Chapter 7

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Ryan's POV
There had been quite a lot of questions since Brendon announced they were a "couple." Why him? Why did Brendon choose him? He didn't know much about relationships but he was sure about one thing, Brendon's plan wasn't going to go so well in the end. Something was going wrong and Ryan could feel it, not necessarily soon but sometime.

Brendon had answered most of the things Pete and Jon had to ask, Ryan inserting something here and there. The entire time they Brendon and Ryan held hands and just to make it a little more believable, Brendon whispered something into Ryan's ear. Brendon's face was so close to Ryan that from afar it could've been mistaken as a kiss. However, Brendon didn't whisper something cheesy or romantic. What he did say made Ryan laugh while Jon raised an eyebrow.

"They acted like school girls just finding out someone has a crush."

Ryan leaned over and whispered back.

"I'll go along with your plan but just so I can laugh at how gullible everyone is."

It was Brendon's turn to laugh. Ryan joined along when he saw his friends confused faces. This was going to be fun.

• • •

They next day Ryan was walking to math with Brendon. Suddenly, Ryan felt Brendon's hand squeeze Ryan's. Brendon had told Ryan to hold his hand whenever they were in public together. Ryan glanced over to Brendon to try and figure out if something was wrong.

"Do you want to go on a date this Sunday?"

"Umm...sure? This Sunday as in two days from now?"

"Yeah. Come over to my house this time."

Okay, Brendon was acting really weird. Maybe it was just weird to him because Ryan had never been in a fake relationship before. A few seconds later, Brendon's grasp loosened and he let out a small sigh.

"Sorry about that. Dallon just passed by."

Ryan looked behind his shoulder and saw Dallon glaring at them. When he spotted Ryan staring at him, Dallon turned away. Brendon was right about him being jealous. Maybe his plan wouldn't backfire?

Both boys walked through the doorway to their third period class and took their seats. Brendon let go of Ryan's hand, letting him know they didn't need to during class. Ryan wiped his hand on his pants under the table. They had been sweating and Ryan hoped Brendon hadn't noticed.

Sarah and Spencer had already been seated at the table and were sending quizzical looks in their direction. Brendon seemed to be having doubts about his plan because he hadn't said anything to explain the hand holding. Ryan was finally onboard for it and he wasn't going to be for nothing so he spoke up.

"We're dating. Well, been dating I guess. We're a thing now."

Brendon sent Ryan a soft smile, expressing his thanks and possibly trying to hold back a laugh. The faces the two who sat across from them held were hilarious and the very reason Ryan had agreed to any of this. He just wish he could take a picture of them. Unfortunately, the bell rang and their teacher was extremely strict when it came to phones.

If he could describe each of their faces in a sentence, Ryan would say Sarah's face held the look of a mother looking at their newborn baby. Spencer had the face of someone seeing Santa Claus for the first time in real life, but not a fake one like the people at the mall. This was Ryan's life now, watching people's reactions to his fake relationship with Brendon, and he wasn't going to complain.

• • •

Today happened to be Sunday. Ryan wondered how this date was going to turn out. He knocked on the door in front of him and waited. It was actually the first time Ryan had been to Brendon's house. So he was hoping he got the address right. Ryan knocked again for good measure. Doubt started to take hold of Ryan and he started to panic a little when nothing happened for 3 minutes. He was about to text Brendon when the door opened.

Standing in the doorway was Brendon. He looked tired and quite unprepared. He only wore a pair of black basketball shorts. No shirt. Just shorts (and hopefully underwear). Brendon's hair was disheveled and stuck out in places. All Ryan could do was stare.

"Sorry. I forgot you were coming so I just kind of woke up."

Ryan just kept staring but came inside when Brendon gestured for him to do so. Since Brendon wasn't wearing a shirt, Ryan noticed he had a few tattoos on his arms. The tattoo n Brendon's left arm was that of a piano surrounded by flowers.

As they walked through the house and towards the kitchen, Brendon pointed out the different rooms of the house.

"That leads to my room. Over there is the bathroom and at the end of the hall is my parents room. I almost forgot to mention that my parents aren't home today. They're out of town for the weekend."

"Are they okay with me hanging out over here?"

"Unless we trash the house or something drastic like that, they won't even notice or care."

Ryan wore a skeptical look but finally decided Brendon knew what he was talking and he should just trust him. Speaking of making a mess, Brendon was currently trying to reach a box of cereal that happened to be just an inch out of his reach.

"Need help, Shorty?"

Ryan grabbed the box and handed it to Brendon. In return, Brendon scowled and stuck out his tongue. If that's how he was going to be then Ryan might as well do the same. Ryan mimicked Brendon and stuck out his tongue but smiled afterwards at Brendon's comment.

"You're so immature."

"At least I'm little more mature than you."

Brendon rolled his eyes and made himself a bowl of cereal, setting it down on the kitchen counter. He pulled out a carton of milk from the refrigerator and set it next to his bowl. Brendon frowned at the expiration date and twisted off the lid, at first sniffing the milk before dipping a finger in and tasting it.

"Does this taste good to you?"

Ryan peered into the milk carton and dipped two of his fingers in. He then proceeded to taste the milk left on his fingers. It hadn't gone bad yet and seemed good enough to consume.

"It's fine."

Brendon shrugged his shoulders and poured the milk into his cereal. Brendon took a spoonful of the cereal and left out a sigh after shoving it into his mouth. He turned to Ryan and gestured to his bowl of cereal.

"You want some?"

"What kind do you have? I didn't breakfast yet."

"Take a look. It's in the cabinet over there."

Ryan headed over to the area Brendon was pointing towards and found quite a large selection of sugary cereals. Hmm...maybe he should have some Frosted Flakes.

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