Part 3: Carter different towards Tori.

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Tori POV

I was sat in the front room with Leon and Theo. Theo was falling asleep so I took him up to bed and I heard noises in the bedroom. I decided not to go in so I went downstairs and started talking to Leon again. A while later Leon left so I tidied up and I went up to bed. Carter was led across the bed flicking through the telly. I say "What's wrong Carter?"

"Nothing," Carter replied.

"Carter I'm your wife, what is going on?" I ask

Carter looked at me and stayed quiet, I sigh and I say " did you go and see Stacey today?"

Carter looked shocked and he said "How did you know?"

"She texted me, well I think it was her, it said something like you will be her's and you will leave me," I reply

Carter said "Babe, honestly I only went there to tell her to leave us alone, she said if I didn't do everything she wants, she is going to kill you and Theo,"

I sat there not knowing what to do, I say "Carter why would you go to her in the first place, she hurt our family, she kidnapped me and Leon and you still went there, she should still be in prison but they let her out with good behaviour,"

I stood up and stormed out the room, I grabbed Theo and made my way out the house, I couldn't be there when I know all this, I got into the car and I went to Hannah's and Tom's place. I turned up at the door and Hannah answered, she looked at me confused and she said "Tori, what's happened?"

I was in tears by the time I sat down, Leon came rushing into the room and walked over to me. I told them what happened and the way Carter has been acting. I told them I was tired so they let me stay in my old room with Theo. Theo was asleep so I put him down and I led down next to him. I kept tossing and turning and still I couldn't get to sleep. I got up out of bed and made my way downstairs. I made a drink and sat down on the stool, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, so I stood up and it was Leon. He said "What you doing up?"

"Couldn't sleep, I got too much on my mind," I sigh

"Y'know Carter was probably only trying to protect you lot," Leon said

"I know Le, it's just that's not what upset me its the fact he went to her house," I reply

"Yeah I know baby girl, but you need to understand what he did and why he did it, maybe it's best you speak to him and sort it out with him," Leon says

I sigh and I say "I'm going to bed,"

I got off my seat and went upstairs to bed, I led down and I fell straight to sleep, hopefully I can sort my head out and think about what I'm going to do next.

Sorry for taking so long to write the next part but I was trying to think of what to write and I've had some problems.

Thank you for waiting patiently.

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