Chapter 18

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Brendon's POV
He didn't know what it was. Luck? Fate? Coincidences? The only thing Brendon did know was that whenever Dallon was actually with him, Ryan was always around. Hopefully, this would make Brendon's plan a lot easier and work faster. So far it was working. At least Brendon thought it was.

Brendon would look around and spot Ryan staring straight at him. However, he would quickly look away when he realized he had been caught staring and walk away. Brendon always felt the urge to chase after Ryan but withheld himself.

Whenever Dallon wasn't with him, Brendon would go hang out with Spencer. It wasn't quite fun. Brendon preferred to hang with Pete and Jon but Ryan was always with them. Things would just be uncomfortably awkward. But one day, Pete and Jon came to him.

Brendon was walking with Spencer in the halls when he noticed Pete and Jon running towards him. Scrunching their eyebrows up in confusion, Brendon and Spencer stopped walking and let the boys continue running.

"Hey Brendon! We were going to go to Disneyland on Saturday. Do you want to come," Pete asked.

"You can bring your friend here with you," Jon added. He had been staring at Spencer the whole time.

"Um...sure I guess," Brendon answered. "But why are two grinning like a pair of idiots?"

"No reason. We all have passes. Do you," Pete replied.

"Yeah and Spencer does, too. Everyone in Southern California should have one, no excuses. Especially if they live nearby."

"Meet us at the entrance at 9," Pete said before running away with Jon.

Spencer and Brendon exchanged confused looks. That was weird.

• • •

For some reason Brendon was at Disneyland at 9:10 looking for Pete and Jon with Spencer at his side. Spencer didn't seem to care that Brendon had dragged him along. After that weird encounter with the two, Brendon couldn't believe he actually came. But it was Disneyland so he probably would've come anyways.

When he finally spotted Jon, Brendon ran over but was surprised to see more than just Pete with him. Patrick also stood close to Pete and only inches away was Ryan Ross. Brendon just stood and stared for the longest time. Was Ryan happy to see him? Brendon couldn't tell. Suddenly it was extremely clear it him why Pete and Jon had acted ridiculous. They had planned the whole thing. Brendon might as well play along and see what happened. Maybe have a little fun while he was at it.

• • •

Brendon's feet hurt and he was pretty sure they'd been almost everywhere in the park. But the whole time had been amazing. Ryan was reluctant at first to spend anytime with him but soon loosened up when he noticed Dallon wasn't around. Brendon had been casually bumping his arm into Ryan's as they walked. He found it fun to watch Ryan tense up whenever they made contact.

They'd just come off Splash Mountain feeling wet almost all over. They were waiting for their pictures to come up when Brendon decided to do the most flirtatious thing towards Ryan he had all day. Brendon tapped Ryan on the shoulder, making the boy jump.

"Hey. Does my butt look wet to you?"

Ryan looked completely shocked yet his eyes darted straight towards Brendon's butt like Brendon had hoped. In fact, Ryan's eyes didn't stray from his butt for the longest time until Brendon spoke up.

"Well, does it look wet?"

Ryan immediately started blushing and stuttered out a "no". Brendon then proceeded towards Ryan.

"Do you want me to check yours?"

Ryan started heating up and stuttering even more. Brendon reached his hand down and gave Ryan's butt a squeeze, forcing a squeak out of Ryan.

"I think yours is dry, too," Brendon whispered, quickly removing his hand as everyone turned and looked at Ryan.

They all looked confused because to them it looked as if nothing had happened. Besides the fact that Ryan's face was practically a tomato and he'd squealed just a second ago, everything seemed normal so they all turned back around and found their picture.

• • •

Everyone wanted to go onto Tower of Terror but Ryan looked scared out of his wits. Brendon took this as an opportunity to hold Ryan's hand. Ryan didn't oppose and quickly squeezed it back. Even on the ride as Ryan was screaming they held hands. Brendon couldn't be happier. He had wanted this for a long time and the only thing better would be to kiss him.

• • •

At this point it was just Brendon and Ryan. Pete and Patrick had the left the group a while ago and Jon had dragged Spencer off somewhere. The two had decided on The Little Mermaid because Ryan had never been and Brendon loved the ride. They got into a shell and pulled the lap bar down.

As soon as they passed the worker by the beginning of the ride, Brendon moved his hand on top of Ryan's. He eventually moved his hand so that their fingers interlocked.

"This was my favorite scene in the movie," Ryan said as they went through the room playing Under the Sea. "What was your favorite part of the movie?"

"Well it's coming up soon," Brendon simply said.

They made it into a small little game where Ryan tries to guess it.

"Is it this one where Ursula takes her voices?"


"When Ariel gets legs and meets Eric?"


"What is it then," Ryan whined.

"This one," Brendon answered as they came to the part where Sebastian sang Kiss the Girl. Ryan turned to face Brendon's stare. Brendon took no time into swiftly leaning in and planting his lips onto Ryan's. The rest of the ride was s blur because they didn't break apart until the end came where Ariel and Eric waved them goodbye.

"Do you want to go on again? I'm not sure I remembered which part was your favorite," Ryan said slyly.

"Only if I get to show you it the same way again," Brendon retorted.


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