Chapter 16

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Brendon's POV
Brendon had gotten pretty drunk last night. Well, really drunk. Now he had a major hangover but that wasn't the only terrible thing. Since he got really drunk, Brendon could only remember a few things. A small thing he remembered was saying, "I'm not as think as you drunk I am," to someone who wouldn't stop bugging him about cutting down on the alcohol. One of the major ones, though, was Ryan passionately and happily kissing Sarah. The scene kept playing in his head over and over again.

Ryan bending down as he's grinning from ear to ear and planting his lips on top of Sarah's. Them never breaking apart for the longest time. And even though he had been drunk, Brendon remembered feeling a pang of sadness and hurt. The next second, however, someone had started kissing him as well and from that point forward he couldn't quite remember anything else.

Of all things to remember, it had to be that moment. The part that pained Brendon the most was how content Ryan looked. During all the time he had spent with Ryan, he had never looked that happy. Brendon's gut twisted and hardened and his eyes stung.

"Ugh," Brendon groaned.

Brendon's hands flung to his face and pushed at his watering eyes. He didn't want to cry. He couldn't cry. He didn't deserve to cry. Brendon had left Ryan and now Ryan was happier with some other girl. He was happier with Sarah.

Brendon spat profanities, starting at a whisper and then gradually getting louder until he was screaming at the top of his lungs. This was one of those things that Brendon would get drunk over. Normally he would drink for days on end until he finally got tired of the constant pain and moved on or faced his problem. But this problem was created while being drunk. He didn't want any more problems to arise.

At this point, the tears just came flooding. All Brendon could do was sit on his bed and let everything out.

• • •

Dallon had called and heard Brendon sniffling so he drove over to Brendon's house. Now Brendon continued to sit on his bed but had Dallon's arms wrapped around him. The contact did help a bit but at the same time it made it worse. Dallon's embrace only reminded him of how Ryan used to hold him by the pool every Saturday night.

The tears came back. Dallon began to run circles into Brendon's back. Even though Brendon knew Dallon was still cheating on him, he couldn't help but think of how nice Dallon really was. He actually did care, just not as much as he could and not as much as Brendon wished he did.

All Brendon wanted now, though, was Ryan. But he couldn't be with him. At the moment, Dallon was all Brendon had. And that was all thanks to Ryan and Brendon's plan. Hmm. If his plan had worked to get Dallon back, why couldn't it work to get Ryan back as well?

"Dallon," Brendon croaked.

"Hmm?" Dallon continued to rub Brendon's back.

"I have a major hangover but I don't have any pain killers left. Would you mind taking me to get some?"

"Not at all. In fact," Dallon replied, turning his head to stare into Brendon's bloodshot eyes. "I think I need some, too. My hangover from last night's party is killing me as well. That party was pretty epic. Too bad I can't remember any of it."

• • •

Brendon and Dallon were walking down the medicine aisles hand in hand. Brendon didn't actually need any pain killers because he still had some left at home. He had made the excuse up hoping Ryan actually needed some and he would bump into him at the store. He asked Dallon to come along so Ryan would be jealous. Also, if Sarah was with Ryan, Dallon could help Brendon cope.

"Here we are," Dallon chirped. "These alka seltzer pills should do the trick."

"To the checkout lane!" Brendon slightly dragged Dallon along.

Honestly, he didn't want to leave so soon. Ryan could come at any moment and Brendon wanted to be there when he did. If he did that is. But if Brendon didn't leave now, he probably wouldn't ever and Dallon might get suspicious.

Surprisingly enough, Brendon happened to spot Ryan entering the store just as they were leaving. For the few seconds Ryan and Brendon held each other's gazes, a tension fell between them and longing was etched into both their eyes. Or at least that's what it seemed like to Brendon. He had no idea if Ryan had felt the same thing.

A few seconds later, Brendon glanced back and noticed Ryan still staring at him. He was actually staring specifically at Brendon's hand which was intertwined with Dallon's. So far Brendon's plan was working...again. This time Brendon planned on staying with Ryan.

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