

It doesn't take me too long to get to Oak Hill Elementary school. It's a large brick building with an equally as large playground in the back. I park in an open space, grabbing all of my things from the passenger seat. I take a deep breath and tell myself that everything is going to be fine. I like kids, they like me—at least I hope they like me—and I push open the car door.

"Good morning Mrs. Davis." I hear Mrs. Graham say to me as I walk into the office. She's a secretary, a sweet older woman with a head full of grey curls and a kind smile.

"Good morning Mrs. Graham."

"Excited for your first day?" She asks me.

"Of course."

I rifle through my mailbox picking up a few announcements that she likes to hand out to everyone. Even though it's the first day of school, we have many things going on in the next few weeks. There will be a book fair to start off the year and yearbook photos that will happen next week. I stuff the papers into my bag and wish Mrs. Graham a good day.

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