Chapter 4

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Brendon's POV
Brendon woke up to see a text from Dallon on his screen.

Won't be able to see you at school today. Teacher needs me after class.

Brendon was slightly discouraged but wouldn't let Dallon's text ruin his day. So when he finally rolled out of bed, he got dressed and headed to the bathroom. Surprisingly, it was raining outside even though it was extremely hot earlier that week. As Brendon examined himself and messed with his hair, he decided he'd just throw on a jacket before he left.

Once in the kitchen, Brendon made himself a bowl of cereal. He poured in a generous amount of milk, emptying the milk carton, grabbed a spoon and sat down at the kitchen counter. Brendon pressed the power button on the TV remote. He turned it back off after flipping through hundreds of channels and finding nothing.

About 20 minutes later, there was a knock at the front door. Behind the door was none other than a damp Spencer. Spencer immediately walked inside as soon as Brendon opened the door wide enough for him to slip through.

"Woah. Why are you so wet?"

"If you haven't noticed, it's raining outside," Spencer said, gesturing to outside the door.

"I know that but you have an umbrella." Brendon pointed to the umbrella that was clutched in Spencer's hand.

"Well, it didn't start pouring until I was already on my way here."

"Okay. Let me grab my backpack and a jacket. I'll be back."

When Brendon came back Spencer had a dubious look on his face.

"You're only going to wear a jacket? No umbrella?"

"Nah. I don't need one. Plus, I'll just run under yours if I need to."

Spencer looked Brendon over one more time before heading out the door, Brendon following not too far behind.

• • •

Brendon really did regret just bringing a jacket. He had to walk under Spencer's umbrella the whole way to school. At least it was dry in the classrooms. However, Brendon was still wet from his first attempt to walk in the rain with only a hood. Not a smart idea. The air conditioning in the classroom only made him cold. He couldn't take his jacket off though because it was the only rain protection he had brought. He probably should've listened to Spencer but he wasn't go to say that to his face. That would only result in a smug look with an "I told you so."

Brendon was jarred out of his thoughts by the bell that announced the start of nutrition. He scurried out of the classroom and went to his locker. As he opened up his backpack, Brendon realized he had left his lunch in the classroom. He headed back to the classroom and passed a confused Spencer along the way.

Brendon was met with a sudden change in temperature, from warm to cold, as he walked through the doorway. Over on a desk by the corner closest to the door was his lunch which he quickly grabbed and then headed out the door. Dallon's locker wasn't far so Brendon decided to see if he could find Dallon.

After walking only a few feet, Brendon spotted him at his locker. Before Brendon could even get any closer, a random, dark-haired girl went up behind Dallon and covered his eyes. She said something that made Dallon smile and say something back. The girl grinned and dropped her hands so she could grab one of Dallon's. He closed his locker and began to walk with her in Brendon's direction.

Brendon wished he could leave and forget everything he just saw but his body wouldn't move. He remained frozen in place until Dallon spotted him. That's when Brendon's legs started working again and he ran. He ran without thinking, just trying to escape the image of Dallon and his mysterious lover. Brendon didn't stop until he was in a deserted spot beside a wall of lockers. He sat down, buried his face into his sleeve and tried his hardest not to cry. Brendon was wet all over from running out in the rain but he couldn't care less at the moment.

"Brendon? Are you okay?"

Brendon lifted his head just enough to see Dallon standing over him.

"Tell me that wasn't what it looked like," he croaked out.

Dallon was silent a moment, opening his mouth several times before actually saying anything.

"I've been thinking for a long time and I just don't think this relationship is going to work out."

What? Was Dallon breaking up with him?

"What do you mean?"

"I found somebody new and I think you should, too. I just think that spark we had before is gone now."

"So that's it? You're breaking up with me? If I hadn't seen you with that other girl would you have continued to lead me on? Did you ever feel anything for me?"


"No. I get it. Just leave. It seems you care more about your girlfriend than me."

"No it's just-"

"No? Then why are you still here? I don't care about you anymore either so just leave already!"

Dallon sighed and just walked away, leaving Brendon alone. Rain started to fall harder and Brendon really wished had an umbrella. It wasn't long before Ryan happened to walk over and tap Brendon on the shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

Brendon lifted his head, wiped his eyes and sniffed a few times before answering.

"Dallon just broke up with me...and I really wish I had an umbrella."

"Here, I have an umbrella. You can share it with me. Plus, the bell should ring any minute now."

Ryan dug an umbrella out of his backpack and opened it, giving both of them protection from the cold rain.

"Thanks. Do you mind if I hang with you during lunch? I normally eat with Dallon."

"Sure. Meet me and my friends by here again after fifth period."

At that moment, the bell rang and the two boys walked to math together. Hopefully the day would get better and Brendon's heart would stop aching soon.

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