The final (Mission pt.5)

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Lucy's P.O.V
I woke up and realized i was looking in Mika's side.I went to move my leg Which was a bad mistake.Once i moved me leg i heard a moan from Mika.Looking down at me leg i relized it was directly under his manhood.Mika grabbed one of my boobs and moved it around.I couldnt hold back "Ohh Mika" I moaned.Mika looked down at me.I had a huge smirk plastered on my face Mika had no expression for me.He had a plane face and got up.He looked at me winked and stuck his tounge out at me.I rolled my eyes and wanted to fall asleep again.Then i forced my self to get up.Mika wasnt in the bathroom now.I yawned and took a shower i couldnt reach my back I sighed and then felt something washing my back.
I turned around and saw Mika.
"Hey babe" He licked my neck.
"Not now Mika" I said taking the sponge out of his hand.Mika just shrugged it off and dried off. We both then got dressed.We were walking down stairs laughing and talking.Yu noticed how happy i was.He left me alone for now.
Later after Mika went into the kitchen and left me in the living room alone becuase Nastu was out side fighting with gray and Sting was watching to make sure it dosent get out of hand.Yu walked up to me it was akward because i had to tell him we were never dating.Yu looked at me and said the most shocking thing.
"I alrady know" He smiled but that soon turned into a frown.
"I-Im sorry we basiclly were never officially Dating" I said trying to be suddle. Mika then walked in and Yu punched Mika.He then doged it quickly and turned into a shadow and disappeared with Yu.My eyes widened and I ran threw the house looking for the two.
Yu's P.O.V
I had felt so torn apart I was angry at Mika I wished he never admitted his love to Lucy.
"Get your own girl Mika" I said as he dropped me into the basement.
He finally appeared and he mumbled something that would soon make me live a living hell.
"Nightmare Magic" As soon as he said that my worst fear was playing threw my mind.
In Yu's Mind
I woke up on the ground.I looked around nothing has happened yet.Lucy ran up to me and smiled.I hugged her.
"Thank god your here Mika's going crazy"I said half lieing.I looked behind lucy and saw her father.
Jude then picked up Lucy and started choking her.I was being held down by guards.
"Y-Y-Yuuu.....He..Lp..." She said struggling to get the words out to me.
"LET HER GO....PLEASE.....SHES ALL I HAVE LEFT..." I cried and cried.Then My nightmare was only beginning.I had had so much anger and my cursed gear couldnt take it any more.My arm began getting bigger and soon Black shadows bursted out.One of my eyes were a light red and i was bleeding from my eye.I have became a Monster.I ended up taking My cursed gear and killing Jude but my rage didnt end there.I looked at Lucy and the guards.I ran at them Killing Lucy and the guards in the process.I fell to my side and it was over Lucy's lifeless body was just laying there.I reached my arm out but I blacked out before i could lift my arm.
Back in real life Still Yu's P.O.V
I looked around realizing it was a nightmare.I was crying on the ground.The basement door slammed open.My guardian angel was standing in the door way.Lucy walked up to Mika.
"What happened to him" She looked at me noticing i was crying.
"He wanted to pick a fight so i fought back I can't ever talk him out of it." Mika said while walking out before he did.Lucy pulled him tward her and kissed him?INFRONT OF ME!!!
"Im not mad ok" She said as they both put there foreheads together.Mika nodded and walked out.
"You can have your talk now." She waved Mika off and she looked at me.With a disappointed face.
"Yu you shoulda just listened so you didnt have to have that happned." Lucy picked me up and I blacked out after The light hit my face.
Gray's P.O.V
I saw Lucy xome out of the basement.She looked mad and angered.I wanted ro asked her what's wrong but she didn't look like she was in the mood to talk.I shrugged it of and remembered that today was the last day we had.I sighed
"This was fun while it lasted"I said leaning back on the couch.When I layed back fully on the couch I felt a really soft pillow.It mad a noise so i wnet to agust the pillow and i got slapped.I turned around and saw Lucy.I realized I was laying my head on her boobs.I got up and bows.
"G-Gommen" I said and my voice gor low and deep.
"Its ok" Lucy said getting up to.
"This was a fun trip to.I mean were gonna have two new members to the guild" She smiled and I knew she ment Yu and Mika.
Speaking of the devils they had their stuff ready and packed up to leave.The small old lady came in the door.
"Why hello my children how where you all" She said Sweetly.Lucy walked with her and gave her extra money.Thats my lucy kind and cherishing.I smiled and let out a deep laugh.Lucy death glared me.It sent chills down my spine.
"G-gommen" I walked up stairs and started packing my self.Natsu was in bed Sick.I pakced his stuff to...But i put a fake snake in there.I mean i cant pack his stuff and not do something to it.I let out a sigh and stood up.I shook Natsu so we could leave.
"Natsu" I kept shaking him he felt cold.I thought he was dead.He had a note written on the side of his bed.
Hello to whom ever was reading this...
If I am sick in the morning then please get lucy in here quickly.
If a dragon dosent see his or her mate in 2 days he will get sick and slowly start to die...
If your still reading then go now before i die unless Gray is reading this...
He peobably wants me to die...But let us have a truce if gray fullbuster is reading this.
My hands shook at the thought.I ran down stairs nearly tripping twice in the process.I grabbed lucy and excused her from the old lady.I took her upstairs and puched her on Natsu.Her eyes widened.
"I-Is he dead." She said reading the note.
"A-Are we to late" She said starting to sob and hold onto Natsu's lifeless body.She saw that his eyes where open.
Lucy's P.O.V
I was laying on Natsus lifeless body.I felt tears come rushing down my face.I looked into his lifeless eyes, and put my hands on his face.I hesitated at first because he was cold I couldnt let go of out memories together not yet.I placed a gentel kiss on his lifeless cold lips.
"Im sorry for letting this happen" I whispered into his ear.I knew he probably didn't hear me but I was wrong.
"Its ok luce im hear..Im alive" Natsu's Muscular arms wrapped around me.My eyes widened in shock.He was so cold i thought he was dead for sure.
"I-I thought you died....DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN" I pounded on his abs.He looked at me with a plain face.
He pulled he into a tight hug.He didn't wanna let go nether did I.
"Its ok...Im here" Natsu gently placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Never forget me Lucy even if im not here" He said as if he would die one day.
"W-What do you mean.You here alive." I said confused.Natsu took his thumb and wiped away my tears.I now wasn't crying anymore.I wasn't confused anymore he looked at me as if he knew I would reject him.
"Luce you have a boyfriend.Your not gonna have a baby with me.I'm not gonna mate with you i'll be rejected one way or another" He showed me a weak smile.
"Even if it means ending my relationship with Mika and letting you live...I would do that anytime" He had a shocked expression at first but it slowly turned into a smile.I returned the smile and I left the room to go pack my things.Natsu quickly grabbed my hand.
"Please stay with me for a while longer"He said.I was now worried.
"Please dont do anything You'd regreat"He looked at me.He took a knife outta his pocket.My eyes widened in shock and i quickly grabbed the knife.
"I dont wanna go yet" Natsu said as i hugged him and angerly cussed at him.He didnt care he was just glad i was worried.I sighed and Threw the knife on the floor.
"Come on were leaving now"

