Chapter 2

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Brendon's POV
Time seemed to be moving too slow for Brendon. He couldn't wait for fourth period to be over and for lunch to start. There were two reasons for this:
1) Brendon was hungry
2) At lunch, Brendon got to spend time with his boyfriend

Brendon glanced at the clock on the wall again. Only five more minutes. People around him started to pack up and the teacher finally gave up trying to speak over the noise. Brendon eagerly followed suit and was ready to go in less than two minutes. He couldn't help but stare at the clock, watching as the seconds ticked by.

The bell finally rang and Brendon was one of the first people to leave. His locker wasn't that far away so he got there soon after walking down a few hallways. Brendon spun the dial around on his lock and opened it. He exchanged the books he had on him for the ones in his locker and his lunch.

Suddenly, Brendon felt someone's arms wrap around him and a head rest on top of his. A smile formed on his face as he closed his locker and turned around to face the man holding him. He was 5 inches taller than Brendon so Brendon had to look up to see his beautiful boyfriend's face. As he did so, the man looked down and pecked Brendon's lips, making Brendon smile even bigger.

"Hey, babe."

"Hey, Dallon."

"How's the new class," Dallon asked.

"Not bad but I miss sitting next to you."

Dallon was in Brendon's old math class. In fact, he was part of the reason Brendon was transferred. The teacher hadn't liked how distracting Dallon was for Brendon or how it was affecting Brendon's grade. So they were seated at different tables but that didn't stop Dallon. It only made him a distraction to the whole class. The teacher finally just transferred Brendon to her third period math class.

"Can't blame anyone else but myself for you being moved," Dallon admitted.

"Hey. It's not your fault. If I weren't so hot, you probably would've been able to contain yourself," Brendon said while wiggling his eyebrows. Dallon let out a burst of laughter. They were the deep chuckles that Brendon loved to hear come from Dallon's mouth. All of a sudden, Brendon's stomach growled, reminding him of how hungry he was.

"Well, Hot Stuff, why don't we go eat lunch now? I can tell you're starving."

• • •

It was the next day and the bell had just rang, signaling the end of nutrition and that everyone had only five minutes to get to their next class. Dallon finally pried himself from Brendon.

"See you at lunch," Dallon huffed before quickly speeding off to class.

Brendon immediately missed Dallon's presence. He was now just left behind a tree not to far from the building that held his third period class. Brendon ran a hand through his hair and let out a shaky breath. He better get to class before he was late.

As he sat down in his seat, everyone at his table stared at him with confused expressions. Well, everyone except Spencer who just smirked. Spencer probably knew that Brendon and Dallon had been making out by how flustered Brendon looked. Just the thought of Spencer knowing exactly what happened made Brendon blush, turning his cheeks a brighter red than they already were.

"Are you alright? Why is your face so red," Sarah inquired.

"Yeah. Did you run all the way here or something," Ryan added.

"Umm...yeah. I lost track of time and had to run over here."

Brendon glanced over to see Spencer raise an eyebrow, a skeptical yet amused look upon his face. Brendon refrained from rolling his eyes to keep from causing anymore confusion.

"So, what are we doing," Brendon asked, trying to change the subject.

"We're taking a test, I think. For the unit we just finished," Ryan said after peering at the board. "Did you study?"


"Did you even know we had a test?"


"Probably too busy with his boyfriend Dallon," Brendon heard Spencer mutter.

"Shut up," Brendon retorted weakly. He was right. He spent most of yesterday over at Dallon's.

"Wait. Did you say Dallon, as in Dallon Weekes? You're his boyfriend," Ryan asked.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"No reason. I was just curious."

Now it was Spencer and Brendon's turn to be confused. It was clear Ryan wasn't going to tell why he asked so they let it slide. Brendon was still confused but that feeling was soon replaced with regret. The test was being passed out and Brendon hadn't even studied. His stomach fell and Brendon silently cursed himself for being so absent minded. Oh well, he'll just have to give it his best shot and hope he doesn't flunk the test.

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