Chapter 14

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Brendon's POV
Brendon was confused and disappointed. Being with Dallon should've felt good and it should've helped him forget about Ryan. It definitely would've before the break up and before he met Ryan. Holding hands with Dallon just made Brendon think about how great and comforting it felt to hold Ryan's hand. Kissing Dallon had the same effect. In fact, anything Brendon did with Dallon made him think of how much better it would be with Ryan.

Maybe this hadn't been a good idea. But Brendon had went along and did it for two reasons.
1) He thought he might be able to forget Ryan and have everything go back to normal, have the care-free life he did before.
2) Ryan had told him to. The last time they went to the pool, Ryan told him to go for it since it had been the whole point of his plan. What a stupid plan it had been, especially if it ended this way.

Brendon wondered if Ryan felt the same way, lovesick.

• • •

Math was now torture. Brendon had to sit next to Ryan but couldn't hold his hand or touch him anymore. Everyone knew they had "broken up" and Brendon had "moved on." But Brendon didn't really feel like he had moved on. Maybe he should break up with Dallon once and for all and really become boyfriends with Ryan.

Ryan slightly moved next to Brendon and for a moment, it looked like he might be trying to place his hand on top of Brendon's but that thought left as soon as it appeared when Ryan grabbed his eraser which lay right next to Brendon's hand. But Ryan's hand did slightly touch Brendon's and sent a warm and comforting feeling throughout Brendon.

• • •

Saturday came and went. Brendon thought about heading to the pool to meet Ryan Saturday night until he remembered there was no longer any relationship between the two. They were only friends now. But Brendon couldn't spend as much time with Ryan anymore because Dallon insisted on being with him almost 24/7. Brendon assumed Dallon was trying to convince him that he was no longer cheating but Brendon knew he only wanted to hook back up because his old girlfriend broke up with him.

The worst part was that Brendon knew Dallon was still cheating. Had it always been this obvious that Dallon was cheating on him the last time they were together? Ryan was a way better person than Dallon. Maybe he had been on the right track when he wanted to become Ryan's boyfriend. Was is still possible? Monday Brendon would ditch Dallon to spent some time with Ryan, Pete, and Jon. Dallon would probably take his absence as an opportunity to cheat some more.

• • •

The three had been waiting for quite some time now for Ryan to show up. Pete and Jon didn't seem too concerned but it took all of Brendon's will to keep himself from turning around every other second. Where was he? It was nice, being able to talk to Pete and Jon again, but Brendon had really wanted to see Ryan.

"Hey! Look at who finally decided to show up," Pete announced, gazing somewhere behind Brendon.

Brendon quickly turned around to see Ryan heading over. But he wasn't alone. Sarah was walking over with him, a huge smile occupying her face. Brendon had only seen Sarah smile that big one other time. No. That couldn't be why...could it?

The last time Sarah smiled that greatly was when they had been talking one day. It was before Brendon had confirmed he liked Ryan as more than a friend. Back then, he would talk about anything with her. Every now and then she would ask about Ryan but he never thought much of it until that day. She was hesitant and looked worried so Brendon had pried at her until she confessed what had been bothering her. Now he wished he had never heard what she said and had never replied the way he did.

It was probably the reason why she was eating lunch with them right now. It was probably the reason why Sarah and Ryan were sitting so close. Same goes for all the times they touched and stared at each other. Same goes for why Brendon left first when the bell rang.

• • •

Sarah had been quiet and seemed hesitant to say or do anything except eat. Brendon couldn't help but wonder why. He also couldn't help asking her about it.

"Are you okay? Why do you seem so worried?"

He must have asked those two questions a million times before she spilled the real answer.

"If I tell you, will you promise to not get upset?"

"Yeah," Brendon promised.

"...I like Ryan," she confessed before covering her mouth.

Brendon sat shocked but felt giddy on the inside. Ryan might actually have a chance with his crush!


"Yes. I'm sorry! I know your dating him and I shouldn't want a taken guy but-"

"It's okay. I don't blame you. In fact, if things don't go well between us and we split, I give you full permission to date him," Brendon interrupted.

Besides, he liked a taken guy as well, Dallon.

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