My Fighter [4]

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My Fighter

Chapter Four

Colton and I spent three days in Ireland. The airplane didn't land until seven which would be two o'clock our time. By the time we got our luggage and to our hotel it was passed nine o'clock, only four our time. We didn't get to sleep until well into the night and spent the first full day in Dublin sleeping in our single bed hotel room. It wasn't the best way to start off our honeymoon 2.0, but Colton was okay with it.

My husband wanted to spend the second day in the hotel room as well, but I wasn't having it. I had promised my father I would get him a souvenir from every country we visited and I wasn't going back on my promise. So we spent the second day mostly shopping and sight-seeing.

We didn't do much on the third day. We did some more shopping and lounged about by the hotel pool. Towards the end of the day we stumbled upon a pub where we sucked down some Irish Whiskey and made friends with a few locals who drank us under the table. We knew we didn't stand a chance but we gave it a shot. I guess when these people have been drinking longer than we have, we didn't stand a chance. Then we played a drunk game of pool which no one really one. We hit random balls and ignored the white one, the blue chalk ended up all over our faces, and we did nothing but laugh the entire time. It was a good way to start off these few weeks abroad.

Although now my head hurts, I'm stuck lugging around heavy bags, and I'm going to have to spend twelve hours on a rocking boat. The one thing that does not make any hangover better. Colton tried to assure me that it was going to be fun but if there is one thing I hate more than the turbulence on an airplane, it's rocking back and forth on a boat that is doomed to sink. I've seen the movie Titanic and I do not want a recap.

"It's going to be okay El, nothing's going to happen. This ferry makes trips all the time and it's never happened even once." Colton tries to reassure me but all I do is shove my bags into his arm and turn my eyes towards the water. Looking out into the horizon helps settle my churning stomach. I just took a few Dramamine to help.

Colton and I find our cabin without any trouble. It's small, as I assumed it would be, with one bed in the center and a small night stand next to it. There isn't a television in here but instead a small bathroom and shower. There's a window looking out towards the edge of the boat and I barely realized that we were already moving. I look towards Colton who is shoving our big suitcases underneath the bed and our duffle bags on the floor beside it. He makes himself comfortable on the bed lying on his back with both of his hands under his head.

I look towards the man on the bed with his eyes closed and a small smile on his face. How did I land someone as handsome as he is?

I plop down onto the bed next to him and he brings me into his chest. "You were right."

Colton cracks an eye open and looks up at me, "What was that?"

"I am not repeating myself. I have an awful headache and I'm not too crazy about spending twelve hours on this boat but I guess there are worst ways to spend the day."

"Then spending twelve hours with me in this bed?" I roll my eyes as him as he continues to talk. "You know there's something we can do to make these twelve hours go by really fast."

My husband turns towards me, his head propped up by his arm. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," Then he presses his lips onto mine.

The boat ride isn't as horrible as I thought it was going to be. I barely felt the moving of the ship and thanks to Colton, the hours flew by. Before I know it, we're grabbing our luggage and making our way to land. I'm glad to find steady concrete under my feet instead of the moving piece of wood. I grab his hand and interlace our fingers together. Since it's pretty late, Colton and I find the nearest, nicest hotel and get one room for a few days. I'm not sure how long we plan on staying in London, but I'm going to make the most of it.

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