I ran down stairs and got the jewles and gave some to Me,Gray,and sting.Everyone was confused why they didnt get any.
I simply told them they weren't supposed to come in the first place so they didnt get any.I also explained that was the perfect amount of jewles left for my rent.Egeryone laughed and continued talking on the way to the train.I smiled at everyone because we were all getting along.Everything was perfect in my eyes.I mean besides Gray and Yu fighting playfully.Besides that everything was pretty normal.Natsu got on the train and kept stairing at me.He sat beside me on the train to.We all were shocked Natsu wasn't sick.I smiled and played with Natsu's hair as he fell asleep.When we got of the train we were finally and Magnolia again.We walked in the guild and everyone was laughing.They all looked at Natsu.I remembered in that moment I forgot to to take out the brades in his hair.I ran smiled and giggled playfully.
Everyone was surprised becuase Natsu just smiled and laughed at it like it was nothing.I took out the brades while he was sitting down.Everyone was drinking now to celebrate the return of Me,Natsu,Gray,Sting.The rest of the guild was looking Weirdly at Yu&Mika.I grabbed Yu's and Mika's had and ran to Master Macorov's office.Macorov was sitting in his chair and welcomed us in.

"What brings you here my child"Master said looking at the Mika&Yu.
"New recruits they wanna join"I said and smiled at them.
"Are you both sure because your not joining a team.Your joining a family"Yu&Mika Mika nodded.
"Well welcome to FairyTail"Master walked out of his office and dragged Mika&Yu Along with him.
"FAIRYTAIL WE HAVE NEW COMERS" He said yelling over the noice of the guild.Everyone cheered on Mika&Yu.
"Hello My names Yu.I am here because of some one special in my life.Lucy Heartfillia" He smiled and looked at me.
"Hello my names Mika.I am also here because of Lucy Heartfillia.Mika smiled and all the girls even Juvia was bluching and gasping at his enchanting smile.I wasn't bluching because I get to wake up and see that smile everyday and Night.
Mika walked over to me and made it clear.The whole guild was watching.Mika leaned down and kissed me.All the girls in the guild we're now complaining how i get all the guys.Mean while i was standing there smiling at him.

"What a horrible smile"Everyone turned to the dark corner of the guild.In the corner was Lisanna.
"What a horrible Face"Mika added on to her sentence.
"Didnt know we talk aloud anout our selves in the guild"Mika said scolding Lisanna again and again.
"Cute but rude"Lisanna said stepping into the light.She walked up to Mika and got in his face.She went to kiss him, but Mika scolded her once again.
"Im sorry I dont wanna get ebola from you"Mika was now had his arm around me.Lisanna only had one thing to say.
"Then now Natsu can be mine I mean you have a person so let him mate with me for Mating season"Lisanna knew Natsu didn't wanna let me go.Natsu stepped up and said.
"Fine but leave luce outta this"Natsu looked back at me and saw I was about to cry.
"Please dont" Natsu mumbled.I nodded and I held back my tears.Lisanna shook her head.
"Hmmm maybe not.I wanna make her life a living hell"Lisanna smirked and slapped me.
"Big mistake"Mika said.He mumbled the words.
"Nightmare magic: Target Lisanna" Mika tapped her forehead.Lisanna fell to the ground screaming.Master Macorov did nothing.He knew she had it coming.Lisanna stood up and slapped Me and Mika.Yu stepped in.
"Listen, theres no need for this so go"Yu didnt want me of Mika getting hurt.Lisanna laughed and shook her head.
"Poor you"Lisanna went to slap Yu,but He caught her hand.
"Get a life you whore"Yu let his anger get the best of him.Lisanna was truly offended and hurt by his words.
Lisanna fell to the ground.Natsu looked at me.
"Your still my mate luce"His dragon side was showing.Natsu didnt care he held it back.
"4th stage...Unlock" Natsu fell to the ground and his Dragon side was forced to come out...
But then he....
Yay cliff hanger..
Hehehe stage 4 go and look back and see what it is if you remember what it is...
then good for you XD
Oh first cooment gets to decide if next shapter will be a
Or Yulu
Part so have fun whom ever gets first comment.
Or you can let me do the special writing Not part of the story..
any ship from Fairy tail you want.So Yep
Untill next chap...Bye-Bye

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