Chapter 9

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Ryan's POV
Brendon had been acting strange since he talked to Sarah, almost as if he was trying to avoid something. Whenever Ryan would bring up Sarah or anything related to her, Brendon would become vague and try to steer the conversation in a different direction. Something unexpected happened and Ryan was going to find out, no matter how long it took. It probably wouldn't be that long because Brendon wasn't too good at keeping secrets.

Currently, Brendon and Ryan were hanging out on another "date" at McDonald's. (It was Brendon's idea and Ryan was hungry.) Brendon was chowing down on his burger while Ryan just finished his. Their conversation had come to a lull due to the large amount of food occupying Brendon's mouth. Ryan decided that now might be the right moment bring up Sarah and whatever happened between her and Brendon.

" did that thing between you and Sarah go? I know it's been awhile since it happened but I'm still curious."

Brendon's jaw slowed down and he quickly glanced up at Ryan before averting his eyes. Once he swallowed, he just sat in silence. Ryan could practically see the gears turning in Brendon's head, trying to find a way to avoid this conversation.

"I asked Sarah a few questions before the topic of who she liked came up," Brendon began slowly. "And...she started to...describe this person."

"Did you figure out who it was?"


Ryan waited for Brendon to tell him who but when he didn't, Ryan just decided to ask.

"Who was it?"

" was, uh, it"

The only sound was the noisy people around them. Brendon seemed pretty fixed on his burger, not daring to make eye contact with Ryan. The fact that Sarah liked Brendon instead of him did sting but not as much as it could. Ryan had had his suspicions earlier on that Sarah didn't like him back. It just wasn't apparent that she was crushing on Brendon.

"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to feel bad. Plus, you warned me about asking and I should've listened. I assume you already knew she didn't like you?"

Brendon was now staring at Ryan, sympathy in his eyes. Ryan just sighed and picked up a fry.

"Yeah. I had the idea for a while."

Silence once again filled the air. Ryan ate the fry he was holding and a few more as Brendon continued on his burger. They both weren't sure what to say. It was only a few minutes later, after Brendon finished off his meal that Brendon spoke.

"Hey. To make it up to you and lift your spirits, I have a surprise for you tonight."

"What are you making up for?"

"Well, you've gone along with everything I've got you caught up in and listened to me complain. You're also not mad that I did exactly what you didn't want me to do."

Ryan laughed at how true Brendon's statement was. why Ryan went along with what Brendon got him into, he didn't know himself. He just couldn't be mad at Brendon. Brendon just did things on impulse and without thinking through what exactly he was going to do until he had to. He was just so loose and free compared to Ryan.

"So what kind of surprise is it?"

"Just be prepared to perform."

"What? Why?"

"That you'll have to figure out on your own."

• • •

Ryan was more alert and aware of his surroundings than usual, trying to figure out where Brendon was taking him. It wasn't there or there. Maybe th- never mind. Hmmm...Could it be there? Or not. Every place he thought Brendon could be taking him to, they passed by. Where were they going? The suspense was going to kill him.

"Here we are," Brendon said, answering one of the questions that had been swarming through Ryan's head. He was gesturing towards a restaurant in front of them. Ryan walked through the door that Brendon had just opened for him and took in his surroundings.

The restaurant was dim and singing could be heard. Delicious aromas wafted about the air, making Ryan's stomach growl. It was around the time he normally ate dinner.

"Is it just the two of you," a waiter asked.

"Yes," Brendon answered.

The man led them to a small table on the right side of the restaurant by the wall. Exactly two chairs were sat around it. They sat down and ordered waters for the moment. Ryan had found the source of the singing he had heard earlier. Not too far from their table was a stage. On the stage was none other than two microphone stands and a screen displaying the lyrics to a song. Brendon had taken him to the restaurant's karaoke night.

Ryan squeezed his eyes shut and punched his nose. After a few seconds, he let out a heavy sigh and opened his mouth.

"So your idea of cheering me up was to take me out to eat and watch people sing karaoke?"

"Pretty much," Brendon answered, letting out a series of chuckles. "Maybe you'll enjoy it and even go up to sing yourself?"

"Let's just order our food right now. I feel like eating more than singing."

After throughly browsing the menu so that he may unsuccessfully drown out the horrible singing, Ryan ordered his food and started up a conversation with Brendon. They're food arrived later and they dug in. When Ryan couldn't stand it any longer, he spoke up.

"I really believe people shouldn't sing on stage unless they're good at singing or at least decent," Ryan said. He winced with every off key note that came from the speakers.

"Hey. They're just making the most of their night. Letting loose, having fun. You should, too."

Ryan just rolled his eyes but a smile still crept up onto his face. When the waiter came back to take their plates away, Brendon ordered beer for the both of them. Once the alcohol arrived at their table, Brendon immediately took a swig. He might as well, too. Ryan picked up his glass and chugged down a good portion of the amber liquid. It burned as it made its way down his throat but he gulped down more anyways. It wasn't long before both of the teens were drunk and giggly.

"Feeling loose now, Ryro?"

"Yeah! I feel great!"

"Now get ready to have some fun!"

Brendon pulled Ryan over and onto the stage. Brendon stopped In front of one of the microphone stands, forcing Ryan to stand at the other one. Ryan couldn't care less that everyone was staring at them, wondering what song they were going to sing and how well they could sing. He considered himself a pretty good singer. Ryan just didn't know how good Brendon was.

Music started to play and the words appeared on the screen. The song happened to be Teenage Dirtbag. Ryan started to sing.

"Her name is Noelle. I have a dream about her..."

Once the chorus started, Brendon joined in. Ryan turned to look over at Brendon and almost forgot to sing altogether. His voice was amazing. It was rich, smooth and perfect all the way through. Brendon turned towards Ryan and grinned once he caught his stare. Ryan mirrored his grin. The second verse came along but Brendon was left singing alone this time.

Brendon came over and started to share the microphone with Ryan when the chorus came back up. They were so close together and having an amazing time. Ryan couldn't help but start to realize how hot Brendon really was. It might have been the alcohol but Ryan couldn't tell. His heart was racing and he was having the time of his life. Ryan didn't even notice that the song was over until he was singing the last lines with Brendon.

"Oh, yeah, dirtbag, no, she doesn't know what she's missin'."

Ryan stared into Brendon's eyes and could tell that things were going to be different for him from then on.

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