Chapter 10

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Brendon's POV
Last night was awesome! Brendon finally got Ryan to loosen up and have a great time. Well, with a little help from a few glasses of beer...or more. He couldn't remember exactly how much they drank or how many songs they sang on stage. But it didn't matter because it was worth it, even if he did have a huge headache.

Speaking of his headache, he really needed some pain killers. Brendon went to the medicine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of aspirin. Taking two pills and a glass of water, he swallowed them, hoping the medicine would kick in soon. It was a while before his headache became just a bearable throb.

For the rest of the day, all Brendon wanted to do was lay around and watch TV. So that's what he did. He only took a break to make himself lunch and finish the last bit of homework he forgot to do yesterday. At some point, Ryan texted him and they decided to watch Netflix together at Brendon's house.

They made popcorn and a blanket fort before actually watching anything. It was chilly outside and inside the house so the two of them cuddled. Brendon rested his head on Ryan's shoulder while Ryan had his arm around Brendon. That wasn't enough so they grabbed a blanket, wrapped it around themselves and got back into their cuddling position. Unfortunately, they had school the next day so Ryan had to leave. Good thing they went to the same school.

• • •

It was a Monday. Brendon was hanging with Ryan. The other guys, Pete and Jon, hadn't shown up yet. It had been colder the past few days and today a breeze was blowing, making it even colder. Brendon hoped his jacket would keep him warm all day long because it was the only thing he had brought. He could still feel the cold bite of the wind with his jacket on but it wasn't as strong.

Currently, Brendon was in a deep conversation with Ryan about guitars. Brendon had started the conversation by telling Ryan about his guitar. Some kid down Brendon's street had sold him it thinking he was ripping Brendon off when really it cost more than how much he sold it for. Ryan started to tell his story about his first guitar. A minute into his story, Brendon noticed someone coming over from not too far away. As they came into view, Brendon realized it was Dallon. He focused back on Ryan and tried to ignore the person only a few yards away heading towards them but it wasn't working. What should he do? Brendon frantically searched his mind for an idea to repel Dallon and went ahead with the first thing that came to mind.

"It was a-"

Ryan was suddenly cut off by Brendon's lips smashing against his. Almost as soon as they made contact, Ryan kissed back, his eyelids shutting closed. Brendon never thought he would enjoy something as much as he enjoyed kissing Ryan. A wonderful sensation flowed throughout him and it all came from the spot Ryan's lips were touching. His eyes were also closed and everything he had been thinking was forgotten. Brendon almost forgot completely why he had decided to kiss Ryan until Ryan pulled away, leaving them gasping and wanting more.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Kiss me," Ryan clarified.

"Oh. Dallon was behind you and he was coming really close and I panicked so...I did the first thing I thought of," Brendon tried to explain.

He checked his surroundings and noticed that Dallon had disappeared. Brendon let out a deep breath. His cheeks were a deep shade of red and his breathing was uneven.

Brendon hadn't expected to experience anything like he just did from one kiss. Sure kissing Dallon was amazing but it was different, more aggressive and lustful. Ryan's touch felt more meaningful and deep. More like he was trying to say something or convey his feelings through his actions. Whereas Dallon kissed for the feeling of it, nothing more nothing less.

How could one thing make Brendon feel and think so much? It was all too much for him.

"Wow. What happened to you two?"

Pete was staring at Ryan and Brendon who had just been staring at each other, breathing heavily. Jon stood next to Pete looking equally astonished and confused. Ryan and Brendon both opened their mouths to say something but nothing came out. Thankfully the bell rang before anyone actually had time to say or explain anything. The two boys made a quick get away, leaving Pete and Jon to make their way to class on their own.

• • •

During lunch and nutrition, Brendon and Ryan tried to act as if nothing had happened that morning. Pete and Jon finally gave up trying to ask and instead changed the topic. Whatever had happened Brendon wasn't about ready to confront or think about. Maybe later but for the time being, he wasn't mentally prepared to understand.

They didn't hold hands for the rest of the day either. But first thing the next day, they were back at it, fingers interlocked and dangling by their sides. It was actually a comfort now for Brendon. Holding Ryan's hand made Brendon feel more at ease. It might have to do with the fact that Dallon wouldn't approach him when he was with Ryan like this.

Why Brendon was now trying to avoid Dallon he didn't know himself. Nerves? Uncomfortableness? Who knows. All Brendon knew was that avoiding Dallon might create a problem in his plan, actually getting back together with Dallon. But Brendon didn't want to deal with that at the moment either. In fact, now may be the only time Brendon will ever want to do classwork, notes, anything to distract himself. Ugh. There definitely must be something wrong with him if he wants to work.

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