Chapter 8

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Brendon's POV
" this a date or..."

Ryan and Brendon were hanging out in Brendon's room at the moment. The "date" Brendon had invited Ryan to was underway and all they had done so far was eat cereal.

"Nah. We're just hanging out as friends but this is technically a date since we are 'boyfriends.' We don't have to act like we're on a date during occasions like this. Just when people we know are watching."

Ryan let out a sigh, probably exhaling all the awkwardness he had been feeling. Brendon just chuckled and laid down on his bed, hands behind his head. He motioned for Ryan to get on the bed as well. Ryan climbed over him and sat down criss-cross applesauce.

"So what should we do now," Ryan asked.

"Let's just talk. I'm still kind of tired."

"What did you do yesterday to make you this tired? You're normally more active."

"I went out and played paintball with Spencer and his friends. We had lunch first and then the rest of the day we played."

"I don't mean to be rude or anything but how come you spend more time with me and my friends than with Spencer and his friends?"

"I don't know. I guess I just feel like I belong more with you guys. I can flat out say what I want without being judged or thought of as weird. Well, not thought of as weird in a bad way."

Ryan sat there in silence while Brendon started to think. The only other person he had felt comfortable around was Dallon. But he still had acted slightly different around him, less out spoken. Most of the time he hadn't minded talking less so he wouldn't annoy Dallon. He should change the subject. Did Ryan like anybody? Was he hesitant to agree to Brendon's plan because he would lose any chance with them he had?

"Do you like anybody, Ryan? As in a crush?"


" it a guy or a girl?"

"Where are who I going with this? Are you literally going to try and guess who?"

"So you do have a crush on someone! Is it one of your friends?"

"Uhh...I never-"

"Is it Pete or Jon?"

"What? No! I didn't said I had a crush on anyone! Plus, if I did it's not a guy," Ryan said, finally going along with Brendon's game.

"Is it..."

Who did Ryan know that was a girl? Well, he knew he was friends with Sarah...


Ryan didn't say anything so Brendon turned to the side and rested himself upon his left arm, supporting his head with his hand. However, Ryan was looking down at his hands and part of his face was covered by his dark brown hair. Brendon's smirk soon turned into a gaping hole.

"Wait. You like Sarah? Ooooo!"

Brendon watched as Ryan's face flushed a crimson color and an embarrassed smile flickered upon his lips. Ryan wasn't denying nor confirming what Brendon had said but there was no reason for a confirmation, Ryan had basically give one.

"Why haven't you asked her out?"

"Well if you haven't noticed, everyone thinks I'm your boyfriend," Ryan answered while slightly raising his head.

"I mean before now. She is attractive and you guys are friends."

"That's the thing. What if I ruin our friendship and make things awkward between us if she says no?"

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