Chapter 13

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Ryan's POV
Today was Friday. It was almost a week since the second kiss he had shared with Brendon. It had been equally amazing as the first one. This time Ryan knew Brendon liked him back because he had kissed back. He had even leaned forward a bit when Ryan pulled back out of the kiss.

Maybe they should become an official and real couple, no longer fake boyfriends. But there was still Dallon. Right. Ryan almost forgot about him, Brendon's ex. Brendon still liked Dallon, right? Hmmm. Ryan would ask Brendon out on a date and see how it goes. After that he would figure out if he should ask Brendon if they could be an actual couple. If Ryan was lucky, both would happen and go well. If he was really lucky, Dallon might completely disappear from the picture. Yeah, if he was lucky.


Ryan jumped and immediately turned around. Brendon stood smirking and let out a few chuckles. Even though Ryan was annoyed, Brendon's rich voice soothed him and made him glad Brendon was there. He just couldn't stay mad at his ADHD boyfriend...fake boyfriend, even if he could be annoying at times.

"Hey, you wanna go to the pool again tomorrow? Last time was fun. Plus, this time you're the one that seems a bit out of if," Brendon inquired.

Ryan was taken off guard by this. Brendon was basically asking him out. Ryan had planned to be the one to do that. Maybe he did have a chance with Brendon. Maybe he would be lucky.

"Sure. Your house again or mine?"

"Your's, if you're fine with that. It'll be faster to get to the pool."

"I don't mind. Come at 7:00 to eat dinner?"

"Ooo. Dinner as well? Fine by me!"

Ryan smiled at how Brendon's face lit up at the thought of dinner. He was hopelessly falling for this boy. Ryan had passed the point of no return.

• • •

7:01. Brendon had arrived a minute ago at exactly 7:00. Ryan and Brendon were now rummaging through the cabinets and refrigerator looking for something to eat. Going out would take forever and they didn't feel like waiting in a fancy restaurant for long.

"You have pancake mix? Nice!"

Brendon had his head shoved in a cabinet and had just come across a box of pancake mix. Ryan was looking through the refrigerator and noticed they had everything they would need to make pancakes.

"Do you want to make some? We have all the ingredients necessary. There's also bacon and orange juice here."

"YES! PANCAKES," Brendon shouted, pulling out the box of mix and dry ingredients.

It didn't take them long to set everything up. The trickiest part was actually flipping the pancakes.

"Wait! Not so hard, it'll stick to the ceiling!"

"Woah! Ha ha! It didn't hit the ceiling. I'm a pancake flipping master! Oops."

Brendon had just stuck a second pancake to the ceiling. (The first one might've been Ryan's fault.) There was plenty of batter left, though, that it didn't matter too much. They had left the bacon in a different pan to cook. Maple syrup was already sat at the table along with cups of orange juice.

"Some master you are."

"Hey! You got one stuck up there, too!"


It wasn't totally Ryan's fault anyways. Flipping pancakes was hard. It just wasn't his thing. Besides, his mom normally made them, not him.

"Do you smell that," Brendon asked, scrunching up his face at the scent.

"Yeah. Smells like something's burning..."

"The bacon," they exclaimed in unison.

Ryan quickly moved the pan and turned off the stove. The bacon was charred but still seemed edible. He guessed it wouldn't be too bad...hopefully.

"Oh well. I like my bacon crispy, anyways," Brendon said as he peered into the pan.

• • •

Almost two weeks passed and it was Friday again. They had been to the pool every Saturday so far. Ryan was going to ask Brendon to become his real boyfriend at the pool tomorrow. Currently, fourth period had just ended and lunch was starting. Math had been the same as always. Brendon and Sarah had finally gotten past their awkward phase and were pretty good friends. Ryan assumed they talked a lot about relationships because they were always gossiping about that kind of stuff in math.

Ryan found Brendon and came to confront him when he noticed Dallon talking to him. Dallon caught Ryan's eye and made to leave. A few seconds later and he was gone. Brendon was left looking flabbergasted and confused. Ryan tried to ask him what just happened but Brendon didn't want to say anything until Saturday at the pool. So Ryan decided to what until then.

• • •

Ryan was sat holding Brendon again, wrapped up in a towel. Cuddling was the only thing that was actually keeping them warm. Dallon's appearance yesterday was still bothering Ryan and he couldn't wait any longer.

"So, why was Dallon with you before lunch yesterday? What did he say?"

Brendon tensed up and shifted around. He seemed hesitant to answer and uncomfortable with the sudden change in topic.

"He, uh, he came by asking my boyfriend again."

Silence fell over the two and Ryan felt his heart break and stomach drop. Maybe he wasn't as lucky as he thought he was. "Oh," was all Ryan could say.

"What should I do, Ryan?"

He turned his gaze down towards Brendon who looked lost and confused. The whole reason the two of them were even this close was because of Brendon's plan. His plan had been made to get Dallon back so why was he now hesitant to get back together with Dallon when the opportunity had been given to him? Ryan couldn't possibly tell Brendon he should forget about Dallon and stay with him, even though that's exactly what he was thinking. Brendon was so close to getting what he had really wanted.

"You should take this opportunity and get back together with him. I don't care. This whole plan and me being your fake boyfriend was meant to get you back with Dallon, right? So go for it."

Ryan's heart broke even at his own words and how real everything felt after saying it out loud. Brendon just sat there and slightly nodded his head. The night felt even colder and the silence even heavier. Both boys continued to cuddle, knowing it would probably be the last time they ever would. Ryan must've been even unluckier than he thought he was.

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