Part 2: Carter meeting Stacey

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Tori POV

I am so much better today, I have dropped Theo off at his first day at nursery and now I am resting on the sofa whilst watching Jeremy Kyle. My phone went off and I knew it was a text message.

It read:

Unknown: Carter will be with me, once and for all. He doesn't love you or your precious little Theo. Just watch your back...

I didn't reply to the message I just sat there not knowing what to do. I texted Leon to see if he could come over and he replied straight away saying he was on his way. About 30 minutes later the door bell went so I got up carefully and answered the door. Leon came in and he asked "What's so urgent?"

I showed him my phone and he looked at the text. He said "Who would write something like this?"

"I don't know but I'm scared just incase Carter has found someone else and he doesn't love me anymore," I reply

"Tori of course Carter still loves you, he wouldn't be with you if he wasn't plus you wouldn't have another little one on the way," Leon smiled "Just ask him when he's home what the message is about,"

I nod slightly then Leon said he had to go, I quickly grabbed my bag and made my way to pick Theo up from school. Hopefully he's had a good day.

Carter POV

I decided not to go into work today and to go and see what Stacey wanted, I knew It was going behind Tori's back but with her being pregnant I don't want her stressing. I got out my car and made my way to Stacey's front door, I kept thinking that maybe I should walk away now and not see her but then it was too late because she answered the door, in nothing but her underware and he robe. I rolled my eyes and she said "Hey baby come in,"

I walked in and Stacey shut the door, she showed me into the front room and I sat down. I say "So what do you want?"

"You silly, I want you back, I know I made some mistakes but I know you still love me and you want us to be together again," Stacey replied

I started laughing and I say "Stacey we are NEVER getting back together, I'm with Tori and she's the love of my life, if I wanted to be with you, wouldn't you think I would have by now,"

Stacey stood there shocked, and she said "I was going to be nice but that's not working but you better leave Tori or your precious Theo will have no parents,"

I went to say something but I say "Come near my son and I will personally kill you got it,"

Stacey nods and then I walked out of her house.

I walked home and Tori was sat in the front room with Leon and Theo. Tori looked at me and she asks "Where have you been?"

"Just out," I snapped

I walked upstairs and stayed in the bedroom. I didn't mean to snap at her but I need time on my own.

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