Chapter 15

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Ryan's POV
He was with Dallon now and it pained Ryan to know that. Subconsciously, he had known it would happen the whole time. Ryan had wished and wished and wished Brendon would forget about Dallon but all his efforts were in vain.

To try and forget about Brendon and Dallon, Ryan agreed to go out with Sarah. A long time ago, he would've loved an opportunity like this and probably would've become Sarah's boyfriend already. But that wasn't the case now. Ryan just found the dates awkward and tried to make it less so by pretending Sarah was someone else. Unfortunately, that someone else always ended being Brendon.

At this point, it was getting harder to pretend around Sarah and Ryan just needed some alone time. Or at least some time not spent with her. Sarah could be clingy at times. Plus, it's not easy moving onto someone else after being hooked on one person for so long.

Ryan's phone buzzed from his pocket. Pulling it out and reading the caller id, Ryan realized it was Sarah. Why wasn't he surprised? Sighing, he answered.

"Hey, Ryan!"

"Hello, Sarah."

"I just wanted to know if you're available tomorrow. There's a party at Spencer's house and he's already invited Jon and Pete."

Should he go? His friends were definitely going to. Also, what did he have to lose?

"Sure, I'll go. What time?"

• • •

Sarah and Ryan arrived at Spencer's to find lots of sweaty people and extremely loud music, a typical party. It want long before Sarah had dragged Ryan over into the crowd to dance. Ryan really wasn't feeling in the mood for any dancing just yet so he slipped through the crowd when Sarah wasn't paying close attention. The kitchen came into sight as soon as Ryan wiggled his way out of the mob of dancing bodies.

Once inside the kitchen, Ryan spotted some drinks on the counter. He poured himself a glass and took a sip, letting the alcohol burn his throat and calm him the slightest bit. Ryan looked around but there wasn't much to look at. However, he had a perfect view of a couple making out over in the corner of the next room. They were far enough away Ryan couldn't quite make out their faces but they were close enough he could hear them loud and clear. Ryan was starting to feel uncomfortable from their loud moaning. Suddenly, one of the guys said something Ryan wouldn't have ever expected.

"I love you so much, Ryan."

Exactly who was that making out over in the corner? Surely they weren't referring to him, right?

The two guys broke apart and one of them spoke.

"I like yo, too," the taller one mumbled.

"No! I loooooove yooooooouuuuu! Sooooooo much, Ryro," the other one slurred.

Obviously they were pretty drunk. But why was the shorter guy saying his name? Not only Ryan but the nickname only Brendon had ever called him, Ryro.

"Less get sum more to drunk." The taller one was now slurring as well.


The two guys started heading in Ryan's direction. When they were close enough, Ryan immediately recognized both their faces. It was Dallon and Brendon. Ryan made a run for it and dashed out of the kitchen and back to the dancing mob, leaving his barely touched drink behind.

Someone's hand grabbed his shoulder and made Ryan jump, almost giving him a heart attack. He turned around to find Sarah beaming at him.

"There you are! I lost you for a while. Where were you?"

"Umm, yeah. I went to the bathroom?"

Sarah just shrugged and continued to dance along with the upbeat music. Ryan tried to join her but his mind was too distracted by the thought of a drunk Brendon declaring his love for him.

"You look troubled. Why don't we go get a few drinks?"

"Actually I don-"

Sarah didn't even listen to him before pulling him back into the kitchen. Ryan looked around but Dallon and Brendon were nowhere to be seen. Maybe Sarah was right. He was feeling kind of stressed. A few drinks couldn't hurt.

• • •

Ryan felt as if he didn't have a care in the world. What had he been so worried about earlier? Right now a slow song was on and for all Ryan knew he was dancing with Brendon. But why did he have such long hair? And a dress? Oh well. It didn't matter. Ryan felt amazing. The only thing that felt better than this was kissing Brendon. So why not go for it? Ryan quickly moved forward and pressed his lips against the ones in front of him. Ryan loved Brendon so much.

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