Chapter 3

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Ryan's POV
Dallon Weekes? Was he serious? Brendon just happened to be dating the biggest cheat at the whole school without even knowing it. Ryan couldn't deny the fact that Dallon was attractive. In fact, Ryan would probably be in Brendon's shoes if he didn't know the truth. But Dallon wasn't one to stay loyal while in a relationship.

Just that morning, Pete had informed Ryan that Dallon had just gotten a new girlfriend named Breezy. Pete's intention had been to prove he wasn't completely oblivious to the world around him but now it was just more bad news. It wouldn't be long before this news got to Brendon. Rumors spread quick around this school. But Ryan wasn't going to be the one to tell Brendon the truth. He didn't want to break Brendon's heart.

Instead, he should start focusing on his test. He did spend a long time studying. Well, not that long. Maybe 5 minutes. Pete had texted him to come hang at his house so Ryan's studying got put off...and never continued. That reminded him, Pete and Jon were heading to the pool because it seemed like it was a million degrees outside. Thankfully this room has air conditioning. But why is it so quiet? Oh right, the test. Better get a move on that.

• • •

It seemed like everyone had the same idea. There were tons of people in the pool and sitting on the side under umbrellas. Others were simply tanning in fold up beach chairs, letting the harsh rays of the sun beat down on their backs. Ryan was only wearing swim trunks, a pair of flip flops and sunglasses. Slung over his shoulder was a beach towel and in one of his hands, Ryan held a bottle of spray on sunscreen.

The group of boys found an unoccupied spot under one of the umbrellas and left their stuff there. They each took turns using the spray on sunscreen (and choking on the fumes) before they were ready to get in the pool. Pete was the first one to cannonball in and made a huge splash. It wasn't long before Ryan and Jon followed suit. About a half hour later, they all had to leave, unwillingly he might add.

Pete was the one to have the crazy idea of having a cannonball competition at a public pool. Ryan was the one to point out the lifeguard who came over and told them to quit jumping in the pool. Jon was the one who convinced them to ignore the lifeguard and ended up getting them kicked out.

"We hardly got to swim but hey, it was worth it," Jon simply said as they headed to over to Pete's house.

"Did you see the look on her face? I thought she was going to explode," Ryan exclaimed.

"She was like 'I'm going to have to ask you to leave.' Yeah, right," Pete added. "But then she went over to her boss and we were like 'Wow. That's guy's huge. Uh, never mind we'll just leave.' He must have been like 6' 8" or something."

"Okay, Pete. Maybe not that tall," Ryan said.

"Well, you're about half a foot taller than me! How am I supposed to know?"

"True. You are pretty short."

"Says you, Jon."

"Shut up."

• • •

Once they had gotten to Pete's, they immediately started playing Mariokart 8 on his Wii U. All their homework was forgotten and just sat in their backpacks. Said backpacks had been tossed to the side of the room when they came in, no thought about what was inside them ever crossing their minds. After who knows how long, Pete's mom came in.

"Are you guys still playing that?"

"Yeah. This round, winner gets $10," Pete explained while drastically tilting the Wii remote.

"Well, when are you going to do your homework?"


"If you don't get it done anytime soon, then you're not going to be able to hang out with your friends."


"I'll be back in 30 minutes to come check on you guys, make sure you're on task."

Pete let out a loud groan as his mom removed herself from the doorway and headed down the hall. Ryan didn't say anything but that may have been because he was now beating Pete or the awkward conversation that just took place. Or both. Either way, Ryan only spoke as soon as he passed the finish line.

"I won. And in first place!"

"What?! You sneaky little-"

"Second place," Jon exclaimed, interrupting Pete and setting down his Wii remote. Both Ryan and Jon had huge smirks on their faces.

"I demand a redo! I was being distracted."

"You said and made very clear that there would be no redos or excuses," Ryan pointed out.

"But that was because I was going to win!"

"Well you didn't and now you owe me $10. You should be glad it's only $10."

"Fine. I'll pay you at school tomorrow."

"I'd love to keep chatting, guys, but we better start our homework before Pete's mom kicks me and Ryan out."

They all silently agreed and headed over to their discarded backpacks, checking what homework they had to do.

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