Chapter 5

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Ryan's POV
Ryan knew it was going to happen and he knew it was going to hit hard. He just didn't know it would be so soon and hurt Brendon so much. It was already lunch and Ryan was heading over to the place he had told Brendon to meet him at. It was the place he usually ate lunch at with Pete and Jon.

Surprisingly, Brendon had made it through the entire fourth period without even looking like he had just had his heart broken. That boy sure could keep his composure. Spencer was the only one to question Brendon and that wasn't even about Dallon. Something about seeing him at nutrition?

"Hey, Ryan!"

Only few feet away was Pete, waving his arm and shouting Ryan's name. Sometimes Pete was funny and other times he was just plain out stupid. Ryan didn't know which this would be considered. It looked pretty funny but was absolutely stupid because Ryan had already seen him and had been heading in his direction.

"Pete, sit down. He's already over here," Jon voiced Ryan's thoughts.

Pete just rolled his eyes but sat anyways. Ryan took a spot between the two.

"Oh, guys! Is it okay if Brendon hangs with us? He's that kid from my math class."

"I'm okay with that. Pete," Jon asked.

"Yeah...that is, if you guys let me invite Patrick over to lunch next week."

"What is this now? Bring your boyfriend to lunch Thursdays?"

Pete just laughed at Jon's joke while Ryan sat there confused. Boyfriend? But Ryan didn't have a boyfriend. Unless they meant...

"Wait. You guys think Brendon's my boyfriend?"

"What was that about me being your boyfriend?"

Ryan turned his head around and stared up at Brendon's confused face. Ryan felt himself heat up and instantly wished he wasn't wearing such warm clothes. A hesitant cough escaped his mouth. Ryan glared over at his friends who had just let out a series of snickers.

"My friends here thought we were dating just because I let you spend lunch with us."


Brendon glanced over at Jon and Pete who just avoided making eye contact and were trying to hide the grins plastered on their faces. He then hesitantly took a seat next to Ryan, opened his lunch and started to eat.

"So," Pete started to ask slowly. "If you guys aren't a couple, then what are you?"

"Friends. Good friends actually," Ryan responded with a hint of annoyance.

"How come he's never hung out with us before?"

Jon had a good point. Well, Brendon was like a school friend, not really a best friend but more than an acquaintance. Someone Ryan could hang with if Pete and Jon weren't around.

"I guess we never thought about that."

Brendon was staring at Ryan who just stared back, nodding in agreement with Brendon's statement. It was true. It had never crossed their minds to hang out outside of school.

"Why don't you invite Brendon to come watch a movie with us this Saturday then?"

Jon jerked his head toward Brendon, motioning for Ryan to ask him. So Ryan turned back to Brendon and asked, "What do you say, Brendon?"

"Sure. What time?"

"Does around 7 pm sound good to you guys?"

"Sure," both Jon and Pete replied in unison.

The two stared at each other, astonished looks on both their faces. Both pairs of eyes were the size of the moon. Pete was the first one to break the sudden silence.

"Dude, do you think we're psychic?"

"I was just thinking that. Maybe we are."

"Quick! What am I thinking?"

"Umm...this lunch would be even better with pizza?"

"We are psychic!"

Brendon and Ryan looked over at each other before laughing their heads off. Ryan bent over forwards while Brendon fell back. Ryan couldn't help but notice how amazing Brendon's laugh sounded. He was going to try and make him laugh a lot more now.

• • •

Saturday rolled around and they had just arrived at the movies. Like always, Jon and Pete couldn't agree on what movie to watch. So much for them being psychic.

"Let's watch Dead on Arrival. I've been dying to see it!"

"What? No. Let's watch Nearly Witches. I've been waiting longer than you for this movie."

Ryan sighed at the two. If they kept arguing like this, they would miss both movies and end up having to do something else. Ryan turned to Brendon who was just amused by the bickering boys.

"Which movie do you want to see? We'll never get to see anything if one of us doesn't make a decision."

"Um, I'm kind of with Jon. Nearly Witches sounds interesting."

"Ha! Did you hear that Pete? Brendon wants to see it, too!"

"Whatever. I'll just see it some other time."

Pete looked pretty put off by this but went along and bought tickets with them anyways. Ryan was the first one through the glass doors and inside the air conditioned building. It took them about 5 minutes to buy popcorn and drinks. They handed their tickets to the lady near the different theaters and she ripped off the bottom half, giving back only the top part. They were directed towards Theater 6 and went inside.

The theater was pretty packed so they sat down in one of the further back rows, settling on the first open spots they saw. Jon was the first to enter and sit with Pete being the last. Pete sat closer to the stairs so he could "leave this dumb movie when it got too stupid." Ryan and Brendon were the only ones sharing popcorn but that was because the sizes were larger than Brendon had expected and the others had already ordered theirs.

Halfway through the movie, a couple in front of them caught Ryan's eye. They were spread across two seats and the guy had his arms around a brunette girl. It took Ryan a moment to realize it was Dallon and the new girlfriend Pete had talked about. Ryan glanced over at Brendon but he was to occupied with the movie to notice them. He should stop focusing on them and enjoy the movie. Dallon wasn't here to bother Brendon anyways. He probably didn't even know Brendon was here, nonetheless two rows away. But a part of Ryan couldn't help but feel like throwing popcorn at Dallon and his girlfriend as payback for hurting Brendon.

Ryan took a handful of buttery popcorn and stuffed it in his mouth instead, focusing his eyes back on the movie. He didn't pay $3 to just fume at the back of Dallon's head. Plus, the movie was at a really good and suspenseful part. Even Pete was enjoying it, wide eyes glued to the screen and arms uncrossed. Ryan better pay attention before he misses anything good or eventful.

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