My Fighter [3]

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Just to clear the air, this entire story is completely different than the epilogue in My Quarterback. Some of you have been confused in the comments, so I am setting the record straight. When I wrote the epilogue for My Quarterback I was not anticipating a separate story, so that is why they are different. I wanted to give y'all something that you didn't know the outcome, something that would keep y'all interested. So yes, they are different. Please keep that in mind!

My Fighter

Chapter Three

I wake up to my lovely husband's face in mine, not that that isn't a good thing to wake up to. He leans down and pecks my lips. I thread my fingers through his hair and bring his mouth down on mine, this time longer and more passionately. 

"Let's go on a vacation." 

"A vacation?" I ask my smiling husband. "You want to go on a vacation now?" 

His smile falters, "Why not?" 

"Why not? Colt, we just got a puppy. We can't leave Toby alone by himself, he's not even potty trained yet. You have your physical therapy appointments, if you even want to think about getting better to go back to football you need to go to them. Plus, we just got back from Hawaii, now you want to leave again? We just moved into the house and there are plenty of things we need to get done here." 

Now, he's not smiling at all and I can see the hurt in his eyes. He's not on his side looking at me anymore. Instead he's lying flat on his back and staring up at the ceiling. 

"Colton, what is this really about? Why do you want to go on a vacation all of the sudden?" 

My husband turns his head so he's looking at me now. "I know that you have always wanted to see the world. You wanted to travel and go to Europe and I want that for you too. Now I actually have the money to let you travel. You start school in September and we're going to try for a family. I just want you to be able to travel before these things make it more difficult for us to do so." 

My heart crumbled at the look on his face and the reasoning behind the sudden want to go on another vacation. I could see how much this meant to him but I could also see how much he wanted this for me. I turn onto my side so I'm facing him. His eyes search mine, looking for something. He must have found it because his lips turn up into a smile and he's bringing my face down so our lips could meld together. 

I would never get tired of his kisses. 

"So?" He asks me. His face is close to mine, so close that I could smell the toothpaste on his breath. A horrifying thought ran through me as I push my husband away and crawl out of bed. I make my way straight to the bathroom and load the toothpaste onto my toothbrush. I catch Colton laughing at me out of the corner of my eye. He's leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed against his chest. 

"How could you kiss me before I brush my teeth?" 

"It was a struggle." He nods his head and wraps his arms around my waist. I gargle mouth wash and spit it out. "Well if that's not attractive, I don't know what is." I turn in his arms and smack him. "God, I was just kidding." 

We're quiet for a few minutes as we stand in the bathroom, his arms wrapped firmly around my waist and my hands gripping the material covering his chest. He's still favoring one leg, which I take note of. Maybe a vacation right now wouldn't be such a bad thing. It'll only be a week or two and Colton still had a long time for him to complete his physical therapy. I'm just worried that taking this time off will do the opposite of what I want for him. I'm scared that this will hurt his chances of going back to playing football instead of helping him. 

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