Chapter 6

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Brendon's POV
Dallon had been sitting in front of them the whole time. And the whole time Brendon couldn't help wishing he was that girl Dallon had been with. Every time Brendon looked at them, he would remember all the other movies he's been to but with Dallon. Brendon would be sitting with Dallon's head leaning on his shoulder, distracting him from the plot line of the movie.

He yearned to be with Dallon all the time but Brendon also didn't want to be around him because it hurt too much. To try and distract himself from Dallon's presence, Brendon had kept his eyes on the movie screen. To anyone else it might have looked like Brendon had been engrossed in the movie and hadn't been able to tear his eyes away from it. But no matter how good or loud the movie was, he just couldn't focus on it. His thoughts kept getting in the way and he ended up zoning out every time.

At one point, Brendon saw out of the corner of his eye Ryan squinting his eyes at Dallon and his lover. It took a moment before Ryan recognized them and a glare formed on his face. He turned to look at Brendon who just kept looking forward, avoiding his gaze. Ryan took one more look at the couple before returning his attention to the movie. At least Ryan noticed and cared.

• • •

Almost a whole week had gone by and Brendon was finally starting to feel better. Dallon had never cared about him so why should Brendon care about Dallon? He shouldn't so he didn't...or at least tried not to.

At the moment, Brendon was heading over to have lunch with Ryan again. He had been hanging with Ryan and his friends since Thursday. Brendon only had to walk down one more hallway and was turning around the corner when he spotted Dallon. Brendon panicked and finally decided to just keep his head down and walk past. He was almost at the end of the hall so he picked up the pace and started to walk faster. He was almost there just a few more-


Brendon's breath hitched and he faltered for a moment.


He was now walking full speed down the hall, only two feet away from where he needed to turn the corner. Suddenly, a hand grabbed his shoulder and brought him to a stop. Brendon clenched both his hands and his eyes shut, took a deep breath and turned around. When Brendon opened his eyes back up he saw his suspicions were right. None other than Dallon, the one person he was trying to avoid, stood before him and wanted to actually talk.

Dallon's hand was still resting on Brendon's shoulder, causing his heart to beat a little faster. Brendon had better leave before he does anything he will regret.

"Umm...I have to be somewhere. Can you please let me go?"

"Go where? Hang out with your boyfriend?"

Dallon words were harsh and stung. This wasn't going to be a friendly talk.


"What's his name? Brian? I thought you didn't want me to have a girlfriend but now you've already moved on I see."

Dallon had removed his hand from Brendon's shoulder, leaving a cold, empty space behind.

"Excuse me? You had a girlfriend while we were still dating! And now that you're my ex you don't like that I'm dating someone else? How is that fair?"

As both of them spoke, they each got closer and closer to one another. They were so close Brendon could see every detail of Dallon's face. He felt the urge to lean just a tad bit further and close the gap between their lips.

"Fair? Who said life was fair? You know what? You want to go hang out with your boyfriend? Fine! He'll probably find you too clingy and break up with you anyways."

Dallon backed up and started to turn, heading in the opposite direction Brendon had been going. Brendon felt his stomach drop a bit and his heart start to slow down, keeping at a more consistent and less rapid pace.

"Maybe I will go. And his name's Ryan!"

Brendon let out all the breath he didn't know he was holding. He ran a shaky hand through his hair and just stood there, trying to piece together what just happened. Why had Dallon come up to Brendon just to complain to him? And especially about Ryan who actually wasn't his boyfriend? Was Dallon...jealous? Brendon frowned. Did that mean Dallon still felt something for him? His eyes widened and he practically sprinted around the corner, almost bumping into Ryan.

"Wow! Why are you running so fast?"

"Sorry, Ryan. It's just that I stumbled across Dallon on my way here and-"

"You what? Slow down and tell me everything."

Brendon took in a few deep breaths before relaying exactly what happened.

"I almost kissed him, Ryan! Ugh, I'm never going to get over him, am I?"

"I don't know. Maybe it'll just take time. But getting back together with him won't do you any good so don't you dare try going down that route."

"I wasn't even thinking about that but now that you mention it..."

Ryan groaned and buried his face in his hands.

"I have an idea."

"It better not involve hooking up with Dallon in the end."

"It involves just that."

Ryan groaned again while Brendon just smirked at Ryan's regret.

"And you."


"My plan is to have you act as my boyfriend to make Dallon so jealous he has to break up with his girlfriend and get back together with me."

"Wait, wait, wait. You can't drag me into this!"

"I already did by accidentally calling you my boyfriend in front of Dallon. Sorry. I wasn't really thinking when I said it."

"Clearly! You don't seem to be thinking now either. And I'm not going to be your boyfriend."

"Obviously you aren't. You're just going to be my fake boyfriend. And you can't tell anyone because Dallon might find out. Like you may know, he has a way of finding out almost everything."

"Can I tell Pete and Jon?"

"No. Not even Pete and Jon."

Brendon's eyes had gone dark and held a seriousness in them that he hardly ever had. This was his one chance at getting his life back on track. Ryan glanced behind him and Brendon followed his gaze. Jon could be seen heading this way with Pete trailing not far behind. Brendon quickly slipped his hand into Ryan's, making Ryan look down and just send a quick glare at Brendon. When Jon spotted their interlocked hands, he frowned

"What's with the hand holding? Some new thing you guys have going on?"

"Sort of..."

Jon sent them another quizzical look. Pete finally arrived and sat down, not even noticing the awkward tension that hung in the air.

"I think I'm going to hurl. Patrick looked at me and talked to me and everything went so well and I'm going to hurl."

Pete finally looked up and pointed towards Ryan's and Brendon's hands.

"Why are you guys holding hands? Is this like preschool or something?"

"Umm...we actually just became official. We're boyfriends now," Brendon answered, knowing he can't back out of his plan now.

Pete suddenly stood up and ran to the nearest bathroom, probably to hurl.

